
Chapter 12

When one has to inspect things, it is sometimes best if one is doing it themselves. And if the thing to be inspected is a group of barbaric teenagers who would kill with no hesitation. General Ironwood has to make sure it was not a mistake to let these teenagers into an institution like Beacon.

He was not questioning Ozpin's decision to recruit these teenagers into their inner circle, for as long as he remembered, the man has never made any bad decision, but he wants to make sure they won't stab them in the back.

Ozpin's office door was opened, and in came General James Ironwood, behind him, followed his most trusted personnel, Winter Schnee.

" General. " Ozpin greeted, " It's good to see you come here at such short notice. Please have a seat. "

The Journey from Atlas to Vale was by no means short, but for such an important matter he had to be present there.

" Thank you Ozpin, and I supposed were waiting for Qrow. " Ironwood took a seat with Winter standing behind him.

From Ozpin's window a crow entered the office, it cawed at them roamed round the room and then went straight to a chair. The crow then morphed into something more human-like and there sat Qrow with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

" Worry not, Qrow's here. " The man declared as he took a gulp from his small flask, and judging from the fragrance that was released on opening it, the contents were definitely alcohol.

" Even Icequeen is here. "

Winter scoffed at him, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

" Since we're all here, I would like to proceed to our meeting. " Ozpin took his seat. " Glynda, can you call Tor here? "

Glynda who stood behind him nodded and she took out her scroll and typed a message and sent it to Tor.

" I hope we can resolve the issues presented before us in this meeting. " Ozpin said, " So you have any questions? "

" Can we trust them? " General ironwood went straight to the point, " I have no intentions to not trust your judgement, but these teenagers have unknown origins, and I cannot put the safety of the people to some people I know nothing of. "

" Well, Jimmy is spitting facts here. " Qrow said as he got comfortable in his seat

" Well, since it will take some time for Tor to arrive here, I will shed some light on these teenagers. "

" Please do Ozpin. "

" These teenagers came from a large landmass called " Hedninger", which is situated far into the northern part of Atlas seas. " Ozpin began.

" How come such a place exists? the Northern part of Atlas is a frozen wasteland, anything more than that is just a nightmare. " Ironwood was shocked at this information, as he said if this landmass existed, it far worse than a frigid frozen wasteland. And no life can survive in such a place.

" I thought of the same thing General, but people do live there, but the land is a living hell on Remanent. " Ozpin replied.

" How is that so? " Qrow asked, he was getting more curious about this Hedninger. He has gone to many places that can be classified as a hellhole, but if Ozpin says that this is a living hell, he sure was curious.

" That place was cursed with wars for the last 500 years. " That caught everyone off-guard, even Glynda was surprised at this information. " Their wars made our last Great war look like a quarrel between children."

Living in such a harsh place, resources were limited and thus conflict was bound to happen. And When it happened, all Hell broke loose. There were countless clans before the war and currently, there is only a handful left. Most clans went extinct and only the strongest were left.

It was written in the old Viking text, that they were not originally from Remanent, that they were banished here doomed to suffer in the Frozen wasteland of Hedninger. But their pagan Gods didn't forsake them, rewarding them with their blessings in exchange for sacrifices and reverence.

And with their newfound powers, they colonised Hedninger reaping its resources, but the resources were never bountiful, and their greed took over and conflict started, which then flourished into a war.

It was then, that Ozpin arrived at Hedninger to look for allies. During those dark times, Ozpin was desperate and he needed allies urgently. But in Hedninger, he seemed to find no allies, but barbaric demons in human flesh came for him.

It was there he met the most dangerous man to ever walk on Remanent. Olaf Torden, or Tor's great grandfather, despite his human appearance, possessed a demonic aura so wicked that it made the bravest warriors break down and soil their pants.

He had no emotions, no fear, no hesitation and no sympathy. What he had was faith, a fanatical faith towards his pagan Goddess " Hel "

With his undying faith, his inhuman physique and his sharp bloodied sword, he slaughtered anyone who dared to defy the wish of his Goddess. He was so dangerous, that his enemies call the " Smiling Draugr "

Ozpin never knew what the Goddess wanted Olaf to do in her name, and he never probably will. That man talked less, but one does not need to talk to show how much dangerous oneself is.

During those time, Ozpin did manage to find out the names of the few Gods the Vikings worshipped.

First was Odin, the all-father as they described him, was the patron God of the Berserkers. He blessed any worthy Berserker with inhuman vigour and Vitality.

Then came Thor, another patron God of the berserkers, named the God of strength or the Berserk God. He rewards any Berserker with the power of destruction should he find them worthy.

Another one was Loki, the God of mischief. He had three children, Jörmungandr the world serpent. Fenrir, the patron God of The Highlanders, and lastly was Hel, the Goddess of Death and the ruler of the Nordic Underworld, she was the patron God of Olaf Torden.

To receive blessings from their patron God, sacrifices must be made and one must show to his or her God that they are worthy.

Thus, "The Trial of Worth" was conducted each time a warrior survives five years as a warrior on a battlefield. The trial conducted may vary from clan to clan, but one thing was sure, that blood will always be spilt when a trial was conducted.

When you live in a time when war runs rampant, you will take and do anything to win, no matter how bloody it may be. Because only the strongest will survive.

And now since all the remaining clans have signed the peace contract, It should stay that way for at least five years, or until the contract gets torn to pieces and with the limited resources, the latter was bound to happen sooner than anyone would expect.

When Ozpin explained this to the people in his office, he had to omit unnecessary information as too much information for them will have some backlash, for this is confidential information and it would be best if not many people know of this.

" So you're telling that there is a unified army of superhumans living on a large landmass on the northernmost of part Atlas? " Ironwood asked, " I need to improve border security in case they start invading us. "

" You don't have to be paranoid about it General, besides we have a representative among us... and look, he's just on time. " Ozpin looked towards the elevator, it gave a ding sound and the door opened, and a familiar emotionless face appeared.

Tor walked out of the elevator, and they all got a good look at him. His face was plastered with an emotionless mask, and the intimidating facial scars made him look like a cropped ears pitbull.

( This is a photo for reference )

It was very obvious that he was a warrior just by looking at him, but he was no ordinary warrior, he had the blessing of the Goddess Hel herself, one of the many hounds of the Goddess of death.

" Good evening Professor. " Tor greeted with a monotone voice, " Do you need anything from me? "

" Ah yes, let me introduce you to our allies. " Ozpin gestured towards General Ironwood, " This is General James Ironwood, headmaster of Atlas Academy and also the General of the Atlas Army. And by his side is his most trusted personnel, Specialist Winter Schnee. "

Then gesturing to Qrow, " And this is our spymaster, Qrow Branwen "

" Sup. " Greeted Qrow with a half-assed salute.

" ... "

" Not much of a talker huh? " Qrow took another sip of his previous liquor from his flask.

Tor turned to General Ironwood, " I am well informed about you General. I can feel that you don't trust me...My Older Brother told me not to trust people like you either. "

That surprised everyone in the room, General Ironwood glared at the Viking. Winter's hand was on her weapon.

" And why is that so? " Ironwood asked.

" You look like a person who will back-stab someone just because you fear something... a Coward. And I don't like cowards. " Tor responded, " My Older Brother advised me to tear people like you to pieces. "

" You have some nerve to threaten me. " Ironwood has never met someone who dared to openly threaten him that to in front of his allies. " And your Older Brother knows nothing about me. "

Tor was not even intimidated, " My Older Brother never lies. " he declared with a hint of aggression, " And I suggest you do not speak ill of him or I will rip your tongue out of your mouth. "

" Calm down you two. Let's not fight among allies. " Ozpin had to diffuse the situation.

" Allies? " Tor asked, " As of now, my ally is only Ozpin because my brother told me so. "

" Qrow, do you have anything to ask Tor? " Ozpin turned to Qrow.

" Well, I want to see for myself if you are any good. " Qrow said, " Professor Ozpin, praised you a lot, especially regarding your combat abilities. "

" So I assume you have a test for me? " Tor asked.

