

'Oh, he died too easily…' Purple Wasp wasn't aware of how Sebas revived, but that didn't matter to her.

Since she was going to wreck him anyway.

She lifted her handed and tied her hair into a ponytail, all while leisurely watching them attack.

Sebastian took out an amethyst Spirit Stone and focused the electrical output exuding from him.

"Let the heavenly tribulations converge… Lightning Judgement!" He invoked powers with his chant.

The moment a truly inconceivable amount of focused in her direction, she'd made her decision.

The ever so loyal kunoichi handed the hostage over to her with a powerful throw. His body shot at her.

"AgH-!" Adam didn't even have the time to scream properly before was directly grabbed by the neck.

His hands tightly tied behind his back.

"Catch." Using everything at her disposal, the assassin threw her target directly into his spell.

Concentration was important to a Magician, so the sudden change in circumstances threw him off.

A body slammed onto his shoulders. He didn't have time to disperse or alter his spell, causing it to misfire. The only fortune was that Kang Hyuk managed to sneak away before that happened.

Residual sparks of electricity surrounded his body.

While Purple Wasp approached to finish the job, a shadow headed towards the Ninja girl behind her.

The battle afterwards was truly a mess.

It didn't take long for the intruders to overpower them again. After all, nothing had changed much.

Sebastian somehow managed to heal from the deadly wound on his forehead, but that was it.

Kang Hyuk was still someone who could barely fight the kunoichi to a stand still on his own.

His fighting tactics dirty and underhanded.

On the other hand, Purple Wasp used poison to knock out the opponents she was up against.

She pushed Adam down onto Sebastian's figure and slammed both of them down to the ground.

Finishing it up with singular stabs from her daggers. An efficient way of taking them down.

This all seen by Simon's disturbed consciousness.

He couldn't quite make out what was happening beyond that. Not even what came first and after.

His sobered mind finally became unstable.

With a single step, he swayed towards Hyuk and the kunoichi while they were having their battle.

"…H-hey, don't come here yet. I'm still fighting here." The healer's words were treated like air.

His consciousness faded again, and the next scene he saw was his bloodied fists among two bodies.

What was this sudden shift…?

Simon couldn't understand what happened, but he felt this situation was very familiar in his eyes.

'My toxicity intake is ruined…' The only thing he could explain from this was that he was hungover.

Though this meant something different to him that what it meant for normal people who drank booze.

A normal person would experience symptoms similar but not limited to: Fatigue, weakness, thirst, headache, muscle aches, nausea, stomach pain, vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound, anxiety, irritability, sweating, and increased blood pressure.

It was different from that feeling of intoxication.

Being hungover meant suffering the serious after effects of the poison known to many as alcohol.

However, how did that hit Simon differently?

And how did that relate to his current situation?

The answer was complicated, but the short version was that his fighting experience was brought forth.

It put him in a state known as 'Drunken Chaos'.

A rarer state than even the 'Inner Harmony' state that martial artists of all worlds strived to achieve.

The requirements to reach this combat state of mind needed two things: Talent and intoxication.

He had the former, but the latter never seemed to apply to him until his mind was completely wasted.

'This is her fault…!' Simon turned to see the now horrified face of the woman sent to capture them.

She couldn't believe it!

It hadn't been long since she took her attention away from the kunoichi to put down her targets.

She was fully focused on every move they made.

After all, she needed to check whether that ticket out of there had died in that explosion from earlier.

If she didn't survive, then completely annihilating their targets was the only choice left for her.

After all, escaping through the front door was suicide thanks to the guards sent by Royalty sent to protect Adam's territory. They wouldn't enter the house, but they'd be able to tell if she left herself.

Especially without the magic of her teammate.

After incapacitating the Magician and land owner swiftly, she looked inside to see charred figures.

Two of them sprawled out onto the ground.

While not being unharmed, they also weren't dead either. This made her think through her choices.

"Go blame me in Hell." She murmured, throwing lethal poison darts to finish the job on them.

Being captured by the enemy wasn't an option for assassins. They were meant to be disposable.

Leaving them alive would only complicate things for her true master, so she destroyed what was left of the things that could identify her on hand. The only thing left to do now was to bury the witnesses.

She wasn't sure how Sebastian revived, but she was sure he'd die for real if she chain him in a pool.

Even if he had regeneration capabilities, if she tied him to the bottom of this mansion's inside pool, he would die every time he revived. Using magic would also be impossible while being drowned.

It was a little disappointing that she wouldn't be able to accomplish the task given, but that was it.

Dying for the sake of being a tool was her purpose.

Her reason for living was the reason she'd die.

'Now, the only thing left to do is take care of the loose end.' She didn't think of Hyuk as that end.

Rather, the person she wanted to erase was the kunoichi who could possibly reveal their affiliation.

Although she was sure Alaya Humans only lived by their instincts, it wasn't as if they had no brains.

Torture would definitely make that woman say something she shouldn't be telling other people.

Purple Wasp grasped her dagger and walked out of the room with the intention of finishing the mission.

However, the sight she saw completely stunned her. There was no better way to explain that look.

Standing above both the bloodied kunoichi and martial artist… was the same man she beat earlier.

He gave off a remarkably dangerous feeling.

'They must have been caught off-guard.' That was the only explanation that worked with this scene.

How could she believe that guy who had no Mana nor health was able to beat the two of them alone?

