
Chapter 58: How Many Little Warriors Do You Want?

"So why did your mother have so many children?" If it was only the old days that women were forced to give birth year after year, why did his mother give birth to ten children with a warrior she despised?

"She thought every time she became pregnant, it would be a child that she could love. She knew it was impossible but she still hoped for a daughter. Instead, they were all born warriors."

She opened her mouth to ask if his mother had ever cared for him, but thought better of it.

As if reading it in her eyes, he answered, "No, she never cared for me. I am almost as big as my father. Of all of us, I look the most like him. She wanted children who looked like her."

What a truly sad situation: his poor mother, trapped on a strange planet with a man who had killed her family.

Could a man who was so affected by his mother's suicide blame her for having asthma?

"What about my asthma? I don't know if my babies will be born with it."

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