
So close yet so far

'Rudimentary Field!' A metallic wave came out from his sword, that spreads instantly into the surroundings. "I hope this could help me close the gap a bit." 

"Hmmm... I felt a little slower than usual." Ceterus muttered as he tried to do various punches in the air. He could see his reaction speed became slower. Because of this, he tried to spread his perception, and he felt a subtle force seeping into his skin.

"It seems it worked." Fein jumped higher into the sky and made thousands of slashing motions with incomparable speed. With the two hundred percent slow debuff, now he might have a chance to hit the President!

His hands turned into afterimages. Just like that, thousands of sword lights with a speed faster than a man could blink. But in the face of these attacks, that seemingly could drown anyone, Ceterus boldly calculated the trajectories in his mind.


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