
Chapter Fifty-four

It is over.

Frosts father has been taken care of and Kanassa, as well as the galaxy are safe now.

But that doesn't mean you're free. Not yet anyways. There is still a lot to unpack here... and a lot to resolve.

Looking at the girls and their rather gloomy expressions it becomes readily apparent that you NEED to make this right... somehow.

However as you're about to open your big, stupid mouth with a dumb "Ummm" someone else steps in. One of the local fish people that the old hag apparently mimicked.

"G-Greetings strangers!"

"Oh.... hi."

"We don't know who you are or why you're here... But we know when we are indebted to someone. You saved our people from this grave threat. Please! Allow us to repay you in some way! Offering our hospitality is the least we can do."

You look at the girls, searching for any signs of objection. When you apparently find none you return to the piscine person. "I guess we accept. Truth be told it'd be nice to sit down."

"Right this way."

The gathered crowd then proceeds to scrounge up whatever materials weren't totally wrecked by the ensuing chaos and carried it back to their villages. Unsurprisingly the Kanassans built their homes next to large bodies of water and you can even see certain man made structures rise from the oceans.

Your host leads you in to a place and has you all sit down.

What you are treated to is... spartan at best.

Some dried algae and ordinary water. You'd call it tapwater but judging by their level of technology they probably don't have plumbing yet.... or anymore. Who knows?

"It's not much. Our people aren't what you'd call rich. But please make sure you feel at home."

Sitting down at one of the tables you wiggle around searching for a comfortable sitting position. You fail.

"Thank you anyway. This... rest is very much needed."

He nods. "We'll prepare a feast for you.

As a sign of our gratitude for saving our planet."

You look at the girls who just broke through their limits thanks to extreme emotions and grow concerned. If you're correct then they'd eat through the planets entire ecosystem before they'd get satiated. Instead you turn to the man and say this.

"I appreciate the gesture... but saving you was more of a happy coincidence than a conscious choice. As such it'd be wrong for me to accept such a gift. So let's just call it even."

"I..." A bead of sweat rolls down his forehead and he only BARELY manages to not sigh with relief. "Thank you."

Then you take a piece of that dried kelp and give it a try. It's... less than appealing in both taste and consistency. But you do give it a thorough chew and swallow it if only to appease your hosts. "Errr... It's uh... nice.

You... don't eat this every day, do you?"

"We do. Why?"

Turning around to the girls you see that they find the stuff less than appealing and if a Saiyan won't eat your food then there is something wrong. Sighing you stand up and say this. "Okay. Let's see if I can't fix this."

Facing the man you change your mind.

"On second thought... may I have a look at those stockpiles Rime wanted to take?"

"Errr... sure?"

After the man leads you out and you take note of what's available you realize that they are keeping these nutrient rich ingredients for less than ideal times and mostly subside on that kelp they provided you. It's... not the best thing you've seen. Obviously a measure born out of desperation. But it's not unsalvageable.

You take a handful of the stuff with you and... get to work.

Since they don't have a proper area for preparing meals you have to improvise.

Blasting a small hole in the ground you make a proper fire and gather some rudimentary cookware that these people use. The makeshift outside kitchen you cobbled together is... less than ideal but more than serviceable. Getting to work you recall and draw inspiration from a specific thing: The senzu bean.

A singular bean capable of not only healing injuries but also provide a person with the nutritional equivalent of several meals.

Of course you don't know how the fuck that works, probably magic. But the knowledge that it exists is enough. You go from that idea and slowly try to reverse engineer it in the culinary sense. But given your limited resources you wouldn't experiment recklessly.

So you decide to only attempt it once you're certain it'll work.

After the idea forms in your head you get to it and pick some ingredients which seem to have more calories in them than most.

Grinding, working and processing them until you get a fine powder you combine them with various liquids to form a sort of dough which you then fill with bits of fish and vegetables high in protein.

Throughout the whole process you make sure to pour in and incorporate as much of your natural energy as possible in addition to your heart and soul. The end result is something... less supernatural than the Senzu but close enough to it that you can use and expand upon it in the future.

You take this freshly baked loaf of bread brimming with energy and split it between the four of you, giving an equal share to each person at the table. The fishman gives it a sniff first, not sure what to make of it while the girls simply dig in. But eventually he gives it a try and finds it unbelievable.

"H-How did you-"

You shrug. "Experienc mostly."

"This is incredible! With this we... we could feed entire villages with less than a tenth of the ingredients!"

"If you'd like I could teach you how to make it.

It won't outright save your people from starvation but it should be enough so you can stockpile food for more desperate times."

You take a piece of paper and write down a very detailed recipe before handing it back to him. He takes it with shaking hands before reading it and promptly running out cackling with glee, calling for his fellow kin to take a look at that shit.

This leaves you alone with the two girls who are quietly nibbling on the baked goodness you provided. It's fairly obvious that there is plenty of tension in the air right now which is mixed with a variety of other emotions.

A jumbled mess which is in desperate need of fixing.

You sit down, not next to them bot on the other side of the table and face them.

For the first few seconds you remain silent, quietly contemplating how to do this.

