
A Friend's Betrayal

Aryan, Aryan Varma was the name that my parents gave me, one of the few things in my whole life that I ever received from them.

Other parents who thinks of their newborn child as the future pride of their family, my parents just saw me as another asset that may turn into an asset of very high value if spent on correctly.

They left me with my grandparents to be taken care of and would sent huge amount of money as 'payments' and other things like for raising a child which would be me in this case.

I was born in Mumbai, India and after birth I was sent to Shimla to live with my parents and I never got to know my parents at all.

The life with my grandparents was nice, my grandma would cook delicious food everyday and my grandfather would take me to the local park to play cricket. I loved it there a lot and some of the most happiest memories were made with them.

No kid in the park or in school wanted to hangout with me due to unknown reason, but I didn't give it much thought at that time because I was just a kid and I had my grandparents if I needed anything.

At that time I felt like there was a gap inside of me, a sort of void, it was because of my parents. I knew they were alive, but they were never there for me.

Whenever I would see some kid going home with their parents, I would start feeling lonely out of nowhere, I would often ask my grandparents about where they are and why they do not come and visit me.

"Aryan, your parents are very busy people, they work day and night and often have to go on business trips, so that you could live a happy life"

was all that they would say and then keep quiet.

It was way later on when I would get to learn about their work that my parents were so busy with all this time.

It was on my fourteenth birthday when I got to hear the news that I would be moving to the city to live with my parents, that news was like music to my ears. I was overjoyed by it so much that I never noticed the grave expressions that this news brought to my grandparents.

I packed my bags and said goodbye to my grandparents with a smile on my face, my grandpa said to me before parting with me "Take care Aryan and remember, you are a good boy and never let anything or anyone change that"

I thought at that time that i might visit them later but i didn't knew that it would be the last time i would ever see them and later on I would come to know what my grandpa truly meant that day.

When I finally reached the place where my parents lived I was not welcomed by my parents like I hoped to, in fact I never saw them for like a month because they were never home and whenever they were they would be busy with papers all around them or on a call and would always ignore me.

I tried talking with them whenever I saw a chance, but they would always shut me down for no reason.

They hired a guard, who also acted as a sort of a butler you could say, his name was Nikhil, he was the only one I could talk to, but he couldn't fill in the place of a parent or my grandparents.

In school it was no different, nobody talked to me just like my previous school, but something was little different here, they just did not simply ignored me but they were sort of scared of me.

I did not know why they did so, all I could come up with was that it had to do something with my parents, so one day I decided to ask Nikhil about my parents.

"Nikhil Uncle, can you tell me about my parents?" I asked him. This question made him very a little bit shocked and he hesitated before speaking, as he knew that I wanted answers and he also knew that I would do anything to get them.

"What do you want to know?" he said giving up.

"Everything there is to know about them" I replied.

From him I got to know the dark secrets that everyone was hiding from me, my father was one of the biggest drug lords in India and not only that he also run one of the most dangerous crime syndicate in Mumbai and he does all this with my mother at his side. He also had most of the police officer and political leaders under his payroll.

This explained to me why my classmates were afraid of me and why my parents were never there for me or at home.

The next day when I came back from school, I found found out that Nikhil was replaced by some new guard as my parents must've found out about our 'little conversation', I tried talking to them and pleaded to them to bring back Nikhil but my voice fell on deaf ears.

I was not allowed to go outside anymore except for school and my parents also increased the security inside the house and I couldn't even contact my grandparents, I wanted to run away from the hellhole so badly but I was chained down to it.

The week after that, when I had lost all hope of a happy life, something weird happened in school, a transfer student, whose name was Rita Chattergee, started talking to me and she did the same thing the next day and the next and we quickly became friends in a few weeks.

We could only hang out in school as I wasn't allowed to go outside after school and I didn't wanted her to come to my house and start asking questions after seeing the tight security.

We would talk for hours in school and when in home we would talk on call and chats, time seemed meaningless when I was with her and I was finally feeling happiness after such a long time.

Then the think that I was most afraid of happened, she invited me to her for her birthday party, I didn't wanted to loose her like my grandparents and Nikhil, so I risked everything and managed to sneak out of the hellhole of a place.

When I reached the address she had sent me I rang the bell and Rita opened the door and let me in. As soon as I entered her house I could feel that something was off, she then took me to a room where a middle aged man in a nice black suit was sitting and locked the room from inside and then went to the man's side

"Job well done, my daughter, I can't believe he came here "said the middle aged man to Rita with a smile on his face.

"I told you he would come" replied Rita with the same smile on her face.

"What's going on here?" I asked in a confused manner.

"To put it simply Aryan you're going to die right here" said the middle aged man, while taking out a gun from his coats pocket and pointing it towards me.

"W-What....I-I've done nothing, why would you want to k-kill me" I said in a panic sate while backing away from the man towards the door.

"Well you see, your parents in the past few years has become quite a nuisance to me, so I took him out of the way and only thing left was to tie all the loose ends, one of them being you, so goodbye" he said before pulling the trigger at me.


I fell to the ground and I could see a smile on the father-daugjter duo's face, there was no hint of sorrow or guilt.

My mind was filled with anger and the thought of revenge for the betrayal that I had suffered, there was also loneliness that I felt.

"W-Why...did you do this?" was all I could say before everything went blank before waking up in the room which was completely white and this is how the story of Aryan Varma, a weak and pathetic idiot's life came to an end.

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