
Date with Sofia

Sofia and Fein enjoyed the rollercoaster. The strong air resistance, the heart-pounding thrill, and the screams of the people behind them made it more lively. Though, Fein didn't have a choice but to use his perfect control of the body and suppressed his reaction speed to the level of a regular human just to enjoy the rides.

After the rollercoaster, they rode almost all the rides together, from the Ferris wheel, drop tower, and Vikings, to nitro drift... They spend all their tickets with smiles on their faces. With this, they became more integrated with each other.

Of course, Sofia and Fein's bonding in the park didn't end with just the rides. Fein also suggested the horror house and the labyrinth maze.

Though Fein came out from the horror house with disappointment on his face, while Sofia, who followed, had a paler face than before. 

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