
Complete Incompletion

Some might think this was a weird question, but…

…what meaning does an old European dress have?

Outerwear and underwear had evolved from layers next to a chemise (a shirt that covers the body).

Aristocracy thrived to show of their wealth and labor force by wearing really impractical dresses.

Marvels made up of several layers that needed a team of servants to expertly take off and put on.

It was a sign of high status.

So how would these nobles react when they were introduced with easier alternatives from Earth?

Embrace comfort and do away with their 'layers'?

Hardly… The introduction to the information tool known as 'Psynet' was groundbreaking, it was met with fear and horror from those in power. After all, a commoner with knowledge was far too dangerous!

Many aristocrats claimed that commoners would use it for unsavoury means to harm the nation.

These claims still being subject to debate.

Of course, only among those with power.

Because why would filthy, uneducated peasants have a right to decide what goes on in their lives?

The result was Psynet became an exclusive property of those who were 'worthy' of having it.

Now, this point all goes back to one thing:

How was online gaming in the Pandorica Nation?

If you put together that only the wealthy could afford digital entertainment and Psynet, then…

"Ha! You fight like a girl!" Adam shamelessly roared towards one of the few females of the player base.

He was in 'Online First-Person Shooter' Mode.

The only difference was that this game wasn't solely a game that tested your marksmanship.

"And you play like a jackass." Despite being a respected princess, Anita Pandorica cursed back.

The only reason she lost a round to him was because this guy made full use of the controls.

"You're just a dud. How are you so good at virtual group wars?" Her voice came out of the character.

Fitting for the name of 'Mage Princess', her game avatar looked exactly like how she did in real life.

The only differences being a more casual wear.

She held a pitch black grimoire that contained many secrets, and had her family's signature hair.

Truly, a remarkable player amongst aristocrats.

"Have you considered that you're just bad at this game?" Adam pretended like he'd heard nothing.

"I've been playing this game for years, but this was the first time I've seen someone move so freely…"

"The controllers are just amazing."

"Is this the wisdom of an ascender? I'm sure playing this game must be hard with your status."

"What's wrong with my status?"

"…Nothing." Realising she spoke too much, a quite realistic expression appeared on her avatar's face.

"If you want to hide something, let go of your controller and don't make me so curious about it."

"My bad."

"So you were saying?"

"I was just thinking about how you're even allowed here. Only aristocrats should be able to play this."

"As an owner of territory, you have no choice but to recognise me. So what if I'm killed inside a game?"

In fact, Adam was happy he got to experience many things because of everyone's pettiness.

He learned of how magic type Classes fought and how fighter types struggled when out of range.

Even though this wasn't virtual reality, the amount of freedom the controller gave of the in-game avatar was near identical. In fact, there were things a FPS avatar could do that a VR avatar couldn't.

Mimicking whatever the user intended made this the most fun experience Adam ever had gaming.

Even if the characters were completely unfair…

"You're a sturdy one."

"Wouldn't a complete 'dud' have to be?"

"I thought you didn't like being called that."

"It's fine if I'm saying it about myself."

"Double standards…" Anita rolled her eyes. Finding how he'd beaten her to be against all protocol.

It was essentially unjust.

"Says you? Isn't it practically cheating for you to be using your skill as a 'Mage Princess' in this place?"

"It's fine to use the skills I've cultivated. It's a lot different from a coward who wickedly ambushed."

"You make it sound like there's fairness on the battlefield." The immortal capitalist sighed deeply.

In truth, he DID come up from behind and smashed a rock into her skull. No one criticised his decision.

Wasn't it just a game?

"Malignant scum… Anyway, why approach me in this chat lobby? You must have something to say."

"…" Seeing the way her eyes changed from casual to serious, Adam felt like a bone was in his throat.

He could hardly shake this unnerving feeling…

His eyes glanced out a nearby window to see the massive figure in the distance. A gigantic statue.

It was hard to make out what it was, but the mere fact that you could see it from anywhere was…

…to put it mildly: Breathtaking.

At first, he was fine with thinking that it was pretty gnarly and interesting. A good escape for time.

Look at the unrecognisable statue blurred by clouds in the east, look at the big tree that reached to the sky in the west. The weather must've been janky because the shadows those two create.

Thus, he ended up ignoring it for a good while.

It was just another attraction in this strange world.

'Nothing to be curious about.' He thought while chuckling at the time. Yeah, it was just that.

Nothing special. Nothing to be curious about.

He had a feeling that no one would tell him anything anyway. This world lacked 'stories'.

Almost as if Royalty were averse to speculation and theory crafting. Was that all there was to it though?

Unanswered questions were just piling in his head.

There was no talk of giant statues or trees when he played 'The Villainess Against Fate'. Not even in art.

These two landmarks were missing in that game.


Now was a good time to sate his curiosity. There had to be SOMETHING up. Right? Right…?

