
Chapter 309 – Different Front

After Shang stepped behind the last barbarian, his chains fused with the person in front of him. However, Shang still had a couple of meters of space and wiggle room. After all, he had to run, and if the barbarians constantly stumbled over each other, the journey would take forever.

The two Mages looked over everyone and nodded.

Then one of them pulled the barbarians forward, who followed without any resistance.

As they walked through the village, some villagers looked at them with hatred while others looked on in sympathy.

Shang took note of these reactions.

The group left the village, and the two Mages stopped in front of a new person.

It was a man with red hair, and his robes looked rather simple.

However, Shang had seen plenty of Mage robes in his life, and he knew that these robes were worth a lot of money.

This was probably not a weak True Mage.

"Commander, everyone's present!" one of the Mages said with a salute.


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