


WARNING : Shan Xuefei thought Feifei is a woman. She will refer to Feifei as a "she" or "her".

Feifei is out of sorts as his tunic dress was soiled. Good thing he wore blue. If he chose white..

He is going to vomit blood in anguish!

With heavy steps and chaotic thoughts, he finally saw the village entrance not far from where he is standing.

But his excitement is gone.

His expectations gone.

All that's left is his vow to murder that boorish man!

Arriving at the village entrance, Feifei stood still in amazement.

What a huge tree!

The first thing he saw at the village entrance was the enormous Banyan tree with its roots bursting from the ground.

The tree is so wide that Feifei believes, it must take a lot of people to join hands together before the tree trunk can be enclosed!

How good and nice it must be to just sit idly under the bough of such a huge tree and enjoy the fresh air. And maybe put a swing or install a hammock.

Life couldn't be more perfect! Feifei smiled at the thought.

With such pleasant thoughts, somehow his irritation was eased a bit.

Smiling, Feifei then saw the village women gathered at the entrance. These women were sitting under the Banyan tree.

Most likely, gossiping.

They were all staring at Feifei with amazement.

A few some were staring jealously while others just stared dully into stillness.

Not minding the stares, he walked briskly towards these group of women and greeted them with a polite smile and a quick nod.

"Good Morning. I'm looking for the Village Head. Would you mind pointing where Village Head Quibai lives?"

The villagers eyes were round with surprise and gossip.

"Who are you to Village Head Quibai? Young Lady, Village Head Quibai can be your father. You wouldn't be..." a villager disgustingly started.

Feifei's brows were tight with irritation. What's up with this village!

First the man almost trampled him to death. Then this villager is slandering his reputation even before he actually set foot on this village.

"I'm sorry. I'm not who you implied I am. Please be mindful of your words. Without proper investigation and jumping to wrong conclusions can wrong a person's reputation. This is slander. Not only did you dirty me with your foul words, you are also slinging mud against your Village Head's credibility. This is a heavy accusation."

The villager who had spoken earlier was choked by Feifei's big words.

"I.... I didn't..." The villager stammered in fright.

Not paying anymore attention to this kind of woman, Feifei cut her off in mid sentence and then continued to talk to the other villagers politely.

"I'm Shen's Cousin. My cousin is one of Kaneko Mine's workers. I'm here to look for Village Head Quibai to ask the whereabouts of my cousin. Nothing else."

The villagers mouthed an ~oh~.

"I can bring you there!" A young woman spoke up. She has a big cloth wrapped around her head.

"I know Big Brother Shen too!" The young woman added.

"I don't want to further inconvenience you. You can just point to me the direction and I can look for it myself." Feifei shyly refused.

"Its no trouble. I'm going home now. Uncle Quibai's house is on the same path as mine." The young woman then faced the other villagers and said her goodbyes.

"I will leave first."


While walking, Feifei felt like his feet is getting heavy. He is depressed. He has already suffered from two consecutive blows upon arriving in this village.

This is not a good way to start.

"My name is Xu Mari. Please call me Mari. I'm Fanfan's close friend. Fanfan is Uncle Quibai's youngest daughter." Mari introduced herself pleasantly.

Smiling at Mari cordially, he answered, "I'm called Chu Feifei. Nice meeting you, Mari."

Mari giggled. "You are so beautiful! Your silver eyes...well, it's the first time I've ever seen one. Your hair is also beautiful! I have never seen hair such color as yours." Mari gushed.

Feifei turned mute.

He has never also met a girl as straight forward as her!

"Thank you." Feifei whispered.

"Did you dye it? Your hair I mean." Mari asked curiously.

"No. I was born with it." Feifei smiled.

Mari looked at him with shining eyes full of admiration." Your mother must be very beautiful!"

Feifei just hummed in response. He doesn't know his mother. Much less seen her.

Mari noticed that Feifei was silent and the mood is not right.

"I'm sorry, Feifei. I don't mean to pry." Mari immediately apologized.

"Its okay." Feifei answered flatly.

So much for curiosity! Mari chidded herself.

Mari turned red in embarrassment.

She then kept silent the rest of the way.

It's really not good to pry on someone's affair on your first meeting.


When they arrived at the only three storey tiled house, Mari stopped.

The house is encompassed by a brick wall which is half a head taller than her. But the gate is made from bamboo poles. You can see what's inside just by looking at the gap between the poles.

"Uncle Quibai!" Mari called out. "Uncle Quibai! Are you home?"

The door opened and a woman in her forties walked out. "Mari? Is that you calling?"

Mari jumped up. "Yes, aunt it is me! Someone is looking for uncle. I'm leaving her here in your care okay? I have to go cook."

Facing Feifei, Mari smiled apologetically. "Feifei, I will leave you here okay? I have something else to do. Don't worry, aunt is nice."

Feifei smiled gratefully at Mari. "Thank you, Mari. I will see you around."

