
The Cursed, Ch05: Wake-Up Call

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by, Priapus, Malcolm Tent, Old man of the mountain, Marethyu

The Guild of Gamers, the Cursed

Chapter 05: Wake-Up Call

– Samuel Morgan –

Waking up, two things are immediately apparent to me. One, awakening one of the Satans' auras was a difficult task. I think I may have been able to stay conscious if I hadn't already awoken the Aura of Rias and Sona beforehand, but it was just a little too much. If I'm going to be awakening any other powerful figures, I'll need to make sure I'm well rested and don't have anything planned for the rest of the day at the very least.

Second. I'm naked, and I can feel two equally naked bodies pressed against mine. Mostly because my head is currently trapped between someone's considerable cleavage, my vision darkened by the breasts of the woman currently hugging me like a pillow, cuddling my head into her chest. 

Slowly extracting myself from her clutches, I look around the clearing with confusion. This is the training arena, did they move me here so I'd be inside one of my time bubbles? 

The woman mumbles something as I look down at Rias with a confused stare. Utterly naked, she cuddles against me as she presses her large breasts against my chest, hugging me.

"She was worried about you, you know?" the other figure says, sitting up. Equally naked, Serafall gives me a smug look as my eyes disobey me and flicker down to her bare breasts. "Ooh, Sammy is a naughty perv~" 

"I hardly think I am the pervert, given the fact that I fell unconscious and woke up naked," I point out, making her grin. "I don't suppose you'd like to explain what is going on?"

"Devil healing. It's more effective with more skin contact. You managed to exhaust yourself awakening Zecchy, so Rias decided to help restore your energy," Serafall explains, cutting off as Rias mumbles something in her sleep. "Are you complaining? You know how many of my fans would kill to wake up with me next to them?"

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask after a moment, not answering her question much to her amusement.

"Close to two days, but thanks to your funny little bubbles, you haven't missed anything," Serafall explains, making me nod. I figured that was why I was out here. "We took turns, me, Rias, Akeno, Koneko and even Sona-tan! Mui~ Sona-tan wouldn't let me join her for special sister healing! Also, Nobody trusted Akeno to be alone with you. Don't worry, she didn't molest you too much," Serafall helpfully explains, making me sigh. "I'm pretty sure you'd have stayed down for much longer if we hadn't been doing this, you know?"

"And I am thankful for that. I wasn't aware of the dangers of Aura exhaustion," I admit, making her nod exaggeratedly, her breasts bouncing lewdly, which once again draws my attention. "Please stop teasing me, Lady Leviathan."

"Mui~ I'm not teasing; I'm just showing off the benefits of joining my Peerage, Sammy~" Serafall teases, stroking my thigh under the quilt. 

"Please stop trying to steal Samuel, Lady Leviathan," Rias mumbles, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she looks between us. Sitting up, the quilt falls off her body and exposes her own breasts, making her giggle tiredly at the sight of me trying very hard not to stare at the two naked, very attractive girls in bed with me. "I'm glad you're awake, Sam. We were getting worried."

"My apologies, Lady Gremory," I say, making her sigh with a fond smile.

"Sam, you spent the night with your head between my breasts. I think we're close enough for you to call me Rias," Rias teases. "Do you feel alright?" 

"A little tired, but beyond that, I'm fine," I reassure her, making her beam at me as she stretches and yawns a little. I really do try not to stare, but I am only huma- well, I'm not even that anymore, so maybe I can be forgiven for my lapse in control. Rias just giggles as she notices me forcing myself to look into her eyes. One of Serafall's legs is over my waist, which means she certainly feels my appreciation of the sight in front of me, even if I try to hide my gawking. 

She shifts her leg, and I foolishly relax before I feel a hand grasp my cock under the quilt, gently stroking me as I give Serafall a dirty look, only getting an impish smile in return.

Rias moves off the bed, fully exposing herself as she stretches again, her amazingly curvy backside jiggling slightly as she stands up, turning around to reveal a tight-looking slit topped with a small strip of red hair.

