
Chapter 42

Despite the arousal that had burned between them the other night, Kobrah made no move to resume the kiss they never finished. And Dara certainly didn't have the courage to push it.

Seeing him again had brought back all her old feelings. How safe she felt with him. How impressed she was not just by his strength and good looks but his intelligence. His ability to command not only a ship but its crew.

It also meant a return of the fire he could ignite in her body. A hot lust that throbbed between her legs.

Seeing him reminded her of why she'd fallen in love, which - despite what he thought - was real. At least for her.

He made her wish for something more. But obviously her regrets weren't shared. Kobrah avoided her, obviously unable to forgive. Probably for the best. Getting involved with her wouldn't be healthy. For him.

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