
Chapter 132 MAP

"He doesn't know where the Relentless Nation's squads are located, we can use that as an advantage," Hitoro said.

"He must have used that same treasure to break through my pyramid," Lu Jin's opponent muttered as he lost himself in his thoughts. 

"Kashi! Hey Kashi!" the rank six[6] martial prince cultivator with shuriken called.

"Y..yes," the rank five[5] martial prince cultivator who fought Lu Jin answered after getting back to his senses.

"Are you okay?" the shuriken user asked.

"I'm fine. Just thinking what the treasure that rank five[5] martial prince cultivator must have used," Kashi said. 

"There's no need to think too much about that, he was lucky," the shuriken user said.

"I'm really lucky," Lu Jin said a hundred and ten[110] meters away from the building he escaped from, "if not for the rank increase brought by my life spirit, and the extra rank increase by doom, I would have died."

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