"Honestly, Sam, you're lucky you didn't wake up during Akeno's turn; she'd never let you live down your staring," Rias teases, placing her hand on her hip. "Don't look so embarrassed; you're a devil; a little nudity is nothing to be ashamed of. Lady Leviathan, please stop molesting my Bishop," Rias sighs after a moment, making Serafall giggle as she moves off the bed.

"Sammy wasn't complaining, was he?" Serafall points out with a lewd smile on her face. "And don't be such a killjoy. I said I wouldn't try to steal him until you dealt with Riser, didn't I?"

"True, Sammy wasn't complaining much, was he?" Rias agrees, giving me a smirk. "Aren't you going to get up, Sam? Haven't you laid around long enough?"

I am not easily baited, but after a moment, I decide not to let her embarrass me as I move the quilt off me and stand up myself, cock swinging in the open as Rias chuckles. It's a little pointless to get embarrassed when they've clearly seen enough over the past two days.

"May I ask where my clothes are?" I say, making Rias giggle as she takes a long look at me. I suppose that turnabout is fair play, but she quickly brings me my clothes, allowing me to get dressed quickly.

Serafall and Rias do the same, but I can't help but notice that Rias doesn't seem to include any underwear as she puts her uniform back on, going commando despite the short skirt. 

"Thank you both for your assistance in awakening me faster," I finally say, making them both smile.

"I had to make sure the magic time bubble salesman was alright, plus… I want my own Aura awakened when you're feeling up for it. I can't let Zecchy get that far ahead of me t," Serafall admits shamelessly. "Plus, I have something I need to talk to you about."

"I'm just glad you're okay, Samuel," Rias says softly, giving me a quick hug, which I return after a moment. 

"I appreciate the assistance all the same," I reply, giving her a quick squeeze before I turn back to Serafall. "What do you need to discuss?" 

"Let's move back inside first," Serafall says, making me nod as we head back to the (repaired) Occult Research Building. They work fast because the walls have already been put back as they were. "So, are you aware of the current diplomatic situation we have with the other races?"

I pause, rubbing my chin as we sit down, Rias sitting next to me.

"I know we are technically at war with both the Grigori and Heaven, but the war has gone rather cold, and most people on all three sides want it to stay that way, since all-out war benefits nobody," I explain, making her nod.

"More or less. If war breaks out, it'll rage until only one faction is left, and frankly, none of us can say who that winner would be. It's possible we'd all wipe each other out, and the winner would be left massively weakened, but that's not quite what I meant. There are plenty of other, admittedly smaller, factions around beyond the big three, and as the Satan of Foreign Affairs, I deal with them frequently," Serafall explains.

"I'm somewhat aware of the various factions, but admittedly, most of my research was focused on devil society itself," I admit, making her nod.

"Entirely understandable. One thing to keep in mind is that everyone is spying on everyone, even when we're at peace. One of the smaller factions is the West Youkai Faction, led by Yasaka, a powerful Kitsune located in Kyoto," Serafall explains, seeing my confusion at where this is going. "I have my suspicions over how she found out, but I got a request for her to meet with you and discuss the magic you have that can empower Youkai."

"Wait, I've only used that on Koneko and only with Lady Rias and Lady Sona's peerages around," I say, making her nod. "How could someone in Kyoto possibly know about that already?"

"As I said, I have my suspicions, but nothing I can confirm. I'm not surprised she's spying on you; I expect that most factions are. Boosted Gear isn't something that can be kept quiet, even without the rest of the strangeness around you," Serafall admits. "But this is the first time Yasaka has reached out to us in a long time. Our relations aren't the best, as it used to be fairly common for devils to kidnap Youkai for their Peerages. The practice was outlawed a long time ago, but old wounds heal so very slowly when everyone is effectively ageless. I was hoping that you'd be willing to meet with her since I didn't want to make promises on your behalf."

"I may have gained access to some nature magic, but so far, I only know a single spell and a ritual," I admit, making her raise an eyebrow. "I hardly think this Yasaka is going to be impressed."

"Ah, Rias mentioned that you had learnt a ritual but didn't want to do it without someone there to make sure it went well," Serafall admits. "I'll be honest; I see a chance to start to mend the gap between our race and the Youkai, so I have a vested interest in you learning more of this nature magic. You got the tome from your power, correct?"

