

"What?, You can't be serious. You're only kidding, right?" Ethan asked the senior Protector in with a nervous giggle. Hermes couldn't be serious, how could he expect him, a seventeen-year-old to commit murder?, The Protector never struck him as the crazy type so this was obviously a bad joke and nothing more.

"I wish I was. Unfortunately though, I am not. I am very serious about this new task. After I am done interrogating these scum, I expect you to get rid of them." Hermes said without a trace of a smile. He was serious, and something proved that observation.


The familiar dinging sound that normally announced a system message to the host rang in Ethan's ears. He took in a deep breath as he saw the message, which was actually a new quest.

[New Quest Alert]

<Description :

*Aid in the successful interrogation of the three demons, then do this world a favor by getting rid of them.

<Reward : +50Exp, +10B.P, + Possible title acquisition

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