" Well, you and your team to be exact. " Qrow answered. " So I have a mission for you and your team. " He then turned to Ozpin, " Professor you remember the White fang base I discovered five days back? "

" Yes, the one outside of Vale. " Ozpin knew what Qrow was suggesting. " You want his team to deal with it. "

" Well, you read my mind already? " Qrow joked, " It's a base where they are stockpiling Dust they have stolen from the Schnee Dust convoy that was supposed to reach Vale the past week. I have observed they have guards, well not more than thirty Faunus, and most of them did not have their Aura unlocked. The problem is that it is under the protection of Alfred Taurus. "

" He's Adam Taurus's cousin, right? " Ironwood asked. And receiving a nod from Qrow, he sigh in annoyance, " Looks like his entire family is rotten to like him. "

Adam Taurus was once a worker for the Schnee Dust Company as one of the many Faunus in the Faunus labour force. After some point in time, he joined the White fang and ever since then he became one of the top dogs of the Organisation, and since his family is involved as well, things are going to get difficult.

It was not that the base was difficult to attack, but apprehending a family of Adam Taurus was sure to have some nasty consequence, knowing the Bull Faunus was prone to act according to his rage.

" It will be done. " Tor said silencing everyone in the room. Qrow laughed, " Answered with hesitation. You are one cocky guy you know. "

" I don't care what you think about me, just tell me his location and I will bring his head on a plate, as for his goons, I will fill a sack with their decapitated heads and bring them to you. "





" That's messed up. " Qrow commented.

Well one could not find fault with their silence, they were expecting to have his team apprehend all the thugs in that base, but for him to suggest bringing their decapitated heads back to them was too extreme.

" Permission to speak General. " Winter who was silent the whole time wanted to ask the young Viking something.

" Permission granted. "

Winter faced Tor, " I don't intend to doubt you and your team's combat ability, but how are you supposed to accomplish the mission you are about to take? "

Tor was silent, he did not want to tell them how he was going to complete the mission. He was going to show them a demonstration, it was time for Remanent to know why his Clan was one of the most feared in Hedninger. It was time to baptise this foreign land with the Goddess's cold touch, it was time for them to know the true meaning of Fear. Because one of Hel's many hounds is here.

The room's temperature suddenly dropped, They all felt it, and the lights began to flicker on and off. Black mist permeated the floor and it was spreading really fast. Everyone felt something it was hard to describe, but it was like something cold touched their heart and whatever it was it was not human.

The black mist covered the entire floor and darkness began to devour the light in the room. It was then they realised that they could not use their Aura anymore like something was stopping them from doing so. Confusion, despair and most importantly Fear.

They looked toward Ozpin hoping he could give light to their current situation, but even he looked like he saw a ghost. They all turn to the one he was facing.

The one who caused all this was Tor, or more specifically his semblance. " Hel's Domain. "

Black mist was also permeating from his body, but the most disturbing thing was the demonic grin he was making. ( check paragraph comment for Picture )

It was so disturbing that they all went for their weapons, not to mention the absurd bloodlust he was emitting, just what is this guy - they all thought. And when his gaze was on them, the unholy cold touch of that inhuman hand began to surface again.

" Tor stop this at once! " Ozpin raised his voice demanding him to stop.

The black mist began to fade away, the lights turned back to normal, and that demonic smile faded away as well.

" I apologize for that. " Tor apologized with his head hung low.

" It ok, Tor. " Ozpin said, " Just don't use that on your allies next time. "

" Yes Professor. "

" So, when are you going to take out that White fang base? " Ozpin asked.

" We will do it tonight. I will go and inform my teammates now. "

And with that, he left the room leaving everyone in a daze. They did not fully comprehend what had just transpired and after a few minutes of silence, Ironwood spoke, " Professor, what just happened? "

" That is his semblance... " Hel's domain " as his entire clan calls it. And as you have already felt it, he is the worse enemy of not just Aura users but Grim as well. And he is not even the strongest warrior in his clan. "

" Just what are dealing with, Professor. " Glynda asked.

" We are dealing with a group of people who could potentially solve all of our problems. "

Next chapter