
The third heist

—Harry Pov --

No bell rung above my head as I entered the Foci shop, it was truly a magnificent sight to take in. All types of wands, Gauntlets, Bracelets, and Staves were neatly displayed for all to see. At the center of the room in an ethereal glass display case, George Washington's magical Gauntlet was displayed truly a magical sight, I could see the power it held within radiating off the Gauntlet with green waves.

Compared to my wand it might be slightly lower in magical energy, but then again my wand was provided by the system itself.

Dragging me out of my musing was the shopkeeper,

"You need anything sir?" the man asked in an almost bored tone

Looking at him I smiled and replied quizzically, "actually I do, you see I had a wand and it broke during an accident, I have never had a magical Gauntlet before so I was wondering how they work? Do you need to do specific hand movements like with wands?"

He paused for a second before smiling and then replying, "Well that is an interesting question, to answer it simply you don't need complex hand movements when using Gauntlets and Bracelets. It's more of using your arm to point. If even that, it's more of the intent that the user of such Foci have regarding the spell they are using. For example, I might use the Protego charm with gauntlets by crossing my arm across my chest but you might use it by opening your palm outwards in a stop motion. In the end, it all boils down to one's intent, understanding of the spell, and personal preference."

"I see thank you, I will be sure to come back but before I go I would like these books you are selling on Foci types and Foci creation. I have heard that wand creation is a hard subject to find and you sell it here for very little how come?" I asked in confusion

The owner chuckled for a second then replied with a smile, "well those are detailed books on the subject most Foci crafters like to only share their methods with family. But, the ones I sell are just the very basics and principles behind the subjects."

I smiled back and said, " I see thank you so much."

I paid for the books and left, the shop shortly after. Stealing the damn Gauntlet is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done and that's a fact.

The whole building is warded to a ridiculous level. During the day people can enter the shop and cast small spells since that's needed for when a Foci and Wizard or Witch bond but, I could see some more dangerous Wards activate at night.

So it seems this will have to be a daytime theft, and I hate daytime thefts. What worries me most is the fact I could very well fight multiple MLE officers when escaping if I don't have time to port key. If they fire enough spells while I port key the location could get jumbled and I could end up anywhere, be it a different country or even off a cliff.

The worst part of the whole situation is the damn shop is in the prime time area of the district. The more I think about it the more I find this heist challenging. The more challenging something is the more of a thrill there is doing it, I can already see myself pulling this magnificent heist off I just need time.

Grinning to myself I opened my stats page,


Name: Hadrian James Potter

Race: Human (Magical)

Hp: 100/100


Strength: peak human

Speed: peak human

Dexterity: peak human

Stamina: peak human

Animagus: basilisk

Wand: thestral hair core, yew wood, silver linings, basilisk venom binding agent, 12 1/2 inches, flexible]

I have reached peak human in all of my base stats and I could feel I have reached a bottleneck area in my body. Knowing I'm in marvel helps as there are plenty of options to break the human limit but honestly, I don't think I need to use anything but a couple of nice rituals.

Next I opened the shop since last month there has been some new things I desperately need and this heist will help so much,

[ shop:

Passports and IDs-50fp

New random spell-100 fp

Knowledge in a random subject- 200 fp

Fancy clothes with enchantments- 110 fp

Fake credentials- 500 fp

Ritual ingredients: 500fp

Rare ritual ingredients: 2,000 fp

Criminal spell pack: 3,000 fp

Eyes of value: 4,000 fp

|_ shows the value of items through a number system (1-barely any value, 2- low value, 3- not the best value, 4- can be useful, 5- medium value, 6- good value, 7- high value, 8- very high value, 9- amazing value, 10- Extraordinary Value)

Current Fp- 3,500

New items will be added each month!]

I need the criminal spell pack for sure, honestly, it's the most diverse item in the shop right now I want to be able to start creating spells but I don't want to create a spell that has a similar use to one I can get out of the pack. After that, I need to get fake credentials. Then obviously Eyes of Value.

