
Chapter 25: Wolves

They turned off into another farm and Sabrina wanted to pinch herself. Shouldn't all these creatures be lurking in dark mysterious castles in Europe? How was it possible that they have been living in sunny South Africa and no one had seen them? Surely there should be more local legends about scary people. Or bodies found with their guts ripped out or their blood sucked dry.

With the next turn they made, she saw a very large black wolf running alongside the car. More and more wolves joined it until they had a whole pack of black, gray and white wolves escorting them. Big impressive pillars held armed guards on top of it. As they passed, cold dark eyes followed their progress. She shivered. She'd expected them to be doglike. Friendly and only ferocious when threatened. Instead, they all seemed like they wanted to tear them apart.

"You don't have to be afraid. It's all posturing," Mark said. "They see me as a friend. If they thought us enemies, they'd have eaten us by now."

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