
Chapter 66: It Won't Be Wham-Bam, Thank You

She'd dressed in her skintight, black jeans and long-sleeved, black T-shirt and had hidden her blond hair beneath a black, woolen cap. For one moment, as she stared at her image in the mirror, she'd looked like her mother used to when she went out on a job.

Julia jumped when she heard a sound behind her. The demon or the reverend's thugs? She swung around and grabbed her pistol out of her pants, but the yard was still deserted.

She put the pistol back in the waistband of her black jeans, fisted her trembling hands together, and shuddered. If the reverend caught her snooping around his house, he wouldn't play with her like the demon seemed to be doing. She glanced back in the direction of her house. Would it be so bad to go back and be safe? To leave Sarah's rescue to law enforcement.

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