

Ethan had successfully arrived at kirk's without any trouble. On his way he had eaten his half finished sandwich but still wasn't satisfied. When he arrived at kirk's he had knocked gently and had been allowed in by kirk's dad. fortunately, kirk's household was fully up and Ethan hadn't disturbed them in any way. Ethan had made his way to Kirk's room and they had conversed about all sorts of things until kirk's mother announced that lunch was ready.

Ethan had gratefully eaten his fill since he was by this time starving. Later, he and kirk had played his new game; Mecha-War Rebooted until the sky had started darkening. Ethan had bid farewell to kirk's family around 5:00 pm and had set off for home. But on his way he had changed his mind. He still had time before the sky turned completely dark. Why not spend the remainder of his time at the nearby park?, It should be silent and peaceful around this time.

This was how Ethan had come to be at the exact place that 'Mr.Andrews' had fallen. Infact, had Mr.Andrews arrived five minutes later, Ethan wouldn't have been around since he was already leaving when 'Mr. Andrews' showed up. "Wooo that was one badass entrance right there Mr.Andrews. wait..is your name even 'Mr.Andrews' ?" Ethan asked the man or whatever he was infront of him. Hermes didn't know what to say. Just what could he say at this moment?, If he hadn't retracted his wings into his body again, maybe he would have claimed they were props. But now the boy had not only seen his wings disappear into his body but had also witnessed him fall from over 500ft. His mind just refused to work against this impossible odd.

Hermes was still wondering what to do when 'CRASH...CRASH!!', two seemingly human looking duo landed just a distance from his feet. At a glance he knew they weren't human. Beneath their human looking body he could see their red skins and little horns that were barely out. These two were newly turned demons. Hermes didn't know if he should laugh in happiness for the universe sending him two people to release his frustration on or cry and curse the universe for Making his already difficult situation much more difficult. He decided to do both.

Hermes looked at the two demons coldly. The two demons shivered under his gaze but still decided to attack anyway. It was what they had been ordered to do. They jumped at the injured protector with yells. In their minds,this guy was already dead. He was hurt bad and was bleeding from his mouth and nose freely. How could he fight two full grown men who had almost no injury and who also happened to be demons as well?. How wrong they were.. Hermes may have been weak, unsteady on his feet and seeing double but he wasn't human even if he had a human body. He was a god. Heck,he wasn't even an ordinary god. He was an elder god for fucks sake. He had eons of experience. Even if his eyes were destroyed,he could still deal with weaklings such as these two.

"Screw you, Universe!", Hermes shouted into the night sky as he saw the two demons rush at him ( he was seeing four of them ), he closed his eyes and concentrated on all the noise they were making. He heard one scream loudly to his left as they prepared to attack. Hermes sent out a forward kick to the person which connected with the demon's chest, sending him tumbling to the ground. Hermes felt the air shift close to the right side of his head and he quickly lifted his right arm to shield the side of his face just in time for a punch to connect with his forearm. Hermes knocked the hand that delivered the punch away, grabbed his attacker by the back of his head, pulled his attacker's face forward and rammed his head hard on the attacker's nose. The demon felt his whole world shatter as his nose burst with blood. His vision had gone to shit and now he has seen a dozen of Hermes. He was wobbly on his feet and didn't know whether to sit down on the floor or continue to attack the now many Hermes's.the choice was made for him as Hermes pulled his sword from his back and with a single slash the man's world went black as his head detached from his body. Hermes then turned to the other demon who was now trying to escape. "Stop him!", Hermes cried out. Ethan,who had been watching the whole fight with open jaws a few feet away instantly decided to act. As the man got close to Ethan, he flew at the boy with outstretched hands but Ethan rolled under the still flying man and hit his legs from under him bringing the man crashing down hard on the floor. Hermes was already there when the man crashed unto the floor and didn't waste the opportunity. Before the man could pick himself off from the floor, Hermes's blade had already gone through the back of his neck, ending his very short demonic life.

Hermes turned to Ethan. The boy took a step back from him. He realized he was still holding the blood soaked sword and immediately placed it back in it's sheath on his back."you fight good.", Hermes said with a step forward, but immediately he moved,his whole body tumbled to the ground. He was extremely weak from the previous fighting. This current one had weakened him even more. He lay on his back on the ground, staring up into the sky. He was still conscious and could see everything so saw Ethan stand over him. The boy studied him for a bit before going on his knees and dragging Hermes's body from the ground. "We gotta leave here before anyone comes over to see the mess you've created here." Ethan said as he placed Hermes arm around his shoulder and his own around Hermes's waist and together they moved away from the park.

"Show me the way to your house Mr.Andrews", Ethan said. Hermes looked at the boy inquiringly. He knew the boy didn't like him. But just why was he helping him?,a murderer in the boy's eyes since Ethan didn't know that those two people he had killed were demons. "Aren't you scared I'm gonna do something to you after I get back my strength?", Hermes asked the boy. "No. I know you will do no such thing. You had the chance before those two arrived and you didn't do anything then.", Hermes had to admit the boy had a point. Still, he had seen him behead two people. A normal person should be scared of someone like him who could do that in a heartbeat. "Still,you saw me kill those two people. Even if you arent scared of me, Shouldn't you be disgusted by the manner in which I did it at least?" Hermes questioned as they neared town. Ethan thought a little about this question before answering. "Honestly, I don't know why I don't feel disgusted or weary of you. All I know is,those two were bad guys. I could just tell,and you did what you did to survive. It's that simple in my eyes. Don't think though that I now like you. I still hate your guts." Ethan answered Hermes who was now smiling. "You know Ethan, you're one unusual boy and I think I have just the gift for you. Something I am sure you will really like.", Hermes told a now confused Ethan.

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