
Flat chests are justice

Divine Ice Phoenix Sect, Mu Xuanyin's Immortal Abode,

Inside the Main Hall, the atmosphere was tense and heavy.

It was extremely cold and chilling to the bone.

It was as if a heaven-shaking battle would occur at any time!

Today, the Main Hall was hosting one of the most beautiful women in the whole Primal Chaos!

It was a literal visual feast, sadly there wasn't a suitable audience to witness this.

That was because these women were terrifyingly powerful and one way or the other, held supreme positions in the God Realm.

Most of them were minding their own businesses when suddenly, they felt a fundamental change in the whole universe.

It was as if somebody was rewriting all the things about the Primal Chaos!

Honestly, they shouldn't have been able to perceive this incredible concept of reality alteration on a universal scale.

It was only thanks to Noah that they were able to witness something phenomenal and pretty unthinkable.

No one came right into their minds except for Noah.

Was it blind faith or something else?

When all of these women found themselves in the same room, they couldn't help but marvel at each other's beauty.

'Who is she?' This had become the most prominent question in their minds.

All of them wanted to know each other's respective identities but surprisingly, no one took the first initiative to start talking.

It had reached a point where it became slightly awkward.

Xia Qingyue was silent since she had an inkling of the situation concerning them.

They were most probably, possible harem members for her dearest husband.

'Sigh, it seems Noah has been quite 'busy' since we parted ways for like...two days or less and he has already begun to lure some outstanding women of power, each with their perks,' Xia Qingyue could only sigh inwardly.

'Oh dear, it seems you have forgotten my taste. Your wife here is willing to 'fight' you thoroughly when you return.' A lustful yet calculative glint flashed in her beautiful eyes before disappearing as if nothing had happened.

As for Jasmine, her situation was rather funny and embarrassing.

Jasmine believed in her own beauty and she wasn't in the least bit inferior to these women in terms of attractiveness.

What bothered her so much was, well...some minor differences between herself and them.

Damn, she was the only small chest representative among this group of titty monsters!

She had also noticed a certain blue-haired lady with a similar body type as hers but the distinguishing factor between them was still the size of damn titties.

She was still overtaken!

Such unfairness!

Such massive differences!

The princess had never felt so defeated but she didn't show it on her face!

Her face remained cold and impassive as the aura of Heavenly Slaughter wrapped around her figure like a cloak.

She planned to direct all of her anger to Noah for hogging beautiful immortal fairies like the pervert he was.

Jasmine wasn't alone as her little sister Caizhi still maintained the comradeship!

Caizhi's little eyes were mostly focused on Mu Xuanyin who seemed to be the leader of this group of titty monsters!

She was damn envious and she knew it.

Something that prevented her from erupting with her usual playfulness and childish antics was her big sister, Jasmine who didn't tolerate her nonsense, and also the level of curiosity she had for the mysterious, powerful young man was immeasurable.

She had to be on her best behavior or else that big brother would not favor her that much.

Qianye Ying'er who had an eternal maid slave crest on her neck wanted nothing more than to see Noah again.

It wasn't known whether it was the seal of slavery influencing her thoughts or it was just her alone.

Chi Wuyao only found the matter extremely interesting and she couldn't help but plan on how she could make Noah more fascinated with her.

Such were the ambitions of a wild woman like her!

Mu Xuanyin had complicated thoughts in her mind about the notion of a polygamous relationship but decided to push them back.

She intended to hear and know the whole truth of the situation they were currently experiencing from the man she had entrusted her own heart to.

Bing'er didn't concern herself much with the silent and awkward atmosphere as she was already used to it.

She had previously been engulfed in silence for millions of years, so she found the situation quite normal.

She just wanted to know the complete details of whatever had happened to the current Primal Chaos Dimension from the anomalous Noah.

This was something that she looked forward to.

Finally, the last woman in the mix was the Ancestral Goddess herself and no one among these women could recognize her.

The Ancestral Goddess was in her own little world and she found it hard to believe that Noah's power had already reached such a level that she couldn't ever wish to imagine.

It was simply ridiculous and pretty nonsensical since his whole strength was obviously a logic defier.

This had opened a path to a new world for the Ancestral Goddess.

A path beyond infinity and eternity!

A path that only Noah could enlighten her.

She felt that pretty much everything in the Primal Chaos Universe had been edited especially its inception.

She didn't exactly understand what had happened.

She could only infer that the concept of fate and time was manipulated under high-level logic-defying control, to conform to Noah's version of the Primal Chaos.

'This man is undoubtedly a peerless evil doer. Was doing this the only way to convince me to come with you? If it was, then I am already convinced...Noah,' The Ancestral Goddess thought with a faint charming smile on her mature face, that was hardly noticeable.

She was already impressed by how Noah did a better job than her in improving the whole universe!

'This goddess is simply thankful for being given a chance to be an independent existence from the Primal Chaos. I am now unbounded, free, and unfettered.' Her eyes rounded up the women in the room and she could only nod her head inwardly.

Everyone in the room was pretty much talented.

'I can't wait for that rascal to come.'

Then she closed her eyes.

Surprisingly, her thoughts were made into reality as Noah's deep voice came into being, shattering the awkward silence in the hall like a fragile porcelain glass.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your extremely handsome big daddy is back!"

Seven pairs of eyes looked at him simultaneously.

Their eyes were showing signs of hostility as if they could tear Noah into tiny pieces.

There was something in Noah's words that fucked him up, literally.

And apart from that, some of these beauties had some scores to settle with him.

When Jasmine cracked her knuckles and Xia Qingyue followed suit with a fake smile on her pristine face, Noah was already a goner.

Like the sometimes dumb fucker he was, he asked, "Ladies, what's wrong? Why the silence now? Why is no one answering me?"

"Are there gentlemen in this place?" Jasmine smiled cruelly as this fact reminded her of her nearly flat chest.

A menacing slaughter aura gushed out from her body as her red hair rose in the air, defying gravity.

Jasmine was already in her final form.

Caizhi also followed suit as she also felt offended.

Flat chests demanded justice!

The corners of Noah's lips twitched as he prepared himself for a beating and he didn't know the exact reason for it.

When a small clenched jaded hand landed on his right cheek and sent him flying into a wall, it was then that realization hit in.

He had broken certain laws that should not be broken!


word count= 1.3k

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