But there is not much point in tip-toeing around the issue. It'd be best to get it over with, like ripping off a a bandaid.

However instead of starting to explain your position the first thing you do is inquire them about theirs. "So... about all that-" They look up from whatever they were doing. "I am... sorry. For putting you through that. I can't even begin to imagine how you felt there. It must've been horrible."

"That's the understatement of the century!"


"Shut up Kale!" Caulifla hisses at the girl next to her before returning to you. "Do you have any idea how that felt? When we were up there?! Kale went MAD just from feeling you pass away! And I... And I!" Tears swelling under her eye from anger Caulifla struggles to continue. "I HELD YOU IN MY ARMS DAMIT! YOU WERE DEAD!"

Realizing your mistake you stand up and walk over to her. Slowly and carefully you kneel down next to her and pull her in close. At first she repeatedly smashes her fist into your chest while calling you a variety of things, none of which are pretty. But once her anger subsides all that's left is sadness.

Cauliflas voice keeps cracking as she buries her face in your chest and cries. Meanwhile you stroke her hair and attempt to calm her down. This goes on for several minutes before she manages to compose herself and pushes you away. But rather than continuing the conversation she stands up and walks over to the door and stares out of it, not wanting to talk.

But as she does so your heart feels heavy.

She's clearly angry... or rather scared. Maybe not even at you but just because of the general situation and she needs to vent it somehow. You understand her you really do but it still hurts you immensely. Because it feels like you let her down.

Turning slowly to Kale you meekly ask her as well. "And you... Kale? Do you feel angry?"

She hesitates, not knowing what to say or even how she herself feels. But eventually she just shakes her head and instead of crying loudly she just snivels once and wipes her eyes clean. "No... I'm just glad you're okay...

It was... scary. Really scary. And I'm sure Sis also feels the same way. But she was never scared before so... please don't be mad at her!"

You place a hand on her shoulder, look down and solemnly shake your head before hugging her. "I'd never be mad at either of you."

As you part with Kale however you must admit that you ARE in fact mad at someone... yourself. And it's readily apparent that you have to fix this somehow. Earn their trust somehow.

"There is... something you should know."

Suddenly both of them stop what they are doing and look at you. "I don't know how to say this because even I'm not sure what the hell happened. But this was all a set-up."

"Whaddaya mean?"

"That old hag that brought us here in the first place? There was something fishy about her. Pardon my pun. I kept getting this ominous vibe from her all the time but then a guy popped up out of nowhere who started accusing her. Naturally they kept pointing fingers at each other so I decided to read their minds to see what was going on. And couldn't do it to either of them."


"Yeah. So I did the only logical thing and attacked both to see how they react. I knocked the guy out but the... witch... she disappeared. Left with an ominous message.

Apparently she wanted us to come and kill Rime for her."

"B-But why?" Kale asks.

"This is the crazy part... I talked with the remaining guy and he... he claimed he was from the future."


"I know. I was skeptical at first but... then things started to make too much sense.

He gave me a pretty accurate rundown on how meeting Rime would go, gave an explanation why the witch brought me here, why she wanted only me to come... and what I'd need to do to screw with her plans.

You see-" You start scratching the back of your neck. "I... had to die."

"Y-You mean-"


"Yeah... I understand how that sounds.

But I was assured that I'd be brought back and... well I was. That is why Rime killed me so easily... because I let him."

"I don't believe you!" Caulifla roars at you.

"I know but please... just listen to what I have to say. Afterwards you can punch me into the ground or whatever just... let me finish.

I was an ass... I didn't think about how you'd feel, honestly I didn't realize it'd hurt you so much. Well... because I didn't think I was worth that much. But after I saw what happened to you, how you felt... I realized what an asshole I was. And you're right to hate me for it. I... never cared much about my life even before humanity died. But now I realize how selfish I was. How it's not only about me but you as well." Then you stand up with your fists clenched. "So... for what it's worth I swear that nothing like this will ever happen again! That I'll fight tooth and nail against anyone and anything that'd want me dead! Because I don't want you to feel like that ever again!"

"And... if it's possible... if you'd be willing, I'd like to make it up to you. Not sure how yet. I mean I'd have to come up with something sufficient for the damage I caused... but I'd still like to do it. So... I guess what I want to ask is: Will you forgive me?"

They both remain silent for a while with Kale being the first to speak up. "I... I don't care Eric... You came back. That's all that matters!"

Caulifla on the other hand is not that forgiving. "No!"

"I... understand." With your head firmly lowered you admit defeat... Only to find Caulifla rapidly closing the distance between the two of you and hitting you straight in the liver with all her might. "OOF! Gonna whiz red!"

"Now I forgive you. But remember if you make me worried AGAIN I'll resurrect you just so I can kill you personally!" She says with her fist still clenched. "You had the balls to make me care about you! So if you scare me like that again I WON'T forgive you! Understand?"

"Uh-huh!" You nod diligently through the pain.

"Good." Caulifla then stretches her arms a bit and groans with satisfaction. "Okay my tummy is nice and full and I worked some of that stress out. What do you say Kale? Shall we get some rest before going home?"

