
Chapter 117: Be my super girl

Chapter 117: Be my super girl

Defiance sat by her window and watched the stars….so tiny, so beautiful so up in the sky. It was the only thing the same in both her century and this one.

Most night when she was little, she used to lie outside with her aunt Rosemund and they would watch the stars all night long until she would fall asleep and somehow she always wakes up on her bed.

She wondered atimes if she were to watch the stars until she fall asleep whether she would wake up in her room in Aradale.

Defiance smiled and pushed her hair behind her ears. She was about to open the window when her phone started ringing.

She wondered who was calling her so late. She picked up the phone and she saw Mindy's name. 

Ah! Her best friend was calling to let her know how much fun she was having in Jed's party.

"Hey, Mindy…let me guess, you are having fun"


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