I'm not surprised that Rias told Serafall. No matter how familiar you are with them, a Satan is still a Satan.

"Yes, that's right," I admit, manifesting the Tome of Beasts in my hand. "I've not had much time to study it with everything that's been going on, and when I tried to have Koneko read from it, she said it was illegible. The ritual is supposed to give me minor animal traits so that I can be the target of my own spells, but I was hesitant to use a 'racial transformation' spell without an expert around to watch and make sure I wasn't going to kill myself."

"Smart. Luckily for you, I didn't get my position because of my good looks," Serafall boasts with a grin. "You need an expert, and here I am."

Hm, I'm probably not going to get a better assistant than one of the Satans themselves, am I?

"I would appreciate the assistance, Lady Serafall. As for Yasaka, I am willing to meet with her, but again, I don't know what she expects from me. I don't know if I can teach this magic to other people," I admit, making Serafall nod.

"That's all I ask. Honestly, I just want to get the Kyoto Youkai talking to us again," Serafall admits easily. "If nothing comes of this, it's still a step in the right direction."

I can see the logic.

We spend a short amount of time hashing out the details, making sure that I'll be free and not working when this meeting happens since classes will be starting soon. It's Sunday morning, and classes start tomorrow. It's easy enough to arrange for the meeting to occur during the evening since while I am the club advisor of the Occult Research Club, I don't have any real duties connected to it, and it shouldn't get in the way of anything.

It isn't long until we are doing the ritual, or to be more precise; I am while Serafall and Rias watch carefully. The ritual is fairly simplistic, and it doesn't take long for me to get it set up and start. A green hue lights up the room as the circle glows, engulfing me as my senses go wild.

[Wisdom of the Archmage] made this much easier, and I was able to ensure that the transformation wouldn't have much effect on my outward appearance. My senses sharpen as I gain the enhanced senses of the animal kingdom. My hearing, sight and sense of smell get stronger, and as the green glow fades, I look around with my improved sight and a small smile on my face.

"Did it work?" Rias asked, making me nod.

"It did. I made sure to avoid any outward transformation, but my senses have skyrocketed, and I can tell that I could cast Call of the Wild upon myself," I confirm with a smile. "It appears you were unnecessary, Lady Leviathan, but better safe than sorry. Thank you for the assistance."

"You're welcome, Sammy; I'm glad you didn't blow up or turn into a giant monster," Serafall says helpfully, making me pause. "I'll talk to Yasaka, and thanks again!"

Teleporting away, Serafall leaves me with Rias as I check the time. I have work to do for tomorrow. I just need a bit of finalising my lesson plans, which shouldn't take me too long, but I still want to stay on top of my work.

"Lady Rias, with your permission, I'd like to awaken the Aura of Kiba, Akeno, Koneko, and Gasper today. If I spread them out, it shouldn't have any risks this time. I'm far more aware of my limitations," I explain, making her gaze soften. "Afterwards, I have some prep work to do for my start at Kuoh tomorrow."

"Of course, do you think Gasper will let you in his room?" Rias asks, making me nod and pull out my phone.

"I keep in contact with him when I can; it's not healthy for a developing boy to have so little interaction with the outside world, after all. He's agreed to allow me in briefly," I admit, getting a fond smile from her. Gasper really isn't that hard to interact with, especially after it came out that we both have time-related powers, which got him to open up to me a little more.

"Ah, sleeping beauty is awake," Akeno teases the moment we arrive in the living room, giving me a grin. "How does it feel to have had the intimate care of so many beautiful young women, sensei?

"Hello to you too, Miss Himejima," I say with a bland tone, making her pout exaggeratedly.

"Aren't we on first names yet, sensei? After getting so very close? You're grabby in your sleep, you know?" Akeno says with an increasingly lewd smile. "I wouldn't have let just anyone get away with so much groping, sensei, but since it's you, I don't min- oww, damnit, Koneko," Akeno grumbles, rubbing her breast and giving Koneko a dirty look.

Koneko just rolls her eyes before she pauses, looking at me. Moving closer, I see her nose twitch as she takes in my scent, tilting her head slightly.

"Mmm, different," Koneko says, pausing before she gives me a very quick hug and steps back.

