Shang's next opponent was an Earth Adept, and he obviously also had nearly no combat experience.
Just like Shang's first opponent, this one also made several rookie mistakes, and Shang managed to use up a lot of Mana of his opponent by hitting his Mana Shield a couple of times.
But, eventually, Shang's opponent managed to prepare several devastating attacks, which were released in rapid succession. This time, Shang's opponent had summoned several Earth Spires that shot out of the ground.
Due to Shang's reflexes, he had been able to evade the first one, but it hadn't been easy. Shang had to abandon all his balance to barely evade the Earth Spire.
Since the Adept only needed a single thought to unleash his remaining spells, he released the next two in rapid succession, and Shang hadn't been able to avoid those.
Shang had lost.
The Adept bowed politely to Viera and threw Shang a look. Then, with a snort, he left without saying anything.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: