
Chapter 126: They May Go

Julia flinched and then lifted her chin. No doubt preparing to say something more that would get her killed.

Zurian didn't think, just stepped in front of Julia and kneeled before his leader, vaguely aware that Zacar was doing the same.

"I will take the punishment - "

He broke off, stunned, when Julia came and knelt next to him, her face raised in earnest to the leader. "I am the only one here who should die for treason. Although, it wasn't so much treason as curiosity."

"I thought you said humans are cowardly," the leader said in the old language while he stared down at Julia with a quizzical look.

Zurian knew the leader kept pets and he fervently hoped the leader found Julia amusing, like his pets, but not amusing enough to want her for his own. Zurian would fight him to his last breath, but the Zyrgin was the strongest of them all.

"We found exceptional breeders," Zacar said.

"Do you think they're discussing putting our head on pikes?" she asked Natalie in a whisper.

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