
Chapter 11: Iron Man to the Rescue

Tony Slowly comes to, his head throbbing in pain he slowly gets up as he heads over to his nearby desk." Jarvis, did you manage to catch the license plate of the truck that hit me?" Jarvis then responds with his usual posh tone. " sorry sir but I was not able to identify the individual that attacked you though I did get a recording of the conversation."

Tony groans as he makes it to his desk and grabs out a bottle of whiskey and glass and pours himself some. " Play it back, Jarvis please save it to my personal server as well."

While Tony watches the encounter again he notices the passing remark that the being said about his father. " Jarvis can you check the search and rescue team's progress." Tony clenches his fist as he waits for a reply.

Jarvis responds " Sorry sir but they are still on their way to the location however I will inform you immediately once they return." Tony nods slightly. " Thank you Jarvis, keep me updated but if what this guy says is true then he needs to be brought to justice."

" might I remind you sir that the black knight character possesses the ability to teleport at will, I don't think the police will be able to capture him! " Jarvis states making Tony stop and think for a bit.

" You know what Jarvis you have a point." Tony then heads to his workstation and starts to design something but before he can start the door to his lab opens and in walks Rhody. " Tony, Are you in here? You know you missed school today you know."

Tony looked across his lab and sees Rhody behind a lot of large machining stations and other equipment. " I am over here Rhody, also I know I missed school but something important came up." As Rhody gets closer Tony continues.

" Rhody my dad has gone missing and I fear the worst." Rhody after walking over looks very concerned and pipes up. " What do you mean you fear the worst, don't get me wrong here Tony but I know your dad has the best security around.

Tony sighs as he sits down at his workstation before eventually filling in Rhody on what has happened but halfway through Jarvis interrupts." Excuse me sir but I hate to interrupt but they found him" Jarvis's usually posh tone sounds down and slightly depressed.

Hearing this Rhody and Tony pause in shock as they caught the somber tone and vibe in the room. Tony then glares for a moment, a metaphorical fire burning in his eyes before he starts his design.

Rhody notices the change in his long-time friend and heads over to see what he is working on while remarking during the awkward atmosphere." So an AI huh I knew you wouldn't be working on something simple is that why you have not been out with me and pepper lately?"

Rhody looks at Tony hoping the question might help distract and cheer up his friend who was clearly hurting. Tony pauses briefly and smiles slightly." Yeah haha, I worked hard to get Jarvis operational over the years and I was finally going to show up my dad once and for all, prove that I was the better."

At this moment Rhody just puts his hand on Tony's Shoulder to comfort him. As he does Tony who was about to spiral stops and look's up at him before smiling." Rhody, Thanks man I don't know what I would do without you. Now help me out what do you think? "

Tony shows Rhody his first design of the Iron Man armor it's a rather bulky large suit with heavy armor plating. ( picture Warmachine from Armoured Adventures but with no weapons)

Rhody looks it over and grins before looking worried." If I am being honest Tony It looks promising but it also looks like it's meant to fight in the front lines sacrificing speed for armor. But the main question you should be asking yourself is why Tony let the police or shield handle that Black knight dude? "

Tony looks at his friend who is concerned." Trust me Rhody, if I thought they could I would but whatever they have it won't be able to stop him so it's up to me." Tony looks over the design again before tossing it and starting over.

After an hour of designing with Rhody's Occasional input helping him, Tony eventually creates the design for the MK 2 Ironman armor with an interface for Jarvis as well as a built-in energy shield then spending another 7 hours with the help of the assembly line in his lab Tony finally creates the armor before painting it Red and Gold.

Rhody watches from the back as through the process of building the armor Tony was slowly forgetting his loss and was looking rather happy. Rhody then looks shocked as Tony gets in the armor." Are you insane, you can't test that thing now Tony what if you plummet from the sky you will crash."

Tony looks over at Rhody before sliding the face plate down." Don't worry mom I'll be back before curfew and I promise not to drink and fly." Then before Rhody could respond Tony activated the jet boots to hover." Jarvis, open the drone hatch." as the hatch opens Tony flew through just barely making it out.

Outside as tony is putting the suit through the works making sure that it is indeed safe with the help of Jarvis he eventually spots a train heading rather fast to the tower." hey Rhody can you check if there are any trains scheduled to show up at the tower today? also Jarvis can you scan to see if maybe the breaks are out on the train I don't think it should be going that fast.

Rhody checks the files on Tony's computer and after a few seconds responds. " There is no scheduled train Tony, actually, the tower's generators are on the track for maintenance." Sir, there also appears to be no one on the train as well as the fact that the train has been set to the highest speed is most suspect. I have hacked into the transportation network to try and slow it but I am unable to do so."

Hearing both Rhody and Jarvis Tony comes up with a plan and flies down to the track heading to the line change before searching up the schematic and blasting the power source before moving the track to the other line just in time for the train as it races past him.

Just as Tony is about to fly away he hears Jarvis." I hate to be the bearer of bad news sir but that line is not finished yet." Tony realizing what he has done groans and flies off after the train and tries to stop it manually but after failing, Jarvis speaks up again." Sir might I suggest uncoupling the cars before trying to stop it the suit would then be able to stop the last car."

Tony nods and follows Jarvis's plan and uncoupled the cabins and just as the last train car falls from the unfinished track Tony swoops under it and pushes the jet boots to the max eventually lifting the whole train car. The people in the middle of the intersection below first freak out and start to run before eventually cheering when Tony puts the train car back on the track.

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