

Tristan Aldrich was, to say the least, a blessed person.

You see, Tristan was born into the prominent Aldrich clan (Clan refers to a huge and old family) whose history goes back to the ancient Germanic tribes of old.

The Aldrich clan has 1 main family and 10 branch families spanned across all of Europe, the top 4 branch families are as follows, the British Aldens, the German Eldrics, the French Oldrichs, and the Italian Eldrens.

Tristan, however, was born into the main branch as the eldest heir to the family.

Although he is the heir to a family that is worth billions, has incredibly good looks, and has a near-genius IQ, all Tristan wants to do is be a loner and not have to associate with an unnecessary amount of people.

This all stemmed from the fact that his father and mother who were supposed to raise him and teach him how to act accordingly, were tragically killed.

Growing up without parents is hard enough as it is but imagine having the huge weight of being heir to the most powerful family in the western world.

Now I know what you're thinking, no, Tristan didn't grow up to be a bratty young master type.

In fact, he actually grew up to be a respectable and smart young man.

Now, be that as it may, it's not like he doesn't have any faults.

All through his childhood, Tristan wasn't able to make any "true" friends, except for his one and only best friend and cousin, Edward Eldric.

The reason it was so hard for him to make friends was that, at a young age, Tristan had realized all the people who approached him all had ulterior motives.

Everyone who wanted to get closer to him only wanted to because of his money or looks, none of those people cared about him as a person.

So, over the years this wore his mental state down until all that was left was his now loner personality.

His Grandfather, Eric Aldrich III (the 3rd of his name) was, to say the least, displeased by his grandson and heirs' personality, but be that as it may, he wasn't going to just up and take the boy's inheritance away.

Tristan's father, Alfred Aldrich IV was not only Eric's oldest but also his favorite son.

Alfred was the hardest working and the most mature son out of the five Eric had.

So, when he heard of Alfred's passing, he took it upon himself to make sure every little thing Tristan wanted or needed was provided for.

While some would become spoiled brats, Tristan was quite content with the small things, he liked to be in the background.

Over the years though, as Tristan grew up, due to him staying in the shadows, Tristan gained a fondness for observing things from an outside perspective and would often look at the world like he was looking down at it, this as well as his high seat in society is what cause Tristan to develop a minor god complex.

When you think of a god complex you think of someone who looks at others like ants, or someone who is disgusted by others and thinks of themselves as perfect.

For Tristan it was different, his minor god complex affected how he looked at the world.

Tristan would often observe events and things like he wasn't a factor to them, sure he was a little judgmental, but he kept those judgments in his head.

Later on, in his late teens, he started to really get into God games where you watch the people of your world build civilizations and watch as a whole world unfolds around you.

some of his favorites were Civilization 6, Humankind, Worldbox, and a new VR game called, God Sim.

All through his teens Tristan would be taught at home by a private tutor, work out at his massive home gym, and play video games till late hours of the night.

Over time until he turned 18, Tristan had become completely disconnected from the world, so, seeing this, his grandpa decided to enroll him at NYU using an academic scholarship Tristan had been awarded to try and give him some world experience before he takes over the business.


It was a warm summer's day in New York.

The breeze was blowing.

people were out and about.

And traffic, as usual, was severely backed up.

Tristan was out on a rare walk around the city.

For some reason, he had felt like going out on a bit of a stroll, he first hit up a local cafe to get some coffee and a donut, then he went and walked around downtown New York City for a couple of hours.

After a couple of hours had passed, Tristan found himself at the Rockefeller Center.

Being curious, Tristan decided to walk to times square to check it out.


For his first two years of college, Tristan had stayed in the dorms much to his chagrin, however, when he got there, he was pleasantly surprised to find out he had been given a room all to himself.

A few months had passed into his first year of college and surprisingly, he had been hit with another stroke of good luck, for him anyways.

Covid had hit during Tristan's first year so for the rest of the year and all of his second year, he was able to take online classes and not have to be in front of other people.

In his third year, Tristan had moved into a spacious luxury apartment near the campus.

Against his better judgment, Tristan had chosen to go outside and explore for a bit one day in the summer.

This leaves us back where we left off.


So, as he was walking towards time square, Tristan was crossing a crosswalk, when a truck driver who was distracted by his phone, came barreling down the road and was on course to hit Tristan.

When Tristan sensed his life was in danger, he turned in the direction from which the truck was coming.

Tristan was an avid reader of web novels and light novels and all the sort, so he was quite familiar with the legend of Truck-Kun.

If any other person was in the situation, they would either pray, be modified, or be excited for Truck-kun to send them to another world.

Tristan, however, was able to keep a leveled head and leaped out of the way of the truck, albeit by a hair's length.

"Not today Truck-kun!" said Tristan boisterously

Some onlookers had finally noticed that he was almost hit by a truck so some of the more kindhearted ones rushed to him to see if he was alright.

Unsurprisingly, the trucker, instead of checking if he was okay, sped off the second he realized he had almost hit someone.

After today's debacle, Tristan went back to his apartment and didn't leave for the rest of the weekend.

While he had on a tough facade, in reality, he was terribly shaken by the whole situation, I mean who wouldn't be, he almost got run over!

To try and cope, Tristan booted up his VR headset and played the night away.

Whenever Tristan felt powerless, he would boot up this game where he was literally the god of his own universe.

Although he liked observing things from the shadows, he also liked being in total control to where he knew every variable.


As a new day dawned, Tristan got up, ordered fast food, and put on his favorite Netflix show, The Last Kingdom.

For all of his life, he could remember loving history, especially medieval and ancient history.

Tristan was quite fortunate to grow up in a family that had records going back to Roman times that centered around their ancestors.

Don't ask how they preserved them, not even Tristan knows, the secret of how they kept those records going so far back is a closely guarded secret among the family.

The only person who is privy to that knowledge is the head of the family, who right now is of course, Tristan's grandpa.

Speaking of, while he was watching his show on the couch, Tristan got a phone call on his cell from the aforementioned grandpa.

When he answered the phone, his grandpa started going crazy asking if he was okay and if he was hurt.

Tristan also could've sworn that he heard his grandfather say something quietly about, "taking care of" the driver.

When the conversation finally ended, Tristan went back to watching TV for the rest of the day and fell asleep on the couch.


"Wake up sleepy head!"

Tristan had woken up from his sleep and felt extremely groggy.

Once he was a little alert, he heard the voice of someone calling him to wake up which was weird and frightening since he lived alone.

"Huh, where am I, who are you!" yelled Tristan

"Ah look who finally decided to wake up."

After he had yelled at the man he soon realized, the man was only a silhouette.

Tristan took a closer look at the man's figure and was shocked to see his body was made of what seemed like pure energy!

Once that thought was digested, soon he looked around at his surroundings only to see a black empty void.

Or to be more accurate, he was stand- floating in space, pure empty space.

After another half an hour of Tristan freaking out, he finally calmed himself and looked toward the figure who was waiting patiently.

"Huh, oh you're done?"

"Impressive, you're the first of the group to calm down." said the figure while clapping

"Wait, what do you mean by "group"?" asked Tristan

"Before I explain that, let me tell you of your situation."

"Now I would like to formally introduce myself, my name is helper, I was made by my master for the sole purpose of helping and guiding new Gods of creation like yourself." bowed the figure

"Hold up, Gods of creation, what the hell is happening!" bellowed Tristan

The figure only sighed while shaking his head before he looked back up towards Tristan.

"If you would let me speak, then I could tell you."

"Jeez, the nerve of some people."

With that being said, the man- no, figure, disappeared into nothingness.

Before Trista could even react, a message soon popped up in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations on being one of the lucky 100 to be chosen as a Universal Creator!]


Hey guys! author here, i wanted to say thanks for checking out my novel, and i hope you like it!

Now i also wanted to say, sorry if some feel the set up is to slow, full disclaimer, there will be a pretty decent sized info dump at the beginning chapters, but worry not! once that is over then we'll dive head first into the story! Once agin, hope you enjoy!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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