
Handling some small matters

A/n: Yo, so here is what's coming up next, this chapter will be mainly the mc handling some business, and then I want to head into a space arc, I'm not a big fan of marvel and space, but I thought of some things I can do with it so I want to incorporate that into the story, I have read some marvel in space fics and I don't like as much, but I think I have some good ideas that will shake things up so yeah. And another thing is, I will be adding some Oc races, so if you see one that isn't a part of marvel, don't be alarmed if you can't find out any details on them. Marvel doesn't really have a lot of cool space races, so I will be adding them.

-Harry Pov -

It took me the rest of that whole night and day to get used to my strength, speed, and my new tendency to hiss like a snake when I'm happy.

It's very odd, but actually, kind of cool once you get used to it.

I really have no major plans for the next couple of years, I have some small stuff to figure out regarding Britain as a whole. I don't want to hit a flat line in the progress I'm making, I want Britain, to succeed in a major way, and that includes muggle Britain as well.

I currently am inventing a new type of clone, my past full DNA clones, are good but they don't function properly, and if I end up leaving to go somewhere then I will need to have a clone that is strong, and seamlessly functioning.

I'm basing the idea around blood magic once more, but this time I'm using several different branches of blood magic to set up the whole body, along with that I am using my magic to fully coat the clone's whole being.

I want this to be like a shadow clone, but I will be able to control it from my mind, in a nonpressuring way.

With my sculptures, I control them with my mind but it takes a lot of focus, I want to improve that.

The process needs to be finished before I even think about leaving.

After hours of work, I decided to take a small break seeing as I think that work breaks are important to productivity.

I decided to venture around Diagon Alley when I teleported there I saw a lot of people stop and stare at me with respect, and even bow to me.

Oh yeah, I'm the king. That's still a weird concept to get used to.

I made my way through looking at the new Diagon Alley, it looked so full and beautiful now, I saw true happiness show on my subject's faces as they went about their days.

I stopped at a monument, this monument was a beautiful cube, engraved upon it were the names of those lives that were lost during the battle for Diagon alley, on the other sides of the cube were pictures showing what they looked like, and a brief description of their life and deeds.

Every single name here is someone that fought bravely, my enemies at that time or not they deserve to be recognized.

"Mortals and their respect for the dead," a voice sounded next to me

I already knew he was there of course.

"Loki, what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked in a wistful tone

"I can't greet my friend the king of Britain?" he asked in a snarky tone

"At least I'm the king of something eternal prince," I retorted with a triumphant smirk

"Shut up mortal," he replied in an irritated tone

Mortal? Me? Hahahah!

I let my divine energy swirl around my body, Loki looked at me shocked, and I saw his demeanor change he seemed afraid.

"What are you?" he asked shocked

"Not a mortal," I replied dryly reining in my aura

I looked back at him and was a little embarrassed, a lot of people were now looking at me with fear, respect, and utter devotion.


Loki's lips formed into a scowl as he replied sarcastically, "Really you don't say?"

"I apologize, Loki I didn't mean for my aura to affect you so badly," I said feeling a little bad

"Ahh, I don't care that much about it. Hey do you think you can beat up that old fucker for me?" he asked with a smirk

I have corrupted Loki, he used to talk so elegantly, but now when he talks to me he sounds like a thug. That's definitely an achievement right there.

"Yeah I could, maybe in the future," I replied with my own smirk

"Haha! I will need a video of that, it will shame him for years," he chuckled

"Anyways, do you want to do something?" I asked

"Hm, let's do this skiing thing I have recently heard about," he replied with shining eyes

"Okay, let's do it!" I agreed easily

We left for the mountains, it was time to shred some powder.

[thirty minutes later]

"Ahahahaha! I like this!" Loki yelled racing tone the slopes

"Haha! I haven't done this in a while!" I replied heading for a narly jump.


I flew off the jump and did a front flip mid-air.

*pah* I landed back on the snow passing Loki up.

"Race you down the mountain," I yelled at him

"Haha!" I heard him laugh behind me as he raced behind me

[hours later]

Loki left a little bit ago, we finished skiing then he said something about how he is going to introduce this to the ice giants. I didn't even know they had a line of communication like that. I always just assumed they were thinking of ways to get back at Asgard.

Currently, I am getting dressed for a date I am having with Felicia, we both agreed to just be friends with many benefits, dating is too much of a hassle. Especially for me when I have so much other stuff going on.

I teleported to the location where we were meeting, I wore an all-black suit.

Soon she arrived, and she wore the classic black cat outfit.

"Ready?" I asked her

"Yep," she replied

I brought her into a hug, then I brought my head back a little bit and brought my lips to hers. Her lips were fluffy and full, perfect for kissing.

My hand reached her firm butt, I began to squeeze it softly as my other hand held us in place.

"Mm~" she moaned into my mouth

Separating I asked, "Why did you even bother wearing clothes?"

"We still have a date to go on Harry," she replied rolling her eyes

I smiled softly at her, "yeah I guess so,"

We both left for a museum of art, we got onto the roof and began to work as a team making our way into the building.

Once in we approached a painting and started to methodically take it down without sounding any alarms.

It was easy.

We went back to her place. Of course, taking several turns and all of that jazz.

Once we got back she turned to me and said, "God that got me horny,"

"It always does," I replied rolling my eyes as I approached her

[Next day] (tried writing a r-18 scene, I cringed so hard, so yeah)

I woke up next to Felicia, I kissed her on the head, then went and made some breakfast for her and I.

I took out some letters that I got from some ministers, mainly from Germany, the U.S, and France.

They want to form some alliances, but honestly, they don't have much that I want. After reading through them, I decided to wait before I reply, I want to talk to Fudge and maybe Elizabeth because they both like this type of stuff.

I want to talk to Elizabeth because it's funny seeing her try so hard to have Germany become Britain's ally.

Seeing as Felicia hasn't woken yet, I wrote a small note and then left for my place. I still need to work on my clone.

Arriving at my place, I greeted Dobby and the portraits, then got to work.

Several hours later, I finally finished. Everything regarding magic comes so easy to me, it is honestly hilarious, I could probably create insane spells in a matter of seconds.

Currently, my clone and I looked at each other, it was kind of weird.

I have so much brain processing power, I can control my clone with ease, almost like it's not there, but if I think about the connection, I can see through its eyes and truly be in its body.

"I'm so badass," I said

"Yeah I am," my clone replied

"Who's the original?" I asked

"Me of course," it replied

"Great, back to work," I said snapping my fingers

My clone's eyes turned blank, I started to make more adjustments, can't have a clone that thinks he is the original.

I have never seen that end well.

Several annoying hours later, I finished my clone and tested it, all was perfect now.

[several days later]

Once I finished with my clone I began to take care of some business relating to Britain, mainly boring stuff. I even let my clone attend some meetings to see how it would work. Everything was going perfectly.

Now, I just need to place the last of my defense towers, and then I can go out and venture into space.

It will be a jolly good time!

I'm even tricking out my pirate ship to be a perfect spads pirate ship, it will be awesome.

Checking that everything was in order, I put the black pearl in my inventory, and decided it was time, time to embark on my next adventure.

Creating chaos in spade sounds fun!

Maybe I will find some cool things out there, maybe even take over a planet.


A/n: two authors' notes! But um this one is an actual question, do y'all want me to try to write erotic scenes, personally I suck at them. Tried and failed.

Next chapter