
163) Studying Penelope

"You are better?" I asked, seeing that after chatting for a while she looked more like the Penelope I knew.

"A little," she sigh, also feeling better and more relaxed.

"You're still worried about cumming like a whore in front of me" I mocked her guiltlessly.

"You're an idiot," she complained, offended, but not too much, she was still more embarrassed than anything else.

"If so, let's continue, don't worry, no one will find out what happened here for a long time" (Red)

"Never!" She stated and demanded at the same time. She couldn't bear to know that someone else knew what happened here.

"Look, let's go ahead and enjoy it a little longer. You have witnessed how I came and I how you came. We are just two horny teenagers and can blame the hormones. What's stopping us? You didn't want to study, let's make it fun at least "

"You'll be horny! And everything that happened to me was your fault." she excused herself from all blame, putting it on me, but without much resistance to my idea of continuing, or it seemed "We can continue studying, but without tricks."

She turned around with her book, but I saw that she waited for me to approach too before starting. I could tell that her previous words were half-truths, nothing more, because I didn't see the slightest opposition to my hands playing with her body again.

The study continued, although it was a little more intense. I freely used [Ecstasy] although in small quantities and at times I just rubbed her nipples unscrupulously. Of course, her private area wasn't touched at all, I knew it would be too much for this moment.

Still, with my skills, it was not unusual for Penny, after 10 or 20 minutes, to cum a little and every hour to have a huge orgasm that made her walk away from her study for a few seconds before coming back to herself. She didn't stop us, because she knew that the next time we stopped would be the end of this session. She still felt guilty, but she enjoyed it and just for once, to forget all those sorrows, she wanted to continue feeling like she was flying with pleasure.

Time passed and we finally stopped, Penelope's nipples were already harder than stone and a little irritated from so much touching. Penny threw her head back as she breathed heavily and kept her eyes closed.

For her, it was the strangest study. She knew she was doing something wrong, something so sexual... but the funny thing was that she felt like she was learning. She became more and more afraid of my abilities when she noticed how I had helped her with her studies despite everything. If she continued like this, I didn't know to what extent I could develop my sexual skills and if she would end up falling into the net of that boy four years younger than her... ending up under her sheets and...

"Enough?" I asked as I watched her furrow her eyes shut and blush more and more, cutting off her chain of thought.

"Yes, I can't continue, I'm already very uncomfortable" (Penelope)

"I thought you were enjoying it" (Red)

"I did, but I have to change my clothes... for a long time" she looked at me reproachfully.

"I think it's sexy" I said, running my hands along her thighs, feeling them completely wet.

"Why do things with you always end up making me change my clothes into something dirty?" (Penelope)

"Does this often happen?" I smiled at her.

"Bastard," she nudged me and pushed my hands away. "Being so horny, I'm not surprised you were looking for a brothel. The truth is, it even seems better if you look for someone before coming to see me, at least I would make sure you wouldn't embarrass me in front of others"

"I was with someone before coming here," I confessed.

"What?!" (Penelope)

"Do you remember Nymphadora Tonks, the Hufflepuff? The day I was very affectionate with you all was because I was away for a good while due to certain circumstances, although you didn't notice. Well, while my clones were with you, my real body was going at it with Tonks until she passed out... two full days of just fucking." (Red)

"(OoO)" Her facial expression said it all; she couldn't believe it. I really was a precocious kid in her eyes... and with someone who was even older than she was. Despite that, she had questions about how my relationship with Tonks reached that point.

"After that, I came back to Hogwarts and have been giving Gemma everything she wants." (Red)

"The Slytherin prefect?! The one who hates you?" She asked increasingly surprised.

"That's the one, although we stopped hating each other a long time ago, and everything is just an act to hide our real relationship." (Red)

"Who else?" she asked again, annoyed that it turned out I had been a playboy and taken advantage of her, but her curiosity was also getting the better of her.

"Well, then I went after Ravenclaw..." I commented and then fell silent as I looked at her.

"... you're a degenerate..." she responded, not knowing what else to say. She looked at me with surprise and a hint of disgust.

"Yes... but you enjoy it... don't you?" I moved my hand between her legs and my finger, charged with [Ecstasy], to touch an important point.

"S-Stop it...!" She quickly stopped me when felt like she was going to cum again, with some fear that things would go back to that and go further.

"What if I don't want to...? I said I came for a Ravenclaw..." (Red)

"You wouldn't dare... I wouldn't talk to you again..." she threatened, nervous, disgusted, and perhaps even curious.

"Well, let's leave it here... but..." without giving her a chance to resist or refuse, I hugged her tightly and kissed her deeply.

Penelope was surprised; for some reason, kissing felt worse than the touching she endured. She felt dirty being kissed by me after finding out that I had been with two girls before her, but she couldn't break free from my grip, and in the end, she surrendered.

I didn't let go for a short time; I went from her resisting and doing everything possible to break free until she surrendered and stopped struggling, until she started to participate. Minutes passed, and finally, I let her go, letting her breathe. She seemed exhausted and was lying on top of my body.

"You're a cheat..." she complained weakly. "It's not fair that you make it feel so good."

"Sorry, I guess..." I replied. Yes, I used [Ecstasy], and I didn't regret it; it made us reach this point.

"I'm not joking... no one can resist like that... I'm not surprised you have so many girlfriends..." she said with some anger. "If you use your magic like this, anyone will fall at your feet." She grumbled but didn't move away from me. She was enjoying being in my arms, so she snuggled in more to savor the moment.