I immediately bought both the criminal spell pack and the fake credentials. The fake credentials are amazing they can be whatever I want them to be. Fbi Badge, Shield badge, even magical badges and IDs like Aurors and the MLE.

The Criminal spell pack gave me quite a lot of spells but my favorite are,

Invīsibilis- Causes the target to become invisible from everyone, including animals. However, it doesn't hide the target's scent and whatever noises they make.

This is great for if I don't have the invisibility cloak and need to quickly hide it's much better than the disillusionment charm.

Auscultō- Causes the target to eavesdrop on conversations. They must tap their ear and then aimed their wand in the direction they wish to listen in.

This is great for listening in to conversations without having to use a listening charm.

Attero - To weaken objects or cloth (such as ropes) by rubbing against the object magically.

This spell is very useful for chains, bars, and even handcuffs. I probably wouldn't have needed dobby if I had my wand and this spell. I need to learn wandless magic for sure I can already use wandless magic with some spells but not a lot.

Phasmatis Prōiectiō- Causes the target's spirit to be projected from their body.

It's basically astral projection like that of sorcerers. It's good for spying, scouting out locations, and remaining hidden while doing the previous two.

Fūrtim- Causes the target to be able to move stealthily like a thief, especially if the caster aims the spell at the legs and feet. If the spell is aimed at the hands the target will have deft hands which will help them to pickpocket, picklocks and cheat at card games in a non-magical way.

This spell is one of my personal favorites, it enhances what physical attributes the caster already has. Being a thief already with the help of this spell will make me even better.

Noctis Vīsiō- Causes the target to be able to see in the dark.

This is good because my mage sight does not make me able to see in the dark only magic.

Acūtus Vīsiō- Improves the target's eyesight to see further away and better at night.

It does not correct eyesight, only improves what the target already has. So, in other words, my eyesight will be better than before and this spell is a permanent one so that's amazing.

I actually decided to cast that particular spell immediately, "Acūtus Vīsiō," I chanted pointing my wand at my eyes

I felt refreshed almost directly after I cast the spell, I looked around and realized I could see the objects in my apartment with greater detail than before. This spell is truly amazing.

Time to start my plans.

-time skip one week-

For this past week, I have been going into The Foci shop and purposely weakening the wards slightly. Some days I go in as the young man he has already met to talk about Foci. And some days I enter as a new guy.

Each day I painstakingly alter the wards slightly each time. I know for a fact that I can never break them in such a short amount of time without alerting everyone.

Though I just need to move them a little more for my plan to truly start. I have been using the spell Speculum to spy on the shopkeeper Jacob Washington through the mirrors to see what he does in his free time as well.

Every bit of information is useful after all.

-time skip one more week-

It's time to start this play once in for all. I have altered the wards slightly to make it seem like I am trying to break into the shop itself.

It's nighttime finally, the wards I altered were the nighttime ones after all and they were all fixed as well that's good.

I rushed towards the shop and started to cast extremely overpowered ward-breaking techniques. I was overpowering each one causing them to not only alarm the MLE and shopkeeper but also break as many Wards as possible.

I broke through the door and started on the outer wards on the Gauntlet casing. I felt my alarm spells activate meaning people are on their way. Casting the body clone spell I make it seem as if I have partners and wait. Eventually, I can see them coming I yell fiercely, "damn MLE! let's get out of here for now!" After I said this I apparated away from the scene of the crime

The next night I waited for Jacob to leave and ambushed him, "Avada Kedavra!" I shouted purposely missing him

He Spun around and cast a shield spell, I left before a fight could even happen. I made the whole thing look like a failed hit, with everything that's happening, the MLE getting a tip about the wards being messed with which they obviously told Jacob about because they were fixed when I arrived during my 'failed' attempt.

Then with the 'failed' break-in and now an assassination attempt, he should be wanting to move the Gauntlet if I'm right. And I know for a fact he can't store it in a trunk or magic bag because of the wards. This means the only way is to either deactivate all wards on the display case or move it manually to Gringotts or somewhere else that he deems safe.

Both options would be good for me.

Ah this is getting fun~

-end -

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