
Chapter 326: Magic Boots

Susannah lay absolutely still, hoping the alien would fall asleep and forget about her. His body was warm against her and the arm she slept in almost comfortable. She feared him, but still she liked his smell. He puzzled her. On the one hand, he was vicious and she didn't doubt he'd kill her dog if she defied him. Her breath hitched. He'd better never find out that she'd put the drawing she made of him where the resistance would find it.

"Why did your humans leave you behind?"

Humiliation cut into her, the way Brother Josephatus's whip cut through flesh. Why did he keep asking her that? "I'm different. The brothers do not tolerate anyone who is different." She was surprised she'd been allowed to stay this long.

"You are like other humans. Why do they think you are different? Is it because you don't under-stand about monitoring TCs. I can teach you."

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