The soldiers didn't feel any more arrows hitting their shields. For a while, they didn't dare to look over the barricade. After all, what if their opponents were simply baiting them into looking past their shields to kill them?
The soldiers had heard several loud sounds, and they heard the screams of dying people.
After around twenty seconds, the first soldier looked past the barricade.
There were no arrows.
However, they also didn't see any corpses.
"Zero?" the leader shouted.
"I'm here," Shang answered. "It's fine. They're dead."
The soldiers looked at each other in shock.
There had to have been over five guys, at least!
Was Zero suggesting that he had killed all of these people on his own?
Just a moment before the shout, Shang had been looking at the two corpses in front of him with a frown.
Something inside of him stirred.
A dislike.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: