
Friend A

White Wing City — Formerly known as White Wing Town — had been registered as full pledge Angel City. Because of its title as an Angel City, it had become an Independent City that was outside the restriction of any Kingdom.

Before it was somewhat related to Rustas Kingdom and Elbarium Kingdom but thanks to the help of the Churches it had been resolved. White Wing City was inducted as a self-governing D-Class Angel City.

The City's diverse and varied geological location made it even more attractive to travelers and adventurers. The White Wing City was next to a Mountain Range that had just been liberated from the rule of a Death Knight.

The magical creatures in the Forest were also closely regulated and have areas perfectly suited for low to mid-tier Seekers. There were Caverns and Mountainous regions on the opposite direction of the Forest and it was near the border of the Inhilgar so it was also being treated as a transitional City for large expeditions.

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