
Fall of the Zabini Family

-Harry Pov-

I spent the next couple of days preparing, I sent a couple of my assassins to Italy where I tasked them to find the Zabini Family base of operations, and during that time I was hitting the voodoo doll with an abundance of crucio spells and blood boiling spells I made sure to not go overboard if I attempted to kill the voodoo doll then my magic would backlash onto myself I am not at the level of voodoo mastery where I can create a voodoo doll of certain death.

The people I have recruited are mostly half-bloods but I do have some muggle-borns in my ranks. I don't know what it is about half-blood families but it seems that they are either really good or really bad and the bad ones lead to people like Snape, not that I'm complaining.

Speaking of Snape I saw that sly dog chatting up Abigal, I wanted to go over there and say something about getting rid of his greasy hair and crooked nose then maybe he would have a chance but I need to keep my intimidating boss aesthetic.

'Found the base' was the message I just received

An evil smirk played across my face, time for the Zabini crime family to pay their debts.

Pulling out a portkey I disappeared with a twirl.

I landed in Italy surrounded by my subordinates, I used an illegal portkey that let me skip the check zone.

"Glad you made it boss," One of my men said his name was Jack Bolden

"Where is the Zabini Family?" I asked calmly

"South of here, the main base is inside a broom company building the brooms are shit and never get sold it's just a front, the real base is in the back. I think the boss is in the mansion though. Word is he hardly leaves something about his wife trying to kill him." Micheal said with an amused smirk

"Interesting let's move," I commanded and we all started moving

I walked inside the building with a couple of my men the rest were outside waiting for the signal,

*ding* the bell chimed over our heads signaling our arrival

I raised my hand and cliched it into a fist, *bang* my magic exploded shaking their wards multiple eldritch circles appeared spinning rapidly, the wards collapsed in an instant, and the rest of my men rushed in spells were flying the two sides clashed, my hand shot out and I entered everyone into my mirror dimension, my mirror dimension is different from the normal one because I don't just use sorcery to activate it, I also use wizard magic and the principles of time dilation rooms.

I researched such rooms when I spent time training wards with the goblins, I wasn't able to use one myself because even if we are friends I would need to give up a fault worth of gold or something extremely valuable. Even then I didn't really get a chance to research them because I had no clue what to look for but I could dive into my memories and look at the room with fresh eyes it was amazing what I could glean from the room just from my memories.

I looked at it again during my training before stealing the cup, and I also studied a time turner, they are artifacts and I have artifact knowledge so it was easier to understand but still complicated.

From there it was a trial and error process until finally, I was able to make a mirror dimension that slightly slowed time down. It was barely any difference but it was worth it.

Now that the enemy was stuck inside the building I started to swish my hand back and forth spells were flying everywhere I was flinging cutting curses and other painful curses left and right.

Eventually, we made it past the fake shop, and what greeted us were at least forty men, they all pointed their wands at us and shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" the sickly green spells launched at us at high speeds

I made an upward pushing motion that caused the ground in front of us to be transfigured into a wall, I then used Avis to summon twenty birds they flew forward dropping like flies at the incoming killing curses my subordinates weren't idle they were transfigured, and conjuring rubble to block the incoming curses. They just kept shooting them, I began to form a multitude of hand signs then slammed my hands on the ground, "Icy Tendrils Of Ikthalon," I whispered softly

The ground split open under my enemy's blue tendrils shot out from the ground pulling the Zabini family members inside the earth heralding them to their doom.


"Save us!"


They all shouted in Italian while they were pulled mercilessly to their deaths. My subordinates all turned to look at me, I could see from behind the different masks they decided to wear, they were sacred of me of what I can do, and if I treat them fair that fear will turn into respect.

"Let's go to the mansion," I said turning and leaving the rest followed me most disillusioned themselves so it only looked like I was walking with two people

Soon I stood in front of a huge mansion that was warded like crazy, if I was any weaker I would have never been able to break into this thing fast, and I still can't so I'm going to do it the easier way.