Even without a microphone, he leaned in towards the screen and asked with a disturbed expression:

"What's wrong with the east and west?" These words caused all emotions to fade from her face.

Anita looked and Adam before replying:

"Yeah, you duds always ask that question."

"And what do you always answer back?"

"Does it really matter?"

"…" He was silenced when she put her finger above her lips straight after. Telling him to keep quiet.

Her face got closer to his first person camera. It was until he got uncomfortable by the distance.

Then she spoke sinisterly:

"If you want to keep your peaceful life, it's better to not get involved with the outside world at all."

"But that'd be boring."

"If it does, get invested in business or try making something of yourself. You play games too much."

"I know you're a princess who could get me done in for this… but I'm gonna say: You're one to talk."

"You're right. I play games because here is the only place status doesn't matter. Even though everyone on this server has a different status, they put things aside for the sake of a 'fun' atmosphere."

"I never knew it took so much effort."

"Are you interested about it?"

"No, but it's something I didn't know before. So it looks like you made 'equality' in a virtual world."

"Hardly… This place is also good for get togethers that would be hard in reality and secret meet-ups."

"So there's an underside to this too." He didn't know why he felt a bit disappointed by that feeling.

The realisation that humans 'made' social norms.

"Anyway, don't talk about the east and west. No one wants to be curious about those things."

"Fine. I won't ask anymore."

"I'm glad you're easy to talk to."

"Anyway… Do you want to play together some more?" He reached out on a pure gaming basis.

"I'm sorry… You're going to have to ask another."

"Didn't you say you socialise on here?"

"With those of similar age and status, yeah." He suddenly found what she said before hypocritical.

Though he could imagine what she meant.

Rather than managing countless tea parties among noblewomen, doing it online was much easier.

The virtual world was easy to navigate. You could easily find places to fight or lobbies to socialise.

The online community of aristocrats was something. Was this revolutionising data warfare?

Now that phones came into existence and nobles were able to communicate with greater ease, it was obvious how things would go. There must be a internal war going on that commoners didn't know.

Faction conflicts that switched from open to discreet. Being displayed in terms of propaganda.

So basically… it was just like the political climate on Earth. Politicians doing whatever they wanted.

When he saw it like that, the 'magic' was gone.

Things seemed a lot more superficial, but the danger of it entrenching in his life became real.

There was no way out once your toes were dipped.

It was either the high road or low tunnel.

Stick out like a nail, and you'll be hammered down for merely 'intruding' in their deep-rooted conflict.

This made Adam annoyed.

If only anonymous accounts were a thing. Then he could say he was an eighteen year old girl instead.

Would that be creepy? Yes, but he'd get more of a social life online if he wasn't being himself on it.

"I feel so bored…"

"Then ask a friend to play with you."

"But I don't have any."

"That's nice. I'm leaving."

"W-wait!" He stopped her before she ended the meeting. Ending things like this wasn't his style.

However, that didn't mean his 'style' was cool.

Adam had been feeling lost for a while now. There was no family in his life, nor those he could rely on.

That's why making even a slight connection with the third child of the nation's king would be good.

Thus, he shamelessly fully knelt his game avatar.

"Can you keep me as a friend out of pity?" Hearing him say these words made her facepalm heavily.

She sighed through her fingers and responded:

"…Just don't act like you know me if we ever meet in real life. Also, never break the faith I had in you."

"Alright, then… See ya." He waved and watched her log out. A new 'friend' was added to the online list.

He didn't feel lonely in front of these profile pictures with voices and outgoing personalities.

Online, everyone was honest about their feelings.

It was to the point that he could become addicted to gaming and forever sink inside entertainment.

However, that wouldn't change that reality was real. That the east and west needed addressing.

Why the heck was the world like this?!

That curiosity within him also started to stretch towards the Arcadia Family. It was a hard decision.

He'd heard about how a wicked and evil villainess had died after being driven out of the country.

So how about asking around to get a clear picture?

If he did so, then he'd be getting himself in trouble for no reason. There wasn't a point to doing that.

He was content with his life how it was…

'Right… They say that curiosity killed the cat.' He tried to convince himself that everything was okay.

Adam tried getting back to playing games.

But somehow, the anxiety that was holding him wouldn't let him focus solely on having fun.

His unfocused eyes kept on going between the outside… and the virtual game world before him.

This familiar feeling was happening again.

He knew that he had to make a choice. Either to forget his curiosity, or secretly pursue the truth.

After all, it wasn't a crime if no one saw what he did- Ahem… No, it was better to not act with guilt.

So… should he do it or not?

His cursor hovered above the familiar name in the player community list. Hanging like a drawn sword.

It was either curiosity or his private life.

'Wait… Why am I making a big deal out of this?' He suddenly realised something in the midst of all this.

Couldn't he run away if things got too tough?

He was sure even Royalty would forgive him just this once if he stumbled on anything annoying.

Thus, the decision was made and profile clicked.

Next chapter