
Chapter 56: G for Vengeance

The headmaster was using the Pensieve in his office looking at some memories when his door opened and a red haired boy entered.

"Hello headmaster, watching a movie?" I asked, seeing him with his face in the bowl.

"How do you keep getting into my office?"

"Stop using sweets as a password and you can complain"

The headmaster sighed and went to sit at his desk waiting to see what I was up to now, every time I came to his office something new was going to happen.

"What do you need now, Mr. Weasley?" Asked the headmaster, leaning back in his chair waiting for to see what I would come up with now

"Well you see..."

"NO!" The director said flatly.

"I haven't told you anything yet"

"Sorry, just practical"

"..." I stared for a while at the headmaster who laughed as he cleaned his glasses "I want to use the favor of the troll"

"I already saved your skin once with Tenebrius, you don't have that favor"

"We already discussed it, you made a profit, it doesn't count as a favor. We can spend all night discussing it, or you can listen to me and accept what I ask of you to finish quickly"

"I can hear you, but I don't plan on accepting any of your plans again. I feel like every time you come I'm getting older faster."

"At least have the decency to consider it, I'm not going to ask for anything crazy like the above, partly because I can't think of anything right now. You owe me a favor that I already accept, be a good debtor and listen to me"

"..." The headmaster stared at me for a while before saying "I don't want anything crazy, or anything like cheating at Quidditch to win your bets, or anything that puts students or teachers in danger because of it the same, or that imply action for or against any political position or..."

"I get it"

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want to be able to use some school facilities, so I can get together with some friends and do research or training"

"???" The director looked at me confused, "I think you knows well that clubs can be organized at school, I don't understand why you ask me for this"

"Yes, but I don't want to be regulated by you or another professor, if I created a Club and you wanted to, I would be forced to include anyone who wants to enter. I want one where only I can determine who enters and who leaves, I don't plan to put up with people I don't like just because of their request or the order of some teacher. An exclusive club"

"What do you want that for?" he asks with a serious look.

"It's not to form an anti-establishment group or anything like that, you don't have to worry about forming an association to bring chaos and destruction."

"So, what do you want it for?"

"I want to form two clubs"

"Two?" He asked more confused.

"I want to form a female quidditch association at school" With that the headmaster was even more confused "Today I trained with Cho Chang from Ravenclaw and her words opened my eyes. My sister will be entering school next year, and she is a fan of quidditch, so she might try to get on some team... I'll build a stable path for her to make it, I'll form an association to curry favor with the Quidditch players and make sure she doesn't get in trouble from here on out "

"Interesting" the headmaster rubbed his chin, laughing a little.

"Look, in the past she was the only person in my family who understood me and accompanied me as she should, now that I have spent time away from her, I realize how important she is to me. If she has a dream I will do that it becomes a reality and if this school prevents it from being possible, then I will tear it down, stone by stone, you know that I am capable" I pointed at him threateningly.

"I don't doubt it..." the director with his closed eyes nodded, but then he opened them and with a smile said "I was very impressed that you love your sister to do this"

"It is the most valuable thing for me. I have little time, but I will make sure to win the favor of the teams of all the houses so that in case she enters any of them, no one will dare to harm her"

"I don't see a problem with that, I think it's good that you have someone important in your life, family is one of the greatest treasures" said the director, somewhat melancholy "I'm glad you realized how important it is for you ... What's the other club?"

"It's more for my friends, one where we can do a lot of things that we would have to do in different places, but in the same place. Hermione always studies or works on the books, Lavender loves romance novels, Padma studies too, Parvati likes them rumors, Hannah likes plants, Susan just wants company and Tracey seeing me interact with others wants to have more friends, so it will be a good meeting place..."

"You only mentioned women so far." I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but... no, wait... you're right, I don't think other than my brothers I don't have any male friends. I guess we could invite Neville to try to fix his self-esteem problem, also Harry and Ron sometimes for our combat training" I was wondering if it was a good idea.

