
CH:22 Divide and Conquer .:Part.1:.

When we got back to the lair, Leonardo went straight to the dojo to explain everything that happened to Master Splinter.

Donny wouldn't leave April's side, joining her on the couch trying to console her.

Casey took off saying he had some unfinished business to take care of and Raph decided to join him with a grin on his face while cracking his knuckles.

Mikey tried to go cheer up April but before he could even get close, Donny shot him with a death glare. So instead he went to the kitchen and I decided to join him to help make something different to eat.

The only thing they had in the fridge was three pieces of pizza and a bunch of eggs, "Is this really all you guys eat? How do you have energy to do anything?" I couldn't help but ask.

Mikey just looks at me apologetically as he rubs the back of his head, "Well... before pizza we used to just eat worms and algae, so trust me when I tell ya that this is an improvement." He chuckles out. "So which one do you want?"

I look back in the fridge and get an idea. I literally scoop everything up in my arms and dump it on the counter as I say, "How about pizza omelets?"

His eyes go wide as he starts to salivate, "I never even thought of combining them!"

I just chuckle as I start to cut up the pizza into tiny pieces, then I mix it into the eggs with some salt before I throw it in a pan. Mikey is watching everything I do closely, asking questions as I go.

Once ber-lun-ner, as Mikey called it, was done we all grabbed a seat in the living room area in front of the TVs to eat our first meal of the day, even though it's practically night.

After we ate, Donny and April went off to his lab to do some research. Mikey ran off saying something about the need to learn the ways of the kitchen, and Splinter went back to his dojo to meditate. Leaving me alone with Leo on the couch.

My tail twitchs as I think for a moment before I turn to Leo, "Hey, do you think we could go top side, so you can show me how to conceal myself better? I'm really not used to that kind of terrain." I ask slightly nervously.

He smiles at me as he says, "That's a great idea." And with that we head out since I still had my ninja outfit on.

Once we get to a rooftop I stop to take a deep breath of air and heave a big sigh, thoroughly enjoying the moment.

Leonardo comes up next to me and chuckles saying, "It's nice, right?"

I smile as I say, "Indeed, it's way better than down in the sewer." Before looking up at a dark muggy sky with the big bright moon shining above, lightly illuminating everything. I tilt my head a bit as I ponder about something, catching Leo's attention.

"Something bugging you?" he asks.

"Aren't there supposed to be starts in the sky?" I point out as I remember seeing the blanket of stars covering every spot you looked at when I was a child before the pod.

Leo looks up and says, "Ya know, I actually don't remember seeing stars except maybe during blackouts."

"Crazy, I wonder what causes this phenomenon." I ponder out loud.

"Not exactly sure, something about light pollution, but Donny probably knows the details why", he ends with a shrug.

I take another deep breath and say, "Man, this fresh air makes me want to run."

Leo chuckles and turns to me saying, "Some cardio sounds great, try ta keep up!" With a wink, he takes off on the spot, leaping across the rooftops and with a giggle I chase after him.

While we ran Leo was pointing out how to stick in the shadows and how to move in plain sight without being seen. Before I knew it I was moving like a real ninja! I'm honestly thoroughly impressed with his skills and knowledge, he really does make a good teacher.

He finally stops and turns towards me, "Don't forget to keep your tail straight and elevated, it will help with your balance. Especially when you're moving fast." He suggests with that sexy know-it-all smile of his.

I get a smrik hiding under my mask as an idea forms in my mind, 'I wonder how he would react... Only one way to find out.' With that thought I snap to attention, pushing my chest out and say, "Hai Sensei!" Just like the turtles do to Splinter when training.

Leo's reaction does not disappoint as his face turns so dark from blushing that his electric blue eyes look like they are glowing in contrast as they slid down my body before snapping back up to meet mine. He scratches the back of his head as he flashes a shy smile, "You honor me, Ying. But I'm no master, I still have a lot to learn."

I tilt my head a bit as I take a step closer to him. I'm so close that I can feel his warm breath through the thin fabric on my face as he looks down at me but still not touching him. "But don't we all? Even masters still learn new techniques. What makes them a master is how they execute those techniques."

His smile turns soft, "Heh heh, you make a good point." He chuckles out then clears his throat and changes the subject while looking deep into my violet eyes. "I have to admit, it's nice training with someone that actually listens. Not to mention how quickly you pick up on things. It's really impressive honestly." And once again his eyes turn cool and calm with his compliment.

I blush hard and I look away while I scratch the base of one of my horns as I nervously giggle. 'I've never been more glad to have my face covered" I think to myself. I can barley contain my happiness at his words as my tail starts to swing side to side.

Just then we both go stiff as we hear a sharp and condescending female voice ring out over the quiet rooftop, "Well isn't this sweet. Looks like we found some freaks on a date." The moment the voice faded away Leo and I were surrounded by Foot Ninja.

"Heh! Looks like our training session just got an upgrade." I say as a grin spreads under my mask and we take a battle stance with our backs together.

Once we took our stances, a female ninja jumped off a billboard that was close to us. She did a few tight flips in the air before she landed in front of us with grace and profection. With a glare I took a good look at her. I think she is around 20 years of age. She has really short black hair that was buzzed and bleached in the back and she has a tuff of bangs with a small chin length hunk on either side, in front of her ears. She has quite the devilish black and red eye makeup that makes her hazel eyes stand out and a metal ninja mask covering the bottom half of her face. She wears a black tight bodysuit with tight fitting armour covering her upper body, forearms, thighs and calfs with spikes on her knuckles. She also has a short sword sheath attached horizontally to her lower back with the exposed blade in her right hand.

"Well that's new," Leo says with wide eyes as he looks at her and he pulls out his swords.

"Wow, they weren't kidding! There really are giant turtles pretending to be ninjas... and what the hell are you?" She asks holding the tip of her short sword at me.

I charge some energy a bit as I fill with more anger then the situation probably calles for and my horns start to glow. "Your worse nightmare!" I snap back but before I could even attack the bitch, Leo jumps in and knocks her sword away from me with his katana and just like that the two start trading blows but neither can land a single hit.

'I guess I'm on clean up duty.' I bitterly think to myself as I start taking my anger out on the ninjas. 'After all my training I'm not even breaking a sweat with these chumps. Even my claws feel sharper!' A maniacal chuckle sneaks out between my lips as my claws are died crimson red, making short work of the ninjas.

From behind me I hear the bitch say over the sound of metal clashing against metal, "Not bad, you might actually be a challenge." I look just to see her hit Leo with blinding powder. While he is coughing and trying to get his barings she runs up to him and with a leap she lands a knee strait to his face knocking him on his back. Leo gasps for air while the bitch pins him down with her foot on his chest as she points her sword at his face. "Guess not." She then removes her mask and says, "My name's Karai", as Leo's eyes go wide once more.

As I watch this, a new emotion that I have never felt before boils up inside me. In a rage unlike I have ever experienced before, I grab the last ninja by the face, that picked the worst time to attack me. I ended up crushing his skull in my anger and whipped the limp body at this bitch, knocking her off the building. Much to my dislike, Leo looks over the edge of the rooftop just to only see the limp ninja body that I threw. I lend him a hand up as I disperse all the built up energy in my body, making my horns turn back to black. Without a word Leo and I head back to the lair, both of us deep in thought.

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