
Chapter 977 – Control

Shang just snorted. "What's with this question?" he asked with a bit of annoyance.


"You helped me when I was weak, even though you had every incentive not to. Not helping you back would be more than idiotic."


"I have no reason to betray you, Gregorio," Shang explained.


When Gregorio heard that answer, the inside of his chest hurt.


'That was not what I meant,' Gregorio thought.


Gregorio wanted to know whether or not Shang was his friend.


And yet, Shang didn't even say anything regarding that. 


He only said that he had no reason to betray him.


Sure, some people would ask such a question to see whether or not someone else would betray them, but that hadn't been Gregorio's intention.


Shang was Gregorio's friend, and Gregorio just wanted to know if Shang saw it the same way.


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