"Bad different?" I ask, making her hesitate before she shakes her head. "I recently did a ritual from the Tome of Beasts; I'm not surprised that my scent has changed slightly."

"Just different," Koneko reassures me. "Glad you're better. Don't be stupid again."

"Honestly, entirely fair," I admit, making her smirk briefly. I should have considered that awakening such a powerful soul would take more out of me, and I was already tired at the time. I have no one but myself to blame.

"You had Koneko pouting so much; I never knew she was such a cuddle bug before I shared a 'shift' with her-" Akeno starts, going quiet as a phantom punch strikes her in the stomach, making her gasp before she giggles. "Why she was almost eager to strip down and-"

Exactly none of us are surprised as Akeno gets hit again, flying back and hitting the wall with a lewd moan as Rias sighs and rubs her forehead. Koneko doesn't look at me, her pale cheeks gaining a dusting of red as I smile and ruffle her hair.

"Thank you for your help, Koneko. I owe you one," I say, making her nod. "Akeno, don't tease Koneko; it was very sweet of her to help me."

Akeno pouts at my light scolding, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

"Make me brownies, and we're even," Koneko offers, getting a chuckle and a nod from me. "...not Akeno's fault she's dumb. All her food goes to her stupid boobs; her brain is starving. Very sad."

"Oi," Akeno shouts, getting a smirk from Koneko before she laughs. "Well, Sensei certainly didn't mind my stupid boobs, given how much he couldn't keep his hands and other things off them. Don't worry, sensei; you can just give me detention if you want to get your hands on them again. I don't mind you getting hands-on when you have to discipline me."

"I understand you enjoy teasing people, Akeno, but I would prefer it if you didn't use me as an outlet for your daddy issues," I shoot back, and despite her casual grin, I do catch the way she winces back, and her smile becomes a little less genuine. Figures. I don't know her past, but I know daddy issues when I sense them.

"Teasing implies I wouldn't follow through, sensei," Akeno fires back, and something tells me that I've done the absolute opposite of stopping her teasing. "But I'll stop, for today at least," Akeno agrees, a dangerous look in her eyes.

"I would appreciate it if you did, as I intend to awaken your auras today, and I'm going to be tired enough without you adding to my stress," I say, making her eyes widen before she grins.

"Oh, but sensei, I'd be honoured to help you work off that stress," Akeno says before giggling. "Fine, fine, I'll stop. Man, you're so skittish when you're awake and so forceful in your sleep."

I don't want to know; I really don't.

"Are you going to be okay?" Koneko asks, making me nod.

"I have fully recovered, and I know what caused my collapse, so yes, I will be," I promise, making her hesitate before she nods.

I start with Koneko, the white aura awakening easily, and Akeno follows behind since Kiba is in bed having a rare lie-in. Akeno has a deep purple aura tinged with black, and I catch something in her expression when she sees that black, her teasing dying out as she becomes incredibly melancholy, excusing herself after thanking me.

I'll save Gasper until I'm fully recovered; there is no reason to rush things as I say farewell to Koneko and Rias so I can start my work. I hear them mention training with their new power, leaving me to work on my plans.

The day goes by easily enough, with me taking a break to make Koneko the brownies she wants for payment, awaken Kiba's aura and visit Gasper. I do find it a little strange that the young man chose to hide inside a cardboard box, but it made him feel more comfortable for long enough for me to awaken his aura, which is a pitch-black colour.

I don't overstay my welcome, but we briefly do play a few games of some fighting game he's currently enjoying. He destroys me, naturally, but it's a step in the right direction and I do leave him some brownies I saved from Koneko's gluttony.

Heading back to work, my next interruption comes with a knock on my door, and while I expected it to be Rias checking in on me or Koneko, I have to admit that I am surprised when I call for them to enter, and Grayfia enters my room.

"Layd Grayfia? Is there something I can do for you or Lord Sirzechs?" I ask, getting a smile from the stern maid. 

"I'm here on my own behalf this time," Grayfia explains. "I was hoping to inquire about when you are planning to start accepting contracts to awaken people's auras."

"Honestly, I wasn't planning to rush anything. I have a lot of catching up to do before I'll feel comfortable advertising my services. The school year is about to begin, and there's the Riser situation as well," I admit. "Is it your aura you want awakened? Or is this about Millicas?"