How could that frail back possibly hurt anyone?

The answer was given to her when he turned around. She knew it the moment their eyes met.

'Insanity…! What is this insanity?!' She'd lived longer than many of her professional, but not long enough to have seen someone with such a terrifying gaze- No, someone with inhuman eyes.

They weren't that of a beast or filthy creature.

She had seen many psychopaths and mentally unstable killers, so she could understand it easily…

…that the man before her couldn't 'see' anyone.

The world in his eyes no longer abided by the common sense that dictated the laws of reality.

If this was all, she might have only been surprised.

But that wasn't everything…!

Unlike an animal nor a machine, those eyes looked at her like an eerie creature that only knew death.

Different from the look Jone had when killing.

Such creepy eyes were directed towards her, but she didn't cause any accidents from those feelings.

Her motives hadn't changed, and she had one job.

She knew anything she said was worthless in front of someone who could make such strange eyes.

Her only option was to use dirty tactics again.

After binding those two targets she'd poisoned earlier, she strapped a lethal poison powered bomb to Adam's waist. Then shamelessly threw them over the same way she did to disturb Sebastian.

Their figures threw through the air after she used her Qi to enhance the explosive power of her arms.

Heading straight towards her final target.

'Just try to dodge.' She followed after them at a certain speed, ready to intercept him immediately.

The only thing she hadn't planned for was the reaction he'd had to the comrades thrown at him.

'…Huh?' Her brain stopped momentarily when his foot came crashing towards the land owner's face.

Several sounds of bone breaking and flesh tearing could be heard, as well as a suppressed scream.

Before the poison powder pouch could land in front of him, it was dragged by the hostages in midair.

They turned into a cannonball that hit a nearby wall. The powder spreading in the wrong area.

Her eyes turned from the purple smoke to the foot still lifted in the air, and how broken it seemed.

His leg was bending in an angle beyond possible.

The joint rotation limit of his kneecap was exceeded, causing his foot to circle behind him.

However, Simon didn't seem bothered by his leg…

…nor fact that he just caved in Adam's skull.

His eyes focused in front of him. Fear beyond that of death started to sink into her from that point.

"S-stop! I said to stop!! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!!"

She screamed like a maniac.

Simon stumbled towards her with his broken leg like some kind of zombie, unaware of his injuries.

His movements chaotic and disorderly…

Just trying to understand his rhythm was like listening to the scream of creature from beyond.

She felt a sickness overcoming her despite not having been affected by a Mana inflicted ailment.

Despite true sickness being nonexistent on Gaia…

She could only watch in a state of paralysis while he was approaching. Unable to stop the inevitable.

The sound of a neck snapping filled the silence…

It was a good time later that Adam awoke. His head was free of injuries, but blood still covered his face.

All of that being his own.

He woke up to find himself being laid down next to both Sebastian and Hyuk, their conditions much worse than his own. However, they looked like they would survive thanks to a certain someone.

"Hey, is that really you?" He asked the old geezer that was using cups and bottles from the kitchen as a makeshift chemistry set. The external mark of a syringe being taken out of his arm was obvious.

Especially when he held that same syringe to his face. The smell of blood permeated the mansion.

However, his actions wasn't why he asked this.

Adam saw an expression on Simon's face he'd never knew the old drunkard could ever make.

It was an expression filled with emptiness…

Eyes that seemed both mature and intelligent, but also depressed to an extent he'd never understand.

Was this how the old man looked when sober?

"You're more talented than I gave you credit for." A voice both distant yet physically close resounded.

"What… happened?"

"We were attacked earlier."

"By who?"

"Unsure. The only good thing is that everyone survived thanks to your 'donation' of blood."

"My… blood…?"

"You're immortality doesn't only end in taking your ability to die. Physical alterations are common."

"…" Adam became silent when he heard such an indifferent voice say this like it was so obvious.

He couldn't get a read on the geezer's intentions.

"Are you still reluctant to being taught by me? Is a little physical exercise worth avoiding at this point?" Despite how badly they lost, Simon was still willing to stay here and teach Adam self-defence.

In fact, this seemed to only gave him another reason to do so. More than just to kill some time.

"…I'll accept your training. I'm sorry about what happened." The latter half made Simon look at him.

"There's nothing to apologise for."

"No… You probably already guessed that they came here for me." This large claim wasn't denied.

The old geezer stayed silent.

"They could have been here to kill the three of us instead. Didn't they come just after we arrived?"

"Whoever these people were, they didn't intend to harm me… but they still caught me." He looked at the two corpses on each side. Their actions were enough to indicate their motive coming here.

"This must be hard to accept."

"It is… Anyway, aren't you surpass by my skill?"

"Not really. You're the one who should be surprised by how I healed everyone only using your blood."

"Yeah…" Adam felt his head and felt like some parts of his memory were missing. What did he forget?

His head started to hurt after remembering what happened to a certain point. He had a headache.

Regardless, there was someone he needed to call.

"You take care of them, I'll try fixing our lack of security and wealth." He got up and walk away.

The unsavoury capitalist narrowed his eyes…

Just as he turned around, he heard someone popping open a beer can from from his fridge.

The sudden slurping sounds followed a voice:

"Weren't you going to get stronger yourself?"

"I will… but in the safety of my own bodyguard team protecting me 24/7 and security details."

He responded with an opportunistic outlook.

Next chapter