I quickly put down anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards around the outside edge of the property so no one could leave. I then created a portal to the inside of the mansion I landed walked through the portal and arrived right inside the mansion.

I began to walk around looking for dear Lorenzo, every so often I would see a guard and quickly speed behind them and snap their neck. I can't use magic because the inside wards will activate but since I'm already inside my body is the only weapon I need, and I could always use sorcery.

I took my time finding anyone and everyone in the house before I finally confronted Lorenzo.

A guard was walking past the stairs I crouched low and waited for him to pass,




He slowly passed and I speedily crept behind him, my left hand balanced on his neck while my right grabbed his chin and twisted *crack* his neck broke and I carefully brought him to the ground.

Eventually, it was just me and Lorenzo, I walked into the study. I saw a man sitting behind a desk with a bottle of fire whisky.

"So you are here," he said in an Italian accent

"I told you I was coming," I replied nonchalantly

"How were you able to torture me for so long?" he asked his eyes seemed desperate

"Because you annoyed me," I replied dryly

*Shoom!* I then disappeared from his view *pah* and reappeared holding him against the wall by the throat.

"You attacked me why?" I asked harshly

"I was trying to move into that area, and you kept stealing my business, I had to do something just please let me live!" he begged but his pleas landed on deaf ears

"Hmm, no," I said with a teasing smile

I then put him into an illusion.

-Lorenzo pov -

My vision became blurry then It went black, the next thing I knew I was in front of a beautiful being seemingly made of pure magic, "Lorenzo Zabini, Mafia Boss Guilty!" the being said harshly throwing me downwards I fell for so long eventually I saw the light

I landed in the streets of, Diagon Alley? But I felt a weird draft, looking down I saw that my pants and shirt were gone I was completely naked.

"Hahhaha look at that fatty!"

"Mum why is there a failed transfigured pig in the alley?"

"Oink oink,"


"Hey let's practice on this pig!"

Their words dug deep but the curses and hexes started my internal misery, every day I would be called names and then hexed, I tried to leave the alley once I was cruciod for hours. I for clothes once and then I was beaten physically.

I just want to die

I just want to die

I just want to did

I just want to die

I just want to die

I just want to di-

-Harry Pov-

I cut off his head, not minding the blood I started to put anything valuable into my inventory, I started with the simple stuff knives forks, and plates then moved to furniture finally I evolved to the library, and I looted everything in sight. Back in the day, I loved a good looting.

I just took care of my Zabini problem and now I can focus on expansion, I only took out one base and the mansion the rest of the Zabini family can be integrated they already know these parts and can be useful.

I opened a portal to my subordinates and gave them Lorenzo's head, "Integrate the rest of the Zabini family into our own, if they resist after you show them his head you know what to do," I said in an icy tone

"Yea boss!" they replied immediately heading out to do what I asked

I made a portal back home and began to eat dinner, the fine taste of raspberry blood with a dash of seven-colored widow spider poison coated my throat, it was the perfect drink after a long day of work.

-Sssssnakeee sssppyyy alpha-

I slithered across the cold hard floor, I finally found two men that seemed to be in deep conversation they cast a silencing charm around them. Sadly for them, they didn't expect I the great Serpent of the End to be able to steal into the charm and hear their conversation.

"The ministry is harder because of fudge but we have people on the inside, be prepared to face a harsh interview," the puny fleshbag said to the other

"Yes sir," he replied like the stupid human he is

"Hail Hydra!" the man said

"Hail Hydra!" the other repeated and then they both separated

Aha fools didn't even check the surroundings, sesese they will rue the day they underestimated me! I must report to boss.


I'm trying to show the mix between sorcery and harry potter magic! And yes I know he could have manipulated everything in the mirror dimension I already wrote the fight when I remembered that they could do that.... Ooops

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