Grayfia freezes for just a moment before she lets out a small laugh, nodding. 

"You're a perceptive man, Samuel. Rias is lucky to have you. You're right, of course. It goes without saying that we take every precaution with Millicas, but he's always going to be a target, one of the few weaknesses Sirzechs has," Grayfia admits. "I hope it'll never be needed, but if Millicas having his aura active increases the likelihood of him being safe by even 0.1 percent, it's something I have to do."

Unsurprising. Being the child of such a powerful public figure is always going to put a lot of attention on you, both the spotlight and more malicious attention. It would be suicide to challenge Sirzechs directly, from what little I've seen and heard of him, but there will always be people resisting the changes he's enacting, and they'll likely go for the weak links around him, not the man himself. 

"As I said to Lord Sirzechs, I don't see a problem with certain people… skipping the queue, so to speak. While Sirzechs was the one to resurrect me, you were the one to find me, weren't you?" I ask, making her nod with a small smile. No matter what I decide to do going forward, having the strongest people in the Underworld like me is never going to be a bad thing. "I have already awoken several auras today, those of Rias' peerage, so I don't think doing so today is a good idea, but again, I'm sure we can arrange for something in the near future."

"Millicas has asked to come to Kuoh and see Rias since he's been missing her since her move to Kuoh. I can easily arrange a day trip for him," Grayfia agrees, clearly pleased. "As for payment, something Sirzechs forgot when he asked for his own aura awakened, I'll owe you three contracts, within reason. You can call upon me three times to assist you in whatever way you please, though I will refuse if I believe you are asking for too much."

"I believe Sirzechs said it as a joke, and I wasn't exactly in a position to negotiate afterwards," I remind her, making her nod. "And that's more than satisfactory."

"He's a Satan; his words carry far more weight than most people's, so he should be more careful with them. Don't worry, I scolded him," Grayfia reassures me with a light smirk. "You'll find that sometimes you have to take a firm hand with Rias; it's a Gremory trait, and they're all far too whimsical at times."

"You've been through a lot, huh?" I ask, making her laugh as she sits on the edge of my bed. "Lady Venelana said something similar to me, though she also recommended I spank Rias, so I'm not sure how serious she was."

"Oh, you have no idea. I love the man, but he can be truly frustrating at times. I wasn't sure about sending you to Rias, and personally, I still think it would have been better to keep you in Sirzechs' peerage until we better understood your powers, but I can't deny that I am pleased that Rias has someone mature to watch her and her peerage," Grayfia admits. "Lady Venelana was being very serious; it certainly wouldn't be the first time Rias has been spanked. She has to watch Lord Zeoticus in the same way that I do Sirzechs, and now you do for Rias. The Gremory family are truly amazing, some of the best people in the Underworld, but they are all… quirky, to say the least."

I don't respond for a moment, not missing that out of the examples, each one she mentioned was the Gremory's wife. My mind briefly goes back to waking up with Rias's naked body pressed against mine, but I shake it off quickly. 

Grayfia doesn't leave immediately, asking about how Rias and her Peerage are doing and sharing some of her own experiences as we bond as fellow servants to the Gremory family. Grayfia is obviously thriving in her position, and she is known as one of the strongest devils and is well-respected. She's a vision of what I could become if I decide to stay with Rias and help her to flourish. Or I could go independent and become a high-class devil down the line once this business with Riser is finished. 

It's close to an hour later that Grayfia leaves, and I think she sees me as a fellow servant. Maybe I should get a butler outfit. I pause, considering the teasing I'd get from Akeno for that, and promptly throw the idea away.

Making dinner for the others, I check my watch after we're finished (with Rias and Kiba doing the dishes), and decide to call it a night early. The first day of school is always chaotic and busy, no matter whether you're a student or a teacher.

My clothes are ready, my notes and plans are finished, and I'm as prepared as I ever could be. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly.

– Later –

Waking up far too early, if the lack of sunlight coming in through the window is any indication, I can't help but stop a slight moan as I feel something warm and wet wrapped around my manhood, a pair of lips slowly bobbing up and down as the quilt moves. My first thought is that either Serafall has increased her recruitment strategy considerably, or Akeno is going way too far with her teasing as I rip the quilt off myself and the girl.