When Mari ran off, the gate opened from the inside.

"Hello, Madam. I'm called Chu Feifei. My cousin Shen asked me to introduce myself to you and Uncle Quibai."

The woman smiled brightly and exclaimed. "You are Feifei?! Oh what a beautiful girl! Shen already told us about your coming. Come on in. Please call me Aunt Xuefei."

Holding Feifei's hand, she guided her inside the house.

"I will bring you water to drink. Wait for me.." Shan Xuefei is about to go to the kitchen when Feifei, stopped her.

"Please don't bother, Aunt. I'm not thirsty. Is this a good time to visit?" Feifei asked in hesitation.

Inside the house, Feifei saw four long benches, with arms and back, facing opposite each other forming a square.

These benches were covered with white cloth and the base, used for sitting, is filled thick with something.

Probably like a pillow? Feifei thought.

It must be nice and comfortable to be able to lean back on the bench and your butt not hurting from prolonged sitting.

He doesn't see any stairs leading up. How do they go up? Feifei wondered. This is a three storey house, right?

"Sit down. Its no bother. Sit first while I get you water, okay?"

Feifei sat down in one of the long benches. His eyes lit up in surprise. Its really soft when you sit on it. There must be cotton inside like the ones inside a quilt?

He can also see two rooms and the eating area with coverless benches with no arms and no back.

This house is neat and spacious. It must be nice to live in a place like this.

"Here is boiled water. The temperature is alright to drink." Shan Xuefei smiled while staring at Feifei with wonderment.

"Thank you, Aunt. If uncle is busy, is it okay to come back when its convenient?" Feifei asked.

"Its okay. Your Uncle must still be at the pig pen. A little over dawn, three pigs went to labor. Since then your Uncle has not returned yet." Looking at the mechanical clock at the side, Shan Xuefei added." He might be coming home soon. Why don't you eat here? I will go prepare something right now." She invited.

"No. Please don't bother, Aunt. Maybe next time? I just arrived in the village and I'm looking forward to seeing my cousin's place. I just don't know where it is?"

"Oh, Look at me nagging!" Shan Xuefei laughed. "You must be tired from your travel. I heard your hometown is at the other end of the Kingdom, is that right?"

"Yes, Aunt. The travel almost killed me. I never thought I can come this far..!"

"Yes. You sure are lucky! With your beautiful face, you must have encountered some annoyances along the way." Shan Xuefei was even more amazed knowing such a fairy like girl came alone! What courage!

Feifei laughed in amusement. "I took a medicine that made me look like a leper with lots of pus on my face and my skin red with wounds. When people see me, they would always ran the other way afraid of catching my disease. I also hired a private carriage and paid a few thugs to protect me."

Shan Xuefei burst out laughing with Feifei's ingenuity.

"Is there a medicine like that?"

"A doctor from our Village gave me this kind of medicine as an insurance. I did not even know this kind of medicine exists!" Feifei laughed playfully.

"You child...! You are lucky!" Shan Xuefei patted Feifei's hand in amusement.

She likes this child. So jolly and simple. Not to mention the face. What if my eldest son and Feifei....

While Shan Xuefei was busy matching him up to her son, Feifei was also lost in his own thoughts.

In truth, the dose was made by him. And it's not medicine. It's poison.

He learned medicine and poison at the age of five. And he is studying these things for more than eleven years.

His master will cripple him senseless if he can't even manage this kind of simple poison. Even if his master will not cripple him, he would be deeply ashamed if he can't concoct a simple potion.

He just does not want anyone to know he knows both medicine and poison.

If someone is poisoned, would they blame him, a newcomer?

If he is busy at the mine and someone gets ill or injured, would they come at him at any time of the day? He is not selfish but he does not want to come close with other people.

The hearts of mankind are the most unpredictable and the most difficult to satisfy.

He does not know these people. What if he is unable to heal the disease, would they accuse him of a crime? Would they abuse and extort him? Take advantage of him being new here?

Master always reminds him how cruel most people's heart can get. That he should be vigilant against others.

"Oh, look at the time! Talking to you makes me happy. Most of the time I'm alone at home. If you have time, come talk to Aunt, okay?"

Feifei smiled sincerely. "uhm."

"Feifei, why don't I call my eldest son over and have him guide you to Shen's house? Your uncle might be home in a moment and I have to cook now." Shan Xuefei said regretfully but with a certain glint in her eyes.

"Would that bother your son?"

"No. No." Shan Xuefei waved her hands excitedly. "He just came home today. He works in town as the City Head Marshal." Shan Xuefei introduced proudly. "Though sometimes, he doesn't live here with us. He stays in town. Especially if they have a case to solve. Wait. I'm going to call him down."

Shan Xuefei went out to the outdoor kitchen and disappeared.

Would that mean, her son is upstairs? So the stairs is built outside the house? Feifei wondered again.

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