After absorbing the Abomination, Shang took out his Communication Crystal.
"Yes?" came the neutral voice of Jerald.
"I've advanced."
"Really?" Jerald said with a much brighter and shocked voice.
"Yes, I've reached the True Path Stage. I've created my True Path," Shang answered.
"Finally," Jerald said with exhaustion. "Finally, it's time."
"Not entirely," Shang said. "I want to undergo the trial before we do anything. This can increase my power even more."
"Oh, right," Jerald said, some of his good mood gone. "Yes, as discussed, it would be better if we do everything after the trial. Do you know when you will take it?"
"There have been some changes," Shang said.
"Changes?" Jerald asked with skepticism. For just a moment, he thought that Shang would go back on what they had agreed on.
"Not from my side, but from his side. You know who I'm talking about," Shang said.
Jerald didn't know who Shang meant.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: