
Chapter 74: Grace in the presence of trouble 

Chapter 74: Grace in the presence of trouble 

"Then explain to me why you decided to blow up the lives we fought to build here…something we need to protect Diddy! Because right now, she's Madeline Franklin and she safely tucked away from the vampires, werewolves, witches and even bloody humans! Right now, she's just a teenager who likes boys and is only using about half her brain. This life she has now, caused a lot of people a lot of sacrifice, Judd! And you what? Figured you tell Julian about it, you fool!" Semeen yelled at him.

He was quiet for a long time.

He only stirred like he was proving he wasn't made out of stone and possibly because her incessant questions were beginning to get on his nerves. 

"I am sorry. I wasn't thinking" His gruff voice almost made Semeen bite her lips 

Thank gracious! So he can talk. 

She was beginning to worry she was in the room with a blind, deaf and dumb man.

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