
Chapter 35: The Aristocrat

As the gray werewolf charged, Heldon threw himself into a slide, protecting himself with his shield as he slashed at the ankles and legs of the werewolf. The werewolf snarled and lunged at him, managing to scratch Heldon’s right shoulder.

Heldon hissed from the scrape, but rolled, getting up and bashing the werewolf across the snout with his shield. It yelped and swiped out at Heldon again. Heldon dodged and saw another flash of movement coming at him from the woods.

Another light brown werewolf, hiding through the tree branches, circled around him. He couldn’t see anyone else, not Janz, not Shrai.

A two-on-one was not looking good for Heldon.

The first werewolf charged him, Heldon blocked with his shield but still went flying back, hitting the ground hard and bouncing, seeing sky and stars. Dazed, he looked around and saw something glittering on the ground.

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