
Ch.16 The Doggo returns.

Okay, you guys must wonder why am I at the top today, because I need to talk to you first. If I am describing a character in detail doesn't mean that they will be the love interest okay, I am just doing that because they are important to the books. You guys got it. So please don't comment like why can't you just pick one. I have, but instead of doing like okay, this is the one. I am building it towards that thing and as I have said before there will be no relation that MC will get into in the first season, Now that you guys understand that, enjoy the chapter and one minor detail cause, everyone seems to misunderstand it. The MC's wolf form is like a giant Wolf. Like from Twilight.


I woke up early today, well I didn't get much sleep cause I had a lot on my mind. First was that demon wolf showing up and killing some guy, Second was what was Scott doing there? And lastly where was Ashley. So since I couldn't get much sleep I decided to go for a run to clear up my mind.

It didn't help that much. After finishing up my routine, I had some breakfast and went to school. I reached the school and I could still smell the lingering smell of blood coming from the parking lot. I parked my car and got out of the car.

As I was walking to the school I heard Allison calling out my name. I stopped and turned around, she was cheerful and had an fair amount of notebooks in her hand.

I chuckled and said, "What? You forgot your bag or something?"

She nodded and said, "It's chain won't close, I have to get a new one."

We started to walk together and she asked, "So where were you at saturday? I couldn't find you in the club."

I smacked my lips and said, "I left a little early."

She looked at me and asked, "Why? Did you get sick or something?"

I shook my head and said, "Yeah, kinda… I didn't want to bother you guys so I left." I could have told her the truth, but just didn't feel like bragging about it was the right thing to do.

I asked her, "How long did you guys stay?"

She looked at me and said, "Like an hour or so. Scott was a little tired and so was Jackson… so we left a little early."

I nodded and then she said, "Hey did you see the news?"

I shook my head and said, "No, not really… why?"

She stopped and got her phone out of her pocket while balancing the book. I took the books out of her hand and she smiled and got her phone out and showed me an article about what had happened yesterday night. I took the phone and started to read.

The survivor was a bus driver named Garrison Myers. He had survived but was manic and wasn't able to talk. The police suspect an animal attack. I hummed and said, "That's interesting." I gave her phone back, and we started to walk again.

She said, "Horrible isn't it?" We got inside the school and she was about to bump into Scott but I pulled her away and they didn't collide and I said, "Whoa, Scott look where you are going, you would have crashed into her."

He saw Allison and had an elated expression on his face, Allison said, "Morning."

Scott had a stupid smile and said, "Morning." He asked, "How are you?"

Allison smiled and said, "Fine, thanks to him." he looked at me and I waved and said, "Good morning." He waved back.

We heard an announcement, "Attention students, this is your principal speaking, I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you."

There was a wave of disappointed groans in the school and who can blame them, I was disappointed as well. Allison then smacked her lips and ruffled Scott's hair and said, "Save me a seat at lunch."

He seemed enchanted by her and whispered, "Yeah." She walked away and I followed her.

I chuckled and asked, "Why did you do that?"

She looked at me and said, "I don't know… it just felt like a thing to do."

I nearly burst out laughing, but I controlled it. We reached our locker and I handed her notebooks back to her and she took some books out and smiled and said, "See you at lunch."

I nodded and then I opened my locker and I got my stuff out and walked over to the chemistry class.


I walked into the class and I saw Erica sitting alone and I walked up to her and I smiled and said, "Is this seat taken?"

She very sarcastically said, "Yes."

I frowned and said, "Oh, come on, I wanted to sit here… it's my favourite spot."

The teacher entered the class and he said, "Take your seat everybody… you too Mr. Belmont."

I looked at her and grinned and she clicked her tongue and I sat next to her.

The class started and Stiles and Scott were talking about the whole incident, when Scott mentioned two wolves fighting, Stiles was a little scared and said, "Great, now there are two of them… they seem to multiply like freaking bacteria."

I turned to Erica and I said in a hushed tone, "Pshh, Erica, Erica, Erica." She grunted and said, "What?"

I smiled and asked her, "You are not interested about what happened yesterday?"

She sighed and said, "No."

I looked at her and said, "Awe, why not?"

She exhaled and said, "Probably nothing but an animal attack… now will you please leave me alone."

I nodded and she went back to studying, but after a few moments, "Pshh, Erica, Erica, Erica?"

She grunted and looked at me and that was the first time I got a good look at her face. There were acne and blemishes on her face which she hid with her hair, under her eyes were dark circles, but along with those imperfections, there were also a pair of beautiful amber eyes. She kept looking at me and I said, "Do you have spare lead?"

She sighed and handed me the refill cartilage. I took it and smiled and said, "Thank you." She said nothing and just nodded. And she left a little early as usual and it still confused me why it was so. Why the special treatment towards her? I sighed and got up and made my way to English.


On my way to lunch, Lydia and Allison ambushed me. I was fine with Allison since we were friends. Lydia on the other hand was out to get me or something. I don't clearly know she changes her whole vibe, very quickly.

We saw Scott and Stiles sitting together and Allison sat next to Scott, Lydia, next to Allisona and I sat next to Stiles. They were talking about Scott's date with Allison tomorrow night and it was all sorts of boring.

Lydia asked, "Figure what out." She waved her hands and people started to flock to the damn table. A girl sat next to me giving me sparkly eyes. Danny came and sat next to Stiles and some dude sat at the head of the table and low and behold Jackson showed up and said to the guy, "Get up."

He got up and said, "How come you never ask Danny to get up?"

Danny chuckled and said, "Because I don't stare at his girlfriends, coin slots."

Jackson sat down and Danny said, "So they are saying it is like an animal attack, probably a cougar."

Jackson reclined himself back in the seat and said, "I heard mountain lion."

Lydia and I said "A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia looked at me and so did Jackson but he scoffed and said, "Whatever man, Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."

Stiles then got his phone out, and I said, "Nah, his name is Garrison Myers. He is a bus driver at the school. They found him on the road covered in scratch and bite marks. He was covered in blood. He is manic and not in any condition to talk about what happened."

Stiles looked at me and said, "You stole my thunder man."

I patted his back and said. "Sorry bud… kinda got carried away." He put his phone back in and

Scott said, "Yeah, I remember him, when I used to take the bus, when I was living with my dad. He was the driver."

Lydia said, "Can we talk about something slightly more fun please?~" She pivoted around and said, "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?"

I couldn't care less. I was eating my meatball sub, Stiles asked, so I shared with him a little. The girl beside me asked, so I shared a little with her as well, as this was going the whole "date" turned into a group hangout thing, with the four of them and it was pretty hilarious to see Scott struggling to save the date.

But once Jackson provoked him, he gave in. They were now hanging out at the bowling alley and Scott had lied about him being a bowler and it was kinda clear from Stiles' reaction and from Scott's heart rate. I wish I could see this all unfold.


Today was no practice, so I could have gone home, but I checked up on Ashley to see if she was back or not. I was still concerned about her sudden disappearance. I walked through the woods and I arrived at the cave.

I saw her in the cave, resting. She heard me coming and was excited. She ran up to me and tried to tackle me, but I caught her and said, "Where the hell were you? Do you know how worried I was?" She tilted her head and looked a little sad.

I hugged her and patted her head. She then smelled me and then she barked at me and proceeded licked my face as if she was cleaning it or marking it. I put her down, and she went into the cave to her ball. I walked closer to the cave, and I saw that there were 2 or three deers in her cave. Huh, so she went hunting. I placed my bag on the branch of the tree and I played ball with her for a while.

I was playing catch with her while talking about what I did a few days earlier. She was kinda upset when I talked to her about Ray. I am not sure why. It's not like she understands what I am saying or anything. After a while, I sat down to do some of my homework. I only had a chemistry assignment today, so it finished a little early. I was sitting under the tree and I was reading the Journal and Ashley was sitting next to me. She didn't like the name. I might have to think of some other name for her.

The novel after the marriage turned into a very boring day-to-day life of some normal dude. I am happy for him, but it doesn't answer the questions I have in my mind. I was reading his diary after two years the civil war ended.

"After the war ended, our family took an enormous hit financially and spiritually. My father passed away. Even though he was strict and set in his ways, he was still my father. I still mourn for him. My mother also passed away after my father's death and now I live in the mansion with Anya and my son Nickolas."

"Huh, look at that." After his son was born, he kinda expanded the family business, somehow by becoming a trader rather than just being a farmer. He was trading, Coffee and tobacco, which were high in demand in the south. He imported the Coffee and tobacco from Cuba and south of America and he could do so at a cheap cost because of Anya and her contacts.

I read a little ahead, and I found something that could be very useful to me. "I still remember the day when Florian had told me about the Nemeton. With all that I had accomplished, I wanted to travel a little. So I put Anya in charge of all of my business and I made my way to the west coast to search for Nemeton."


I hope you liked the chapter, leave some comments if you did, throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you in the next one.

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