
Voli fights The Big Three

These two abilities are enough to make him hesitate to fight Ceterus... But he could feel his blood boil if he can fight such a strong opponent. 'Damn! The battle maniac inside is waking up again.' Fein patted his chest...


He could feel his heart pound rapidly. Furthermore, he had a hunch that Instinctual Combat, Spirit Gun, and Ability Ban weren't worse than the two.

'Well, fuck it! I would fight him and see where my current limit is!'

"Let's wait for them first. Then I will fight you." Fein said under Anthony and Gregory's astonishment.

"Fein, are you sure about that?" Gregory asked worriedly.

Fein stretched his limbs and winked at his captain. "Don't worry... I want to fight someone stronger than me. Only in that way would I see my shortcomings." He chuckled.

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