
Chapter 58 Rescuing Operation!

[Kaede POV]

"Hey everyone, I'm glad that you all passed!" I chirped to the rest of my class.

"Of course, how will I lose to these weaklings?" Bakugo arrogantly boasted.

Luckily, all my friends survived the preliminary round without much trouble. We all celebrated, but Sero said something shocking.

"Hey Midoriya-san, what were you doing with that naked woman during the preliminary?" He asked.

Hearing this, all of us stared at Midoriya with dumbfounded expressions. I completely forgot about that part! That must be when Toga stole some of his blood... I need to do something about this...

"I didn't hear you correctly. May you repeat what you said, Deku-Kun?" Ochako asked while unleashing a demonic aura. Mina and I felt it instantly, and both of us tried to restrain her.

"There must be a reason behind it!" Mina whispered.

"Yeah, calm down, Ochako-chan, or else Midoriya-Kun will find out that you have a crush on him!" I whispered in the other ear.

"What are you talking about? Me and Deku-Kun?" Ochako panicked and her face turned red.

"We will talk about this later." I quietly said, and we all listened to Midoriya's explanation.

Midoriya desperately defended himself, saying it had something to do with her quirk. We eventually believed him since we all know Midoroiya wasn't the person who would do such things.

"Oi Todoroki, I want to wish you luck because I will be trying my best to win our competition!", I turned around and saw Yoarashi (Inasa) approaching Todoroki and reaching for a handshake.

"Honestly, what are you guys competing about? Nobody will tell me!" I whined and appeared between the two of them.

"Sorry, Uchiha, but this is a battle between men!" Yoarashi proclaimed.

"Ehhhh..." I said with disappointment and pouted.

Yoarashi chuckled and patted my head. I swear, I saw a tick mark on Todoroki's forehead, or were my eyes playing tricks on me? Suddenly I recalled something that I wanted to ask Yoarashi: "By the way, Yoarashi-Kun, have you considered going to UA instead of Shiketsu High?"

Since Yoarashi no longer has a reason to dislike Endeavour anymore, I was curious about what happened.

"Well...." Yoarashi smiled awkwardly and averted my gaze.

[3rd POV, Flash Back]

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE MOVING??" Inasa shouted in shock.

"We told you two weeks ago that your father got a job in the west of Japan, remember? I have constantly reminded you about it! Also, didn't you notice that we packed our things about a week ago??" Inasa's mother said with a deadpan expression.

"I was too focused on the UA recommendation exam, and I haven't noticed anything!" Inasa exclaimed.

Inasa had utterly forgotten that his family was moving houses. What's worse was they were moving toward the west of Japan, which was a completely different direction to UA, located in the east.

Now it was his mother who was shocked: "Don't tell me you went..."

"Hmph, of course! How could I give up on this opportunity!" Inasa replied proudly!

"Don't worry, mother, I will figure something out!"

Hearing Inasa's confidence, his mother smiled wryly and nodded.

A day later...

"Principal Nezu, sir, unfortunately, I have to forgo my invitation to UA!" Inasa said while bowing at Nezu in his office.

Inasa then explained the reason for forgoing the acceptance of UA. Nezu chuckled understanding Inasa's situation. He took out a document from his desk and wrote something down.

"Since you're going to the west, how about going to Shiketsu High?" Nezu suggested.

"Shiketsu High...." Inasa repeated.

Nezu nodded: "Yes, it's another hero academy located in the west of Japan. As much as I hate to admit it, it has the same prestige as UA. I know the principal there personally, and if you show him this form, you will likely be accepted into the hero course. However, you may still be tested once more."

Inasa gently held the document in front of him as if it was the most fragile thing in the world: "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" He shouted as his forehead smashed onto the floor from his bowing.

Nezu cackled at his behavior before shooing Inasa away: "Kids these days..."

[ Flash Back End]

[Kaede POV]

"Wow, Principal Nezu sure is pretty nice, huh," I commented, hearing Yoarashi's story.

Yoarashi nodded: "Then I got accepted into Shiketsu High, and I don't regret it for even a second!"

Suddenly the door to the waiting room opened, and the man from the Hero Committee walked in. He told us to watch the big screen in the waiting room. The screen revealed the battlefield we were just on, but instead, it was wholly destroyed. He explained that villains attacked the city, and the final round would be a rescue operation.

