
We are the creators of life.


You cheated on Master Saphira…?"

Vyriana was shocked.

She had seen the relationship between Dagahra and Saphira with her own eyes and although they did not openly show affection for each other, Vyriana always had this feeling that the two of them deeply cared for each other.

After all, they had been together for such a long time that they were practically inseparable. Honestly, there were even times when Vyriana felt jealous of what her Masters had, however…


Her entire world was crumbling apart…

Vyriana continued to stare at Dagahra, a lifeless look appearing in her eyes.

"Oi, don't look at me like that."

Seeing her disciple acting like this, Dagahra's expression changed. Normally, he wouldn't have cared, however, Vyriana was someone he did care about. What opinion she had of him was important to him, therefore, he decided to reveal the truth.

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