
Chapter 2

In tears, Melanie walked down the side of the road, not really knowing where to go with all these thoughts in her head.

How could her soulmate be a girl?! Of all the guys in the world, how did she get stuck with a lousy girl.. Never in her life did she ever even think about a girl romantically! It just wasn't her! No way. No way in hell would she be soulmates with a girl.. It was going to be Alex or no one at all…. That's when she knew what to do.

She called him, sniffling.


"Hey, Alex.. *sniffles* Can you meet me somewhere?? I just need someone to talk to and.. and you're the only person I could think of.."

He hesitated for a minute.. Something didn't sound quite right.. "Of course, babe. Meet you at the park in 10?" She agreed and hung up. He's never going to believe this..

*Alex POV*

As I got dressed, I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with Mel. She shouldn't be sad. Not today! It's her birthday for crying out loud!! No one deserves to be sad on their birthday!

I grabbed the pink gift bag by the bedroom door before shutting off the lights and bounding down the stairs. Hopefully this will cheer her back up.

"Hey, Honey!" called my mom from across the room, without looking up. "You want some lunch? I'm making PB&Js for your dad and I." Before I could answer, she turned around, her honey-brown eyes gazing after me as I reached the last step. "Where are you going?" She motioned to the bag in my hand. "Oohh, you're going after that Melanie girl, aren't you?" She sauntered across the kitchen floor, her brunette hair balled up on her head and bouncing with every step, hands outstretched for the bag. "What'd you get her??"

I grinned as I snatched the bag away.

"No, mom.. Not your birthday, not your gift!" I couldn't resist an escaping chuckle as she made a pouty face.. "Don't worry, you'll get to see it soon enough. I'll be back in a little while though, okay? Don't wait up!" Tilting my head, I left a kiss on her cheek and took off out the door before she could reply.

Melanie and I got to the park at about the same time. I couldn't help but smile seeing her beautiful physique in her new birthday outfit.

It was a lacy, pink, hi-lo dress with black flats and an immaculate diamond bracelet her father gave her a few years back that she refuses to take off now. Her wavy brown hair slightly bouncing with every step she took. She was as beautiful as ever, but her big brown eyes were wet with disappointment.

"Hi, babygirl," I said as I embraced her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "You okay?"

"Better now that I get to see you," she chuckled. "Whatcha got there?" she asked, nodding for the bag that so perfectly matched her dress.

"Oh, this ol' thing? Pfft, it's nothing.." I shrugged. "Just a little birthday surprise for my girl."

She smiled and held her hands out. "I wanna see!! Gimme!!" Shaking my head as a smirk danced across my lips, I pointed to my cheek. Rolling her eyes, she posed on her toes and softly pressed her glossy pink lips to my cheek, leaving a sticky feel in their wake. I released the bag into her soft, manicured hands. I know it isn't much, but I hope she liked it.

I followed closely behind her as she strolled towards the bench behind us and sat down. Melanie gently pulled the white gift paper from out of the bag and laid it in my lap. At the bottom of the bag, there was a little black box with a tiny red bow attached. I watched excitement spread across her beautiful, puffy, pink lips as she knew what a box like that could only contain: jewelry.

Melanie took a deep breath and I could see the guesses running through her head as she pondered just what exactly was in the box. but when she opened the box, she could only start to cry again..

I thought it was the perfect gift! A gold necklace with the words "Alex's Girl" in cursive like she always talked about wanting.. What did I do?? I turned more to face her. "Baby, what's wrong??" But she could only cry.. I pulled Mel's shaking frame into my arms, hugging her softly..

After finally catching her breath, she sighed into my chest and mumbled, " I met my soulmate today.. Taylor.."

I was taken aback at first, but quickly regained my composure for her sake. "Really..?" I felt my voice falter, so I cleared my throat and tried again. "I mean, that's amazing! How was it? Tell me all about him!" My heart broke with every word.. I knew the day would come, but there was always a glimmer of hope that maybe she would be my person for real.

"That's the thing.. I can't."

"Well, why not?" I questioned, even more confused than before.

"Because he's a she... My soulmate is a freaking girl! A GIRL!" She exploded into tears again, sobbing into my chest. I held her close and tried to think of what to say next, but nothing sounded right..

"Well," I continued, as she calmed down and her tears came to a momentary stop. "Why don't you tell me what happened.. Start from the beginning.."

Melanie's eyes darted back and forth as she thought back for a minute, replaying all the details in her head. Sighing deeply, she began.

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