Some civilian volunteers would be acting like victims. We must rescue them and bring them to the designated safe area. We will earn or lose points depending on how well we did. When the explanation finished, the walls in the waiting room collapsed once again. Together as a class this time, we went to the nearest area affected by the villains.

[3rd POV]

Class 1-A eventually found an injured child next to a broken building. The child cried that his grandpa had been crushed under the debris, and Izuku had a pitying look. The child immediately pointed it out, to everyone's surprise, and deducted points for Izuku. He then lectured the class and told them about hiding their emotions so the victims would feel reassured.

Before the child could say more, Kaede's body flickered in front of him, gently picking him up.

"Don't worry; everything will be okay now." She comforted the child andapplied medical ninjutsu.

Kaede then held her hand towards the pile of debris, a giant purple skeletal arm formed around her and she carefully lifted the massive piece of debris, revealing an elderly man lying on the ground.

"Iida-kun, check on the injured man! If he's okay, then follow me. We will bring these two to the safe area!" Kaede ordered.

"Roger!" Tenya agreed and went to check on the old man.

"Good Job!" x2 Immediately, the child and the old man stopped acting and exclaimed while pointing at Kaede.

"This was exactly how you should act!" The child complimented.

Kaede happily nodded: "Go find more people that needed help, Iida-kun, and I will meet up with you guys!" Kaede said to the rest of her friends.

She picked the child up before dashing away while Tenya followed close behind. Class-1A were in awe, Kaede's action filled them with determination, and together, they went to find more people to save.

[Kaede POV]

Once I reached the safe area, I set the child down: "Everything will be safe now!"

The boy nodded and gave me a thumbs-up: "I believe you will be a great hero one day!"

"Thanks...." I felt embarrassed being complimented.


A gigantic hole was made at the side of the stadium. My eyes brightened up, remembering the event in the Provisional License Arc.

'Ah, this must be where Gang Orca and his sidekicks will act as villains!' I thought excitedly.

I gazed at the gaping hole with anticipation; soon enough, a couple of dozen people started coming out. But wait, they're wearing different costumes than I remember. They're all wearing black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards, gloves, and swords strapped to their backs. The most noticeable features were the animal-styled porcelain masks...

"Are those Anbus???" I muttered in disbelief.

My eyes widened when I saw the person standing at the back of the group: "Onii-chan...." He was wearing his Akatsuki costume, but this time he also wore an animal mask, and I could see his bright red Sharingan through the eyeholes.

"Villains have appeared. Heroes must suppress them as well as carry out the rescue operation." A calm voice sounded from the speakers.

[3rd POV]

Kaede activated her lightning chakra mode and sprinted toward her enemies. The villains unsheathed their swords.

Kaede leaped high in the air: "Raiton: Raikou Hitofuki no Jutsu", She said and fired multiple bolts of lighting out of her hands.

The jutsu strikes around ten villains, and they fall to the floor, paralyzed. She landed in the middle of the gang of villains and unsheathed her blade as Kaede started to disarm and knock out the enemies around her.

In the back of the group, Itachi was watching his litter sister fight with a proud expression.

"Itachi, Kaede's pretty strong now," Shisui commented.

Itachi nodded: "Go and stop her. Try not to get your ass kicked."

Shisui chuckled before using his extreme speed and arriving in front of Kaede. With a swift motion, he pulled out his blade and swung downward, and Kaede instantly reacted and blocked.

"Yo Kaede-chan!" Shisui said as he took off his mask.

"Never thought you guys would be in the test," Kaede replied.

"Well, knowing your brother, he immediately agreed to participate, knowing that he will be to meet you here." He sighed tiredly

Kaede smiled at her cousin and entered her stance, "Go after the civilians! I will deal with her!" Shisui shouted.

His companions nodded before leaving Kaede alone. She tried to stop them from running away, but Shisui intercepted her blade.

"Sorry, I can't let you do that!" Shisui said with his usual carefree attitude.

Kaede created distance between them, and her Sharingan slowly turned from the three tomoe to a shape of a flower as she activated her Mangekyou Sharingan. Shisui grinned and he also activated his Sharingan.


The two dashed towards each other and crossed blades...


Hope you enjoy :)

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Yellow_Duck_Toycreators' thoughts
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