
Important Piece of Information

There was a sudden tension that filled the air as soon as Marcius spoke his demands.

All of those in the room understood just what was being discussed in this case.

The Kerther Lowlands, the breadbasket of the northern Farnese dukedom. And Marcius was offering to exchange it for a piece of important information.

Titus would have applauded the audacity of his grandson if not for the fact that the duke was sitting right in front of him. Marcius waited for the right moment where he could cut in and offer important information in return for the lowlands.

That was... really shrewd of Marcius.

As the other three looked at the face of the duke, the ruler of the northern region also seemed to be surprised at the bold request from the heir of the Aemilia clan.

"The lowlands... Huh? That's really greedy of you, brat," The duke spoke after a moment of pause. He looked at the young man with a glint in his eyes.

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