"Even you?" I asked, smiling, but Penelope tried to hit me with irritation, and when she couldn't, she gave up. "Is it so bad being my girlfriend? I thought you liked it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have broken up with my brother and paid so much attention to me." (Red)

"I'm not a second choice... and yes, I admit it, I might have liked you a bit. Your peculiarity intrigued me, and I considered the possibility of something more. But I won't be just one of many. Also, don't mention Percy." (Penelope)

"Penny... let's ignore the other women for a moment." (Red)

"That would be difficult." (Penelope)

"But let's do it. Tell me the truth, don't you enjoy being with me? Don't I entertain you? Don't I give you enough? Don't you like it when I touch you?" I hugged her tighter.

"Yes, yes, and yes to all..." she nodded as if confirming my obviousness. "I like it, but I already told you what's going on... and don't talk about what happened a moment ago so casually. It feels good, but you cause all this with your powers, it's not real..."

"It's as real as the magic you use every day."

"Like a love potion, love isn't real," she insisted on the falseness of the feelings I provoke in her.

"It's just because you don't want to accept me and our relationship. If not, you would be begging for it. Is it so important how many women I have? You could practically ignore it completely. It's not like they would take away my time with you. I could be with you 24/7 if you wanted."

"True, the clones, I guess that helps in your quest to conquer all the girls at Hogwarts," she said in a somewhat mocking tone, realizing the usefulness it would give to my skills.

"Not all... only those who are special to me," I said, kissing her head.

"It still wouldn't feel right. Would you be okay with your girlfriend having several men? Even if that doesn't harm you at all..." (Penelope)

"... I hate those kinds of questions... and yes... I know, I'm a hypocrite." (Red)

"How did you get Tonks and Gemma to accept that kind of arrangement anyway? Or do they not know about the others?" she asked, unsure if it was curiosity or the search for a good reason to accept or definitively reject.

"They know. Gemma, well, she's a bit broken, not necessarily in a bad sense. She doesn't care about the other women as long as I'm there for her and don't abandon her... truth is, she's a good girl who just wants love. Tonks, well, she was a challenge, but we fell in love deeply, and she was willing to accept my selfish requests just to stay with me... which makes me feel somewhat guilty if I don't unleash the darkness within me," I said, revealing my 'evil' side. "Still, I make sure to compensate by giving her all my love... although she might be a bit distant with me now."

"Why? Change of heart?" she asked, ignoring my appearance. It wasn't unusual for me to come out with something like that; besides, the topic was different at the moment. She could ask about it some other time.

"No, too much sex." (Red)

"Too much sex?!" she asked in surprise.

"Yeah... well... let's just say I went overboard. Don't think that just because I have a lot of women, I won't give them the love they deserve; I can handle it." I smirked mischievously, raising my eyebrows.

"Let's see how long you can keep that up," (Penelope)

"Well," I replied, starting to adjust her clothes.

"I didn't mean that!" She held my hands with some fear.

"I know, I know, just teasing you. Well, as I was saying, maybe I got a bit carried away, and we had too much sex for her liking."(Red)

"And with that justification, will you say you're seeking other women because you're too good at it, and no single woman could satisfy you?" she questioned.

"As expected from my dear Ravenclaw. But I won't use that excuse; I'll say it with much pride. I want many women because I'm a horny selfish bastard!" (Red)

"Well... then you won't have me. I'm sorry, but I don't want to be that kind of woman... I don't despise Tonks for accepting it... but it's not my thing. I do despise Gemma, but that's just because she's an idiot." (Penelope)

"And there's nothing I can do to change that?" (Red)

"I'm sorry, but no..." (Penelope)

Penelope didn't finish objecting when our lips connected once again. She tried to resist, aware of what was coming, but it was too late, and the sounds of pleasure echoed again until we separated.

"Stop doing that!" She said, a mix of anger and embarrassment evident in her flushed face.

"But it works, doesn't it?" (Red)

"Of course not...!" She exclaimed, but once again, she found herself caught up in the moment for several minutes. "... please, don't continue..." She weakly pleaded, yet I kissed her again and only released her much later, leaving her feeling somewhat vulnerable.

"You don't need to feel inferior because of the number of women I've been with. You occupy a special place in my heart; let me show you. Give me a chance, and perhaps you'll realize it's not so bad." I whispered, but quickly heard her stifled sobs.

I hate you..." She began to cry, covering her face.

"Why are you crying?" (Red)

"It's your fault!" She said through tears. "Don't use your powers on me...! I know what I want, but when you use your magic, it confuses me." (Penelope)

"I... I'm sorry... but I don't want to..." (Red)

"I know what you want! And I don't care. I want to be myself. I don't want to accept this because of your magic!" She responded forcefully, as if releasing all her anguish about the situation.

"Okay... I'm sorry." I said and gave her some time to calm down. "Just... let's give it a try..."

"I don't want to..." She sobbed.

"But I won't give up." I hugged her tightly. "Consider it an adventure between two horny teenagers. Try it, and then go on with your life if you don't want to. Pretend the others don't exist..."

"... answer me something..." She stopped me.

"Whatever you want." (Red)

"You have intentions with all the girls in the group..." (Penelope)

"Well..." (Red)

"..." (Penelope)

"Look, I won't hide it. You're one of the people who knows me the most. I trust you a lot because I believe you're trustworthy. Yes, my intentions aren't entirely pure... but I'm just asking for a chance, even if it's just like now, to spend time together and relax... and I'm not referring to the sexual part." (Red)

"I don't think I can." She replied honestly; knowing my intentions didn't make it easier for her to accept.

"I know... but try it. I have so many things to share with you... so many unique experiences. I'll make this work, and you'll feel like you would regret thinking about rejecting it. Trust me." (Red)

"What things?" She asked, not very hopeful, but also not wanting things to end this way.

"Hmmm... have you ever been close to a unicorn?" (Red)

"We saw some during the care of magical creatures class. Why do you ask?" (Penelope)

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