
Chapter 306: Have You Ever Failed?

In his office, he carefully seated her and then stood over her with his legs apart and his arms crossed over his chest. It never ceased to amaze her, that he'd treat her so gently, when he was this furious. And she had no doubt he was furious enough to want to murder someone.

"You told Rachel about Sarah."

"I was drunk, and I'm sure she didn't tell anyone." She'd told Rachel when she was hung over, but now was not the time to go into detail. She didn't tell him of her suspicion that someone laced the beer. He was paranoid about Rachel and would blame her and Madison already feared for her friend's life. She'd hoped he didn't know about the latest resistance film but she should've known better. The blasted alien was all knowing.

"Your faith in your friend is not justified. She will betray you and your soft human heart will hurt." He seemed convinced that she was soft hearted and prone to having it broken.

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