
Chapter 28

The next months passed by with a glimpse of an eye. Delina was learning magic, and now she was even able to control one of nature's elements: fire. She had an incredible affinity for it.

When telling Petrus about this, he was happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that she was getting that control and that she was happy above all else. However, he knew something that perhaps Delina was ignorant about: fire is the most unstable and dangerous element.

"You seem to be a little unhappy about this, Petrus." She told him as the two spent time under one of the trees in the garden. There, no one would bother them, and Petrus could keep his helmet off his head.

"It's just for the element itself. But do not worry. I will always be happy with your achievements, Del." he grinned at her.

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