"I don't think there is a problem with your request"

"But I want one more thing, I don't want him sticking his nose into this and spying on us"

"Why do you think that?"

"We are not going to discuss it, I do not want you to spy on us. I know very well that as a headmaster, you have the means and the authority to do so. I do not want eyes or ears stalking us, neither from you nor from anyone"

"What are you going to do to worry about that?"

"Orgies and human sacrifices" I said randomly.

"..." The headmaster didn't change his face.

"Why does he have the expression as if you could come to expect that of me?" I asked, something annoyed by the look on his face.

"Well, to your surprise, I think you are quite capable of doing something like that"

"Hey, I'm going to be a bit exaggerated, but I'm not going that far either"

"Says the Hogwarts whore?"

"I only did that so I could get something from you, I didn't really sell my body"

"That's why I think you're capable, to achieve your goals you're willing to sacrifice a lot and that worries me. I don't judge that you do things like that because yes, but I think that if necessary you would do them" He speaks truthfully.

"Look, I wouldn't sacrifice anything. If you want to make sure I don't do something like that then next year Ginny's coming into the club and with her around I wouldn't be able to do any of that. Is that better?" I complained.

"I guess next year you can be a little calmer, and you won't do things like this one, I think you won't want to give your sister a bad image"

"Yes, possibly if she had been with me, I wouldn't have dared tarnish my reputation like that. Are you happy? Can I have access to the castle to do my clubs?"

"I think there will be no problems"

"And you're not going to stick your nose where they don't call you?"

"You will have its clubs" he didn't answer the previous question.

"You know, you can spy when Potter is with me, I won't get in the way of your surveillance, but then leave us alone. In the future, when I learn how to keep people like you from watching us, stay out of it, that's all I ask."

"Okay, as long as you don't do something you have to intervene in, you can have freedom" The headmaster agreed, but I don't know if he would keep his word.

"Thank you"

"The favors have been settled, and I inform you that you may not get another one" The headmaster clarified very determined.

I just nodded and left the director's office, I had a lot to plan. I needed a place to be able to train that would be discreet, not only to me, but also to others. I could not use the room of all the requirements during the day, since it will be easy for them to find me and consequently to the room with me. Having a place that I can use as a base can be nice, but now I was going to find Pansy.

I ran into Pansy, she wasn't comfortable keeping her end of the deal, but so far she hasn't refused. Not that she didn't try to resist and refuse, but reminding her each time of her honor and that I could still cause her trouble, she agreed and came with me.

But this time something happened, while we were kissing in a place hidden from everyone's gaze, I let out a scream.


"What's wrong with you? You're hurting me" Pansy complained as my nails dug into her arms. She was about to hurl insults at me, but when she saw my face she noticed how red my eyes were, and she was gritting my teeth really hard "A-Are you alright...?"

"Aaahh..." I groaned before stabbing two fingers into my shoulder and using my blood magic to ease the pain.

"What's wrong with you? You're scaring me" Pansy asked nervously, in my eyes there was hatred and my auras exploded.

"Ah... ah... ah..." I gasped for a while, "just... one of my clones had an accident"


"It doesn't matter, let's just finish here, sorry for letting you see this" I said before leaving and going to my room.

I was able to recover, but it felt very strange that one of me has an arm and the other doesn't. The next day, when I was in my moment with Pansy, I had to apologize a lot and 'Beg' her to go through with our deal. Not that I want to, but it was my fault last time.

Headmaster Dumbledore also appeared that day. He was in the quidditch stadium working when he walked up to me with his hands behind his back.

"Everything seems to be going pretty well with your job"

"Yes... Are you coming to check if I do my duty?" I asked without looking at him.

"Rather to see if everything goes well with you"

"With me?"

"A man will never be the same after having blood on his hands" he put aside his kindness and said seriously.

"If it's because of yesterday, don't worry, and it's not the first time, Ratcliff came before that"

"That was an unfortunate accident, but what happened yesterday was not... I come here, so you can give up your double life"

"I am not going to do it"

"Yesterday you had to take a life with your own hands, you used a piece of wood to kill someone"

"Not that I wanted"

"I know, but still you are just a child who should not face these things"

"Maybe, if I could... I wouldn't, I don't enjoy killing"

"I know that well, despite the state you brought back criminals, you never did anything else. Even after killing for the first time, with everyone else present you didn't overdo it, I think it was just inevitable, but still..."

"I won't give up if that's what you want. I'm not happy, but I'm not sad either, you don't have to worry about me."

"Fine" the headmaster sighed and just stared at me as I worked for a while before leaving.

Dumbledore wanted me to remove Tenebrius, but he decided to wait and see how I acted, if I could still hold my hand after yesterday's incident, then he might be relieved that one death didn't make me a murderer, but if not... he would have to find a way to solve that problem before it becomes uncontrollable.


Things were normal, I had taken my time looking for places in Hogwarts to create the clubs, and I found them. Two rooms on the fifth floor were selected, they were not adjacent and had a good distance from each other.

For a time I secretly prepared for the foundation of both clubs, I used posters with Dumbledore's authorization to close those rooms preventing anyone from entering, and I went to work. These rooms would be ready after Christmas.

But on one of the occasions when I was leaving the room of the future Quidditch association, I received an ability gain notice.

[Blood Magic: Blood Control(Pleasure/Ecstasy) Obtained]

At that moment, I raised my hands and looked at them, staying totally silent...

This is exactly like when you pick up a gun and for a few seconds you have that moment of insight where you realize that what you are about to do is wrong.

"I... I... I can't help but think that giving me this ability is a danger to the world" I said out loud, still in the same place.

I stood there for almost a minute and then... just a residual image of where I had been. The speed I reached was impressive compared to normal.

My body burned with excitement, and I took it upon myself to make sure that what I had been putting off finally happened. It was almost time for classes to end, and I made sure to look for Millicent without anyone noticing us. When I did, I asked her if she could tell Gemma to meet me in my room, but without telling anyone, especially Pansy, that she would like to stop me. Millicent, as a good friend, listened to me and went to look for Gemma in secret.

After that just wait, it was afternoon, so it shouldn't take long, the sun hadn't set yet, so I would have time to enjoy it.


I was lying on my bed when I saw the door open and when I saw it was Gemma I jumped out of bed excited.

"Gemma!" I shout with excitement.

"Shut up and let's get this over with" she quickly interrupted me with a look of contempt and anger.

"Well" I said smoothly and pulled out my wand.

I walked over to the door to cast some Silencing Charms, that I've been taking the time to learn for when I have the Clubs and have to protect myself from our harassing Headmaster.

After that, I sat on my bed with my legs together and patted them while there was only a smile on my face.

"When this is over I'm going to make you swallow your own teeth" The veins on her face couldn't be more swollen, it looked like she wanted to kill me.

"If you can..."

She didn't delay this any longer, she wanted to end this and then find the most brutal way to get even. She knelt down and then climbed on top of my legs with her stomach on my thighs.

"Start now!" she scream.

I didn't want to wait either, with my hand I grabbed his pants and underwear, and forcefully pulled them down.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" she screams.

"Gemma, you were going to stick a wand up my butt, you wouldn't believe I'd let you wear your clothes to protect your butt cheeks." I laughed.

"I'LL MAKE SURE TO KILL YOU WHEN THIS IS OVER" her eyes looked like it was going to explode, but she just turned her head and waited for this to be over.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in seeing your ugly thing, it's just to enjoy the touch." While saying that, I raised my hand, charged with my [Pain] blood magic.


"AAHAHAHHHH....!" Gemma cried out in pain. "What was that?"

"A spank Gemma…a spank" I clarified with my hand held high.


"MOTHERFUCKER!" She clenched her teeth hard and swore at me, trying not to show weakness, but my ability made her suffer quite a bit.

*Slap* This time the slap was loaded with [Calm] and [Numb].



"HAaahhh" she moaned.

"What happened Gemma? Do you like it?" I said as I charged even more [Ecstasy]


"MMMmmmm..." This time, she try not to open her mouth.

*Slap*[Pain - Calm]

*Slap*[Ecstasy - Pain]

*Slap*[Numb - Ecstasy]

Gemma at this moment began to tremble with fear, she did not understand how she could feel so many sensations at the same time. She was worried, since not even a few minutes had passed, and she was already feeling like she was breaking.

"Come on Gemma, it's a long way to go!"


"HAAAAAHHHhhh" She scream between a mixture of pain and pleasure.

"hahaha" I laughed as I started to use my auras.



"I... I... I... I'm... going to... kill... kill you..." Gemma wouldn't stop panting, saliva dripping from her mouth and her eyes were red, her face was covered with tears and her legs did not stop shaking.

Two hours and fifty minutes passed when I stopped for a moment.

"I thought you'd last longer"

"F-F-Fuck you" she said as she tried to get up, but I pushed her back onto my legs.

"Gemma, we're not done yet"

"Then finish already!" she screams almost crying.

"You should have a better attitude, we still have 3 hours left my girl" I laughed while stroking her red butt, it wasn't too damaged, since I made sure to heal it enough so that it only hurt.

"W-WHAT? How is that pos...?"

"Well, do you remember that the deal said that I would spank you for three consecutive hours and only after that would you be free, so I took a little break, so it wasn't three consecutive hours... so we have to start over" I said with a smile that was not bigger just because my body prevented me.

"NO! That can't be true!" She told her while looking into my eyes with panic.

"Maybe, maybe not, but you don't have the luxury to risk checking, it would be a shame if you got up right now and died..."



"I can't hear you!"



And so I went on for another two hours, listening to Gemma's mix of shrieks and moans.

"P-Please... let me go" Gemma, who couldn't stop crying now, begged.

"What? Say it louder"








With the same method as above I continued with her longer and at this point we missed dinner.

"Gemma, don't drool on my floor" I said looking at the puddle of saliva under the head of our unfortunate prefect, "besides... What is that other puddle under your knees? Do you want to bother me by dirtying my room?"


"AHHHHHH... m-me-mercy"

"I don't know, my hand is getting tired, so I'll consider it, but you have to beg."

"P-Please... L-Let me go!" She used the only strength in her to try to say those words.

"Hmm... I'm not convinced"



"Why don't you try mentioning what a whore you are?"

"I... I-I'm... a... s... slut..."


"Be more original, don't just repeat what I say..."


"AHHHAAA!! I'm... I'm a dirty slut... s-sorry for being a slut... mercy..." She screamed, at this point her head wasn't even working right, and she yelled the first thing that came to her mind.

"I'm glad you admit it, but I'm still not satisfied"




"Shut up... tell me, like the whore you are, I guess you're willing to do anything I tell you to do"

"Yes... yes, just... oh..."

"Okay, tell me clearly"

"I'll do...anything...w-you ask...like the whore...I am...forgive me" The tears on Gemma's face were already like waterfalls.

"Well, what I want is to keep spanking you all night HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"




We literally stayed all night. She could not resist at any time because of the pain or the different sensations she felt, the moment she fell under my hand, everything was already lost. I didn't even let her get unconscious, I used my [pain] skill to wake her up when it happened.

The moment I left her, she seemed to have release. She was able to stand up with strength that she only took out in that miraculous moment and without taking half a step, as if her legs were broken, what was left of Gemma fell to the ground and did not get up again.

Gemma was on the floor, and she couldn't tell if she was conscious or not, her body trembled or convulsed, but that was all. At this moment I feel a little bad... not because of what I did but because I almost scared the shit out of me thinking that I had killed her, luckily not.

I picked her up from the floor and placed her on my bed, I took the time to heal her physically and then with my healing skill along with [Calm] I tried to heal her a bit mentally, I didn't want her to freak out and get thrown in Azkaban for that.

I left her in my room and went on with my day, it was morning and I had to go to class.

Next chapter