
Ch.32 The Hunt Begins

(Olivia's POV)

With the breakfast done, Finn went to school and I went to work. I tied up my hair and went upstairs to my room. I opened my closet and got the box out. I put it on my bed and opened it, the box had the tools of my past. I got the wooden box out and in it were my guns, daggers, vials and my old uniform.

I exhaled and picked up my uniform. I would have never expected to dawn it again after Dan. I started preparing myself. I called Hanna, she picked up my call. She said, "Hey, Olivia."

I was cleaning and checking my guns and said, "Hey, Hanna…" before I could say anything further she cut me off like usual and said, "You won't believe what we got into last night, Jessie got pissed drunk and shot his thumb off, that dumb ass was about to end it for himself, fortunately Dave got the gun off him…"

I stopped her before she could go on a long rant and I said, "Hanna, I need help." She stopped, and she said, "What happened, did someone find something cause that's nearly impossible, I did a flawless job. Well it wasn't that hard, the police systems are literary joke, kids are getting in without a hitch. I mean, can you believe that?"

I sighed and said, "I know how wonderful you are. But it's not about that."

"Then what is it?" I said, "I need help tracking an Alpha." I heard tires screeching, and I said, "God, Hanna, you okay?"

She shouted, "Does this mean you back? Do you want us to come?"

I said, "No, no, this is just a one time thing… I just want your help to look into local law enforcement. I need surveillance footage of the town. I think I might know how to find him."

She said, "Anything, just give me like five minutes I will update you on it… god I am so excited, you are back hunting again."

I sighed and said, "I'll call you back in a few." I hung up the phone and shook my head. God, she is a handful. I got in the shower and cleaned my body. I got out the shower and got on my knees and I prayed to Seleune. "Goddess of moon, Seleune illuminate my path. Guide me in my hunt. Protect me while I hunt the night."

I bowed down to her. I put my guns and daggers and vials in a bag and got out of the house. I got in my car and pulled out of the driveway. I got a call from Hanna, and she said, "Hey, I am in where do want me to look? Or like who are we looking for?"

I said, "A white man around 5'10" long black hair with a burn on his face, his name is Peter Hale. I want you to look around the reserve, see if anything is suspicious?"

She hummed and said, "On it."


I reached the place where Finn had told me he met with Peter I looked in the cave, and it stunk in there. I saw bones of humans and animals mixed together, along with multiple dog toys and other stuff. It can be helpful, I suppose. I got them out of the cave and went looking around the cave.

I saw footprints two actually one was a large boot while the other was smaller and was possibly a female shoe. I started tracking the footprints, but soon they disappeared after a short while, but along the trail. I found dried blood. Ashley must have put quite the fight. I got a call from Hanna.

I exhaled sharply and said, "Tell me you have something?"

Hanna just sighed and said, "How is Finn?"

I shook my head and said, "He is fine, he is in School? Did you find something?"

She sighed and said, "Nothing unusual, I checked a weeks footage and I could only see Finn coming in and out of the reserve?" I dreaded about what she was going to ask, and she said, "If you don't want to tell me right now, it's fine? But he is safe, right?"

I nodded and sniffed and said, "That's what I am trying to do."

She said, "Well anyway, there is no movement in and out of the reserve and the guy you told me to look up is a vegetable for years now. Someone must have tipped off the wrong information." she then said, "But there is something interesting I was checking the police records and there is his relative his nephew really his name is Derek he is on the run from police. Maybe he is the one you are looking for, at least knows more about the Alpha."

I asked her, "Can you look for him?"

She scoffed and said, "That's going to take some time. As you know, them pups are good at hiding."

I nodded and said, "Thank you, Hanna, let me know if something comes up."


I came back home after I didn't find anything. It was getting late and Finn wasn't back from school, he had texted that he had practice, but it was getting quite late now. I laid down on my sofa and was wracking my head on how should I find Ashley or if I can get this Derek to help me with this.

I got a call from Finn, I picked it up, and he said, "Listen Olivia, I will be late, I am with some friends." He wouldn't call me that, maybe he is with Peter.

I said, "Alright, but try to come home soon, I'll have food ready."

He sighed and said, "Whatever." He didn't cut the call, and I put my phone on mute. I could still hear him, "Alright, what now?"

I heard him voice, it was deep and mature, and he chuckled and said, "Now we go on a little hunt."

Finn reluctantly asked Peter, "Where are we going?"

Peter chuckled and said, "You'll see."

I heard them, they started running. I got up, and I called Hanna, She picked it up, and I said, "Track my call." She said, "Alright, alright Jesus, what's happening?"

I got in my car and said, "No time to explain."


Hanna tracked the call, and it led to Finn's School. I got one of the vials and opened it and poured the liquid in my hand and smeared it on my hands and on my face. I got my gun and as I was about to get out of my car. I saw another man entering the school. He was around, maybe in his late 20s. I think it was Derek. I parked my car in the back of the school and I heard on Finn's phone, "I am not going to kill him."

Peter chuckled and said, "Oh, don't be so prune, but to be honest I will kill him myself. You see, I am not just a monster. I am on a mission… "

Finn exhaled and said, "Yeah, yeah I know you want revenge but on who and why?"

Peter chuckled and said, "You are about to find out." I heard some noise of bones crushing and muscles moving around, it was creepy. I got out of my car and I got a message on my phone from Hanna. "Popo on its way, get out now."

I picked up the pace. I heard them breaking into the room and I heard, "Please don't kill me." I recognized the voice, it was Finn's chemistry teacher. I heard a demonic voice, "Do you know who wrote that list?"

Adrian quickly said, "Laura, Laura Hale." He breathed heavily.

Peter asked, "Do you know why she was looking for you?" He snickered and said, "I know why. Turn around Adrian. Turn around and I'll show you." At the end, his voice cracked, I could hear his rage, the venom and his pain in his voice as he said, "Turn around!"

Adrian was scared, and he whimpered and said, "No, no, please no."

Peter shouted and said, "Look at me. Look at what you've done!"

He threw a chair and I heard Finn say, "Police are here."

Peter grunted and said, "Looks like I will have to make it quick."

I reached the first floor and I saw the other guy rush into the class. I rushed behind him, and he protected Arian. I looked at the room and Peter and Finn were already gone. Derek was confused to see me there, and he asked, "Who are you?"

I grunted and said, "No time for the pleasantries, follow me."

He shook his head and said, "No!"

I grunted and said, "You want to stop all this, then follow me."

He looked at me and asked, "What do you know?"

I looked out the window and cops would storm in any moment and I said, "Not here."

He grunted, and we started running. We quickly reached the first floor and I said, "This way!" We got to the back of the parking lot. I got in the car, and he looked at the van and said, "We'll be caught in seconds in this shit!"

I grunted and said, "You let me think of that." He reluctantly got in, and I started running my car. I drove through the forest, and I said to Hanna, "Give me a clear route."

She said, "Take a left after 200 m you will end up in the highway."

He looked at me and asked, "Who are you?"

I took the turn, and we got up on the highway and said, "I am a hunter."


Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, I do realize some of you have been concerned with the inclusion of Olivia, but it was necessary, and I did some poll to get the opinion on the matter. Right now we are a good point to discuss that right now I am thinking about talking a little break because I am very close to a burn-out. It happens to me around Ch.30 or something, It's nothing new. So I am thinking about taking an off for this week as of now. I know, a little annoying, but I am mostly running on fumes right now. If I continue as is, I might fuck up.

So I apologize for it, I hope you all understand. Drop a comment if you liked the chapter, throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you in the next one.

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