
I am Genos

Just a heads up I've was going to use the timelines of the #52 series but was realized the timelines they have given for Justice League: War and others are mixed up.

Justice League War was in Nov 2020 in the movie going off sources, 'Son of batman' is set in 2013? which is a week before Justice league: Throne of Atlantis. So I will attempt to fix it by going off the release dates with some changes to make up for it.

So heads up Justice League war is set for 2014.


10 September 2010

New York - S.T.A.R labs


A small black and red blob slowly squeezes itself through a skylight as it falls to the grown taking the form of a man, 'Finally, took me long enough to get my virus into where they hide their 'good stuff'. I've been slowly gaining the trust of the people at S.T.A.R labs currently they think I'm just a young brilliant mind, I even got my own lab where I'm currently trying to make Hover-tech similar to the 'Galvin Jetpack' that 'Malware' absorbed.

Walking through the hall I find what I was looking for, a lab labeled 'Lance Harrower' luckily I hacked all of the security so I don't have to worry about sensors going off, slipping under the door I look around at Lance's personal lab. 'Messy' with plans and junk lying everywhere but in the corner of the room I find what I was after, 'SmartSkin' inside a large protective cabinet with the Smartskin laying on steel racks.

'Thank you for your kind donation' as I begin to hack the device to open, *Brrrt* Looking at the strange silver material I admire the enginuity of the material 'Time for an upgrade' as I begin to absorb all of the Smartskin. I feel heat as if my skin itself is on fire 'that's weird I'm immune to fire so how am I feeling heat?', the sensation continues and beings to hurt I feel like I'm losing conscious as everything darkens.

*Falls down*

'Ah my head' Looking around I'm glad nothing bad happened like begin found, using my clock in my head I find I was out cold for three hours time being '2.23am'. As I get up off the floor I realize something 'I'm taller? wait did I evolve?', quickly leaving the office I head to the nearest mirror to look at myself. 'Damn, I look badass' gazing at my new form I look similar to 'Malware's second form' just skinnier and four fingers instead of three and I don't have that star thing (mouth maybe?).

'I still got time' after leaving Lance's lab I begin to look around for other tech, at first I was honestly pretty depressed what I found till I got to a lab labeled 'Anthony Ivo' I didn't know the scientist that well or what he built so I ignored him mostly. Sneaking into Ivo's lab I couldn't find anything useful till I gazed at one of the blueprints on the table, 'holy sh*t that's it! Amazo!' going off what I could read he was still unfinished and left currently in the 'Redroom'.

The one place I haven't hacked into yet, 'even if he's incomplete I'll definitely absorb him' making my way to the red room I come to a giant metal door, gaining access wasn't too hard because I didn't have to avoid other scientists but I was still worried about guards even though I didn't see any. Looking around there wasn't much at the moment, which is weird because apparently only the most dangerous stuff was kept here.

Futher down at the back near the 'Promethean skin graft' I found it a half-complete body of Amazo the cyborg that nearly defeated the League by itself, slowly I begin to absorb Amazo and the 'incomplete' A-maze system it has. 'Wow I feel great, but how do I know if it worked properly?. Thinking about it I came with a conclusion 'It's about time I met Superman', I soon begin to slowly leave the building after a great haul.


11 September 2010

Queens, New York


'Ohh f*ck I'm tired, but I'm supposed to be a living computer how am I tired?', slowly I ascend and begin my standard morning routine. The only good thing about today is it's Saturday so no school, 'let's got to 'Metropolis'. Walking outside I move behind some trees and transform before launching off into the air in my drone form, after around 20 minutes of flying I find myself in a jungle of high building and clean streets 'Wow Gotham could learn a thing or two from this place'.

Landing down on one of the other buildings next to the one I'm looking for, a tall building with a Earth-globe on its roof 'Daily Planet' the workplace of Superman. Using my Technokinesis I hack into the Daily Planets communications to a line for a 'Clark Kent', slowly I hear the phone ring before it answers *Hello welcome to the Daily Planet, this is Clark Kent how may I help you?* listening to him I know it's definitely Superman from analyzing and comparing it to other videos of him.

"Hello Kal-El of Krypton" I reply with my Malware voice, there is silence for a moment * . . . Who are you? and what do you want * replys Clark in a cold voice. "Don't worry I mean you no harm, I'm just very curious about you" I answer "Do you want to meet? five minutes, building on the east side of yours", Clark doesn't reply and just hangs up.

Not a minute later Clark is out and on the same building as me in his suit, "So what do you want, and what are you" Clark questions as he gazes over my Mechamorphic form. "I meant what I said Kal-El I'm curious about you, and I'm a fan" I reply honestly "One of the few last surviving Kryptonians alive", Clark looks at me confused before rushing and pinning me against the wall "What do you know? tell me!" shouted Clark sounding a bit desperate.

I was less focused on Clark and more the feeling of incredible strength I had, slowly I stood up against Clark's strength. He showed surprise that someone could physically match him since this never occurred before, "Kal calm down I don't want to fight ok" I say slowly "I can tell you what I know but you need to calm yourself".

Clark slowly removed himself off me but remained vigilant not letting me leave his eyes, there seemed a fury of emotions werling inside Hope, Fear, Sadness, Happiness and doubt. "You have one living relative a cousin, her name is Kara Zor-El she was your elder cousin and was send to earth after you left to look after you" I said, Clark seemed happy but also sad and knew there was more "Sadly though during the destruction of Krypton the blast altered her pathway and she ended up trapped in the Phantom-zone where she is remained for the last 25 year".

Clark's head tilt down he appeared somewhat happy, relieved and also sadly but then his face quickly became stern "How do I know your telling the truth? and why would you" said Clark unsure as why I would, I remained silent and though I appeared calm on the outside. On the inside I was trying not to fall to 'Fanboyism', being so close to my Idol I didn't care he threw me to a wall.

"Maybe it's because I know what it's like to feel like the last of my kind" I answer being somewhat true, "See you around Kal, and don't worry your secrets safe with me". "Wait wh-" before Clark could react I launched myself into the air with my newly obtained powers flying high into the air 'Wow this is awesome', looking down I see Clark still standing there in disbelief "By the way my names Genos, I'll see you around Superman" I shout just loud enough for only Clark to hear.


Flying around without need to shift into a drone was freeing, l wasn't as restricted as I once was. Right now was one of the very moments I genuinely felt happy 'Wish I could show you this mom', soon that join came to an end as I was nearly at my foster home. As I quickly land into the bushes I shift into my human form and start walking back inside, to find everyone playing monopoly.

"Hey can I play?" I ask, everyone looked at me in disbelief especially Nick, "Ahh yea sure" nick replied "Hope you don't mind being the shoe" I smile a bit "Yea perfect because I know I'll run circles around you" I remark. Nick and Sarah just smile as I join them, "Good day?" Nick asks.

I smile a bit "Yea pretty good".


Hey tell me what you think, I'm trying to pull the MC away from the whole 'Dark edgy emo' vibe and from personal experience with skydiving it is life changing I got out of my depressed funk when I was younger, so I adapted it into the story but used flying instead.

Also 'Genos' good hero name? Yay or Nay.

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