
Chapter 23

The man wouldn't take no for an answer. He even ordered her clothes from the replicator and then insisted she wear them.

He dangled the plain gray uniform. "Put this on."

She curled her lip in a disdain learned at her father's knee. "I am not changing."

"You can't wear that." He gestured to her robe. The same robe he'd thought adequate earlier that day.

"I am not changing because I am not going anywhere with you."

"Then I guess you can go naked."

Before she could grasp his intent, he'd leaned in and gripped the neckline of her loose gown.

It tore, easily, shredded from her body, leaving her screeching. "What is wrong with you?"

"Many things, pixie."

Her anger gave her the strength to hurl a compulsion against him. "Leave. Now."

But his mind didn't cave to her demand. A slow smile curved his lips, gave his granite countenance a rugged handsomeness despite the wicked glint. "I'll go, but you're coming with me, pixie. Your choice, naked or..." He dangled the gray suit.

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