
Wait a minute? This place is not Heaven?!

--- Prologue ---

Nit! Nit! Nit! NIT!

An alarm clock rang loudly in the bedroom, waking up a black-haired teenager in pajama.


Hayate Kurogami slowly opened his eyes and looked around his bedroom lazily.


"Okay, stop." He slapped the alarm clock to turn it off.

Hayate sat on his bed and stretched his upper body briefly. A warm morning shine seeped through his window and touched his body.

He walked out of his bedroom and moved to the bathroom, washing his face quickly to refresh himself.

When Hayate entered the kitchen, he said, "Good morning."

However, not even geckos on the wall responded to his morning greeting because he was alone in this house for almost his entire life.

"Heh, what do I expect," Hayate commented while eating his protein bar.

After preparing himself for school, Hayate glanced at the mirror and looked at himself in a high school outfit.

Hayate is 18 years old with short black hair and exotic golden eyes, which surprisingly are uncommon in this country. He has a great body build with no excess fat because he trained regularly.

He was also in the mixed martial art club in his school and decently mastered some martial arts. Yet, he always got floored by his coach instantly.

"I'm in the third year already, huh."

"Time sure flies fast."

A few moments later, Hayate slowly rode his bicycle down the road.

He steered his bicycle to his high school, which actually was not far away from his house.

"HEY, DODGE!" A voice roared from afar.

"Huh?" Hayate tilted his head, and he abruptly was welcomed by a heavy truck from the side.


Hayate's body flew like a broken kite and fell into a dirty sewer, where an unknown chemical fluid gushed, and electricity ran wildly.




A terrified girl's scream echoed on the road.

"Quick, Save him!" A woman shouted.

"He could die if we let him like this."

Hayate firmly held himself and crawled out of the sewer quickly with sheer willpower. Everyone on the spot stared at him with amazement, but he fainted a second later.

"Quick, call an ambulance."

A few days passed, and Hayate gradually opened his eyes in a hospital room. He noticed a cute girl with beautiful black hair preparing a cut apple for him on the side.

"Kaichou," Hayate muttered.

"Hayate-Kun!" The girl jumped out of her chair and checked Hayate's condition. "You finally woke up."

This girl is Koyori Nakamura, the student council student and one of two people who cared about Hayate.

She's around 165 cm with a petite body, beautiful black hair, and gentle blue eyes.

"I'll call for the doctor, and you wait here," Koyori instructed as she disappeared from the room.

Hayate shook his head amusingly and felt his entire body pulsing in such weirdness.


He clenched his heart abruptly like a heart attack because something was acting up inside him. An extreme warmth seemed to explode within him and demolished all his organs.

"Arrghhh!" Hayate groaned and saw blood dripping off his nose.

"Hayate-Kun!" Koyori entered the room in panic with the doctor.

Hayate rolled his eyes and fell into a deep sleep again because the doctor injected him with propofol swiftly.

--- A few weeks later ---

"Hmm?" Hayate woke up with a refreshed body. "I'm still at the hospital."

A gecko fell onto Hayate's head, and he instinctively slapped it with his hand, causing the poor creature to die.

He sensed a small marble appearing on his palm and observed a plain-looking white marble with a weird expression.

'I want to eat this for some reason.' Hayate thought while gulping the core down.


Hayate's heart acted violently, and information arrived in his head.

"A small core. Ability: Wall-Climbing, Clear Vision, and Minor Regeneration."


"What was that?"

The door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged doctor with a solemn expression walked to Hayate. He quickly smiled when noticing that he was awake and said, "Oh, you're finally awake."

"Do you feel anything weird with your body?" He asked.

Hayate frowned and answered, "I'm currently fine, and my body is better than before."

"I see..." The doctor looked at Hayate, who only stared at him quietly.

They stared at each other briefly, and the doctor felt uncomfortable because Hayate's eyes seemed to gaze deeply into his soul.

"Then, rest for a while. The nurse will help you later." The doctor hurriedly walked out of Hayate's room.

Hayate's eyes turned to Gecko's eyes, which were slitted eyes with unfixed patterns. He gazed upon the room and saw everything clearly, even though some spot was dark.

"What's this..." He muttered and tried to grab something close to him.

A few manga books neatly were placed on a table near him, probably given by Koyori or his coach, who visited him regularly.

As he touched the book, he could feel the paper stick on his palm without him even grabbing it.

"Is this mutation of some sort?"

"Did I become a monster because of those chemical fluids in the sewer?"

"Will I become Gecko because I ate that marble?"

Hayate shivered because of his gecko appearance in his mind, which was rather unsightly. He wanted to vomit for some reason.

After imagining himself in such a weird state, Hayate tries his best to cancel this ability, which works because his vision is back to normal again.

"Tch, whatever." He instinctively released the book off his palm and fell asleep.

After a few more days, the doctor said Hayate was healthy enough to be discharged, and the treatment cost actually was paid by someone else.

Hayate shrugged his shoulders and walked to his house casually. When he was about to enter his neighborhood, a mature-looking woman in her late twenties entered his view.

"Coach?" Hayate approached the woman.

Mei Nakiri is Hayate's coach from the mixed martial arts club. She's around 178 cm with a solid yet curved build. She also has black hair tied in a ponytail and bright brown eyes.

"Oh, you're healthy enough to walk from the hospital to here, which means you can continue the training schedule fine," Mei commented with a smirk on her face.

"Come on. I just got discharged," Hayate complained immediately. "At least give me three days' rest."

Mei giggled and hugged him warmly. "I'm just kidding, and congratulations on your recovery."

"Mhm." Hayate fell on his coach's soft bosom.

"Well, I prepared a warm dinner for the three of us," Mei said while dragging Hayate into his house.

"Hmm? Three of us?" Hayate tilted his head.

"Yes, it's me, Koyori!" Koyori lunged at them from the front door.

They had a warm dinner, and Hayate dropped onto his bed with a tired expression that night.

"I have superpower ability now."

He reached over a mosquito and slapped it with his hand swiftly. A little marble, smaller than Gecko's one, was created on his palm, and he consumed it without hesitation.

"A small core, ability: blood empowerment, short-distance flight."

Hayate looked behind and saw a pair of thin see-through wings appear, which flapped at a rapid pace. He turned around and floated off his bed.

"What an ability."

"When I killed a creature, it turned into cores."

"I also gained ability when I consumed these cores."

"If I become a monster in the future..."


"No, Kaiju is cooler."

"Kaiju Creation?"

"Kaiju Mutation?"

"Kaiju... Hmm, I'll call it Kaiju's Creation, I guess."

Hayate deactivated his ability and closed his eyes, falling into a dream world where many gigantic creatures stood around him.

--- A few years later ---

A young man dragged an enormous shark to the abandoned island. He has a bizarre appearance, where there is a fin on his sidearm and sharp claw-like fingers.

He also possessed eyes similar to a bullfrog and many other wild creatures, which enabled him to see the temperature and scenery clearly within one hundred meters away.

"Tch, this is boring." Hayate sighed while chewing the shark meat with his sharp teeth.

A marble-like volleyball appeared, and he ate it in one swallow.

"Medium Core, ability: night vision, teeth regrowth, water Sense, and enhanced sense."

"Let's see." Hayate closed his eyes.

He arrived in a black space, where thousands of marbles, from extremely small to big, floated around him. These are cores he gathered for years.

Kaiju's creation is the ability to create Kaiju's cores when he kills living creatures and consumes them, granting him dozens of powers beyond human boundaries.

"A bull-horned dung beetle, albino-tera dragonflies, and silver-skinned electric eel."

Hayate combined three cores and created a creature this world hasn't seen.

It's a beetle with a pincer-like horn, an electricity-armored body, and blade-like wings.

He smiled and threw the core onto a white space, causing the creature to emerge and expand into a gigantic monster.


The Kaiju punched the air and caused an electricity blast to react simultaneously within 300 miles, demolishing everything in chaos.

He smiled and moved his gaze to the other white space, thousands of chimera kaiju cores floating abundantly. These cores are at the same level as the Kaiju he created a few seconds ago.

If Hayate is a psycho, he would have demolished a few countries already. Fortunately, he wasn't.

However, this world is too peaceful because even natural disasters rarely happen here.

"Haa..." Hayate sighed because he hadn't seen Coach or Koyori for months.

"Where was it again?" He rumbled over a bag near him and found a handphone.

He massaged his coach and Koyori, instructing them never to attempt to find him. It's an egoist move because they cared about him greatly, but this world is boring for him.

Hayate always wondered why he possessed such ability in this kind of world.

"I'll just die, I guess." Hayate massaged one last thing to his coach and Koyori.

It's better if a dangerous person with power like him disappeared from this world after all. Even though he placed a few kaiju in case an apocalypse happened in this world.

Koyori and Mei are also secretly guarded by powerful Kaijus he created especially for them.

"Well, that won't be happening, right?" He wryly laughed.

He looked at his phone's screen and whispered, "Thank you for everything, Koyori, Mei sensei."

Hayate clenched his heart and activated the last deed, which used all his Kaiju's cores at once.


The island exploded into a mess, and Hayate's body disappeared into nothingness.

"Goodbye." Hayate's voice echoed calmly.

He smiled and deferred to enter heaven, but a surprise awaited him on the other side.

--- Unknown World ---

In a blue wind empire, a nameless boy opened his eyes in a dark alley and looked around with confusion.

"Wait a minute... This place is not heaven?!"

Next chapter