"I'd like that."

You raise your hand. "M-Me too-"

"Nobody asked you! Now groan a bit more!"


Shortly after that your host has returned after informing his people of the gift he received and he was more than happy to provide you with a roof over your heads. The girls received their own room and you were given one as well. But as the sun slowly set and only the light of distant stars illuminated your room dreams still eluded you. Lost in thought about the events that transpired your mind raced with the possibilities of the situation.

Only after several hours of contemplation did you manage to fall asleep out of sheer exhaustion. However you did not receive any respite in your dreams, far from it. You awakened in a dark, dreary place which eerily resembled your own mindscape only... different.

In front of you stood two paths, one straight and laid with bricks of golden light and the other crooked with spiraling, mad roads of dark and red color. Both seemed to be... inviting. Or more accurately, attracting you.

But their pull was equally strong so neither could overthrow the other.

Instead of doing anything you sit down.

You've had it with people trying to move you around like a chess piece.

"Alright! No way assholes! If you want to do this then you bring that shit to me! This is MY Mind, My Soul, and if this latest weirdness is happening it's happening on My Terms!"

You eagerly await a response but nothing happens. Whatever is going on does not allow these outside forces to communicate, you even begin to doubt if they heard you.

However something DOES start happening. As the mysterious force behind each path begins to stir, vying for control over the situation. You feel the pull of both as if they are trying to drag you down their specific paths, competing with the other one.

But both powers are equally matched and neither can overcome the other.

Meanwhile you sit comfortably in your little mindscape, trying to test the limits of your influence over the place, maybe you could use the experience to make Buu some stuff later.

Conjuring a sunbed you lay back and await which one will overwhelm the other. Hopefully they'll tire each other and give up. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to happen as one of the parties clearly looses its patience and you feel... a presence entering the place.

You hear footsteps ascending the path, as if a woman in high heels is walking up on them.

Raising your ephemeral sunglasses you look at the blue woman in red spandex as she slowly approaches your little patio.

"You really are stubborn... infuriatingly so."

Pushing your glasses back down you cross your arms. "I am not the one who keeps intruding on your life! Nice outfit by the way "old lady". What? Did they mix up your laundry with a strippers?"

"Very funny." She points her staff at you.

"However I'd like if you stood up. I came to have a serious conversation."

An army of ghastly chains appears around the demonic looking woman and entangle her.

"No... You came here because I refuse to play your games any longer. And now that you're in MY house you play by MY rules! Understand?"

The chains shatter as her staff glows.

"Maybe that'd be correct under normal circumstances. However don't underestimate the powers of a sorceress."

It seems unlike Buu she is perfectly capable of fighting back against you here. What a bother.

"So... mind introducing yourself Ms Underboob? Or better yet... explain what the fuck you want? Preferably before I get up from this chair... for your sake of course." Then you extend your hand. "And I told you... this is MY house! So SIT DOWN!"

She dodges the force wave you send out via some sort of teleportation. Not sure how she did that. But it's evident that this demon is a far better magic user than any you've dealt with before. "Poor boy... I influence the minds of those far above your level. But you think you pose a challenge to me? Cute. But to entertain you I'll give you my name... It's Towa."

"So Towa. What brings you here?"

"I attempted to make contact with you when you dreamt... unfortunately someone else had the same idea."

"So two idiots got stuck in the door because they couldn't wait for the other."

She seems to frown at that. "Tell me... what person would bother with politeness in a competition? First come first served as they say... Anything under first position is a loss at that point. Luckily for me I have the luxury of the... direct approach."

You nod repeatedly. "Okay. I see now.

So if the mountain doesn't come to you, you go to the mountain." Then you spread your arm. "Well what is it? Because thanks to you I got into a rather shit situation and I'd love nothing more than to sic my roommate on you right now."

She raises her hand in protest. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Ooooh I don't doubt that but-"

"And what if I told you that you weren't only deceived by me?"

"...Go on."

"Now just hear me out my friend...

When did I want to do any harm to you specifically?"

"I don't know. Maybe when you manipulated me?"

"For your benefit. I assure you the changing of the timeline wouldn't have affected you negatively. In fact killing Rime would've spared you from much suffering."

"And the only price would've been the stability of the timeline... Somehow that doesn't seem like a fair trade for me as much as it benefits me."

"Oh? Is that what she said to you? The Supreme Kai of Time?"


"That is precious. And I'm not insulting you this time, but her." She closes her eyes for a moment in contemplation before opening them. "I won't tell you much... because I'm not trying to convince you. Unlike most of the mouth breathers in the multiverse you seem to be capable of drawing your own conclusions. So I'll just say this: Do you really believe her intention is the safe keeping of the timeline?"

"If she IS the Supreme Kai of Time like you said then... duh!"

"Then if you truly believe that... Please ask this from her for me... Why did she let a time traveler change the course of history? Why did she let my brother die when he should've lived?"

"Wait... what?"

Giggling softly she strokes her staff.

"We'll meet again... and I'll eagerly await your answer little human! Ciao!"

Next chapter