
Chapter 62: Sarah Was Taken

She drew back from the window when the noise outside came closer, pressed a fist in front of her mouth, obviously distressed at the commotion in the street. Zurian had noticed the increased violence in town, and a warrior now watched over her house whenever Zurian was unable to.

"Please, I swear that's what I saw," a human male screamed. The sound burst through the walls of her dwelling, as the commotion outside moved closer, and she flinched. Zurian tensed, preparing to defend her and then relaxed when it moved away.

Someone walked to the back of Julia's house, a male judging by the heavier footsteps. The human made no effort to disguise his approach and pounded on the door. Zurian drew his sword and bared his teeth at her when she went to the back door. He'd allowed her to remain free too long if males came to her door. At least she showed some sense and stayed to the side of it.

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