
One hundred and Twenty two

 After he and Sansa had said their good-byes and she had been molested by Dominic—which almost led to the pervert losing a limb—James and Sansa went out of the tunnels and down to the indoor parking lot. He held up something he'd taken from his back pocket.

 Sansa tensed. "You want to blindfold me?"

 "I told you, I want this to be a surprise."

 "But…you want to blindfold me?"

 "What part of 'surprise' don't you understand?"

 A little irritated that she wouldn't even be able to look out the window and guess where they were going, she nonetheless nodded. He gently put on the blindfold, plunging her into complete darkness, and kissed her lightly on the mouth before guiding her into his Mercedes.

 When James finally drove them out of pack territory, he released a sigh of relief. Those people had the potential to drive him insane.

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