It's not Serafall's pink or Akeno's violet eyes that meet my own as I bite down a groan, but a pair of almost blank golden eyes boring into mine. White-furred ears twitch on her head, and a pair of long white tails swish behind her naked booty as she continues to bob her head with increased vigour.

My words are cut off as the suction forces a groan out of me, reminding me that I still have needs that I've admittedly been neglecting despite the constant teasing and arousing sights, my mind a mixture of pleasure and confusion as a long, dexterous tongue wraps around my shaft. 

Koneko doesn't break eye contact as I groan, realising that she must have started before I woke up, because I am neither a virgin nor a quick shot, but I can't help it as I let out a sigh of relief and climax, my seed rushing into Koneko's waiting mouth. She patiently, passively swallows the cum as it starts to fill her cheeks, only moving back after the final spurts, some leaking out of the side of her mouth as she sits up. 

With only the dim moonlight lighting the room, she's mostly cast in shadows as she stares at me, small breasts on display as she swallows the last of my cum, wiping the strand with her finger and staring at it for a moment before she licks it clean.

I go to respond before I pause, reconsidering my words as I take in Koneko more. She is not an expressive girl, but it's not hard to see that she is in a strange emotional position as she sits there and waits for me to speak. Her tails give away her nervousness, swaying with far more movement than usual.

"Koneko, what are you doing here?" I ask with my tone calm and collected despite the naked girl sitting on my legs and my recent climax. "Why did you sneak into my bed?"

I am careful not to sound accusatory, my voice soft and encouraging as she hesitates to answer. She shuffles forwards slowly until she's sitting on my cock, still hard as her tiny slit rubs against it slightly, her lower lips parting and leaving a small trail of arousal on my manhood.

"...I don't want you to leave," Koneko admits after a long moment of silence, her body almost shivering as she takes one of my hands and moves it to her breast. "I don't want Serafall, or Sona, or anyone to steal you away. Stay with m- us, please."

Her tone is pleading and desperate, making me realise that she's taken Serafall and Sona's comments about wanting me far more seriously than anyone else did.

Well, now I feel guilty as hell as I gently move my hand away from her small breast, making her eyes widen in panic. Instead, I sit up myself and pull her into a soft hug, which makes her naked breasts press against my chest.

"I'm not going anywhere, Koneko," I promise softly, my voice barely more than a whisper. "Not anytime soon, and not without warning."

I won't say the possibility of me leaving Rias's Peerage won't ever arise, as we would both know that it was a lie.

"I promise, even if I do leave one day, it will be after a lot of discussion and in the distant future. You didn't need to- you don't have to try and bribe me to stay," I say soothingly, and she doesn't respond for a good long time as I hold her gently.

"I lied earlier," Koneko admits after a moment, making me pause. "You don't just smell different; you smell amazing," Koneko says, and I feel her hips gently rocking as she grinds against my naked cock. I hear her take a deep breath as she looks up at me, pulling back slightly. She buries her nose into my neck, her movement speeding up somewhat as I hold back a groan.

"Koneko, I think you should go back to your own bed or at least put some clothes back on," I say after a long moment, making her tilt her head and stare at me before the tiniest smile appears on her face.

"Don't wanna," Koneko says, pushing me down and laying on top of me. "Comfy."

Her return to short answers and the way her tails settle down tells me she's relaxing, but that doesn't help my current situation as her petite body presses against mine, my cock trapped between her thighs as she hugs me and closes her eyes, clearly intent on sleeping.

"...Koneko, I think-" I start, but she places a finger on my lips.


— Bonus Scene — Riser Phenex

Despite what Rias thought, he was not a dumb man. 

Sure, he didn't really pay attention to Rias or her little band of misfits; why would he? They were all too broken to be a real threat, even when it became clear that this engagement would be settled with a Rating Game. Akeno hated herself too much to use her Fallen heritage to counter his regeneration, so they posed no real threat.

It wasn't even that he really wanted to marry Rias himself; he had an entire harem that didn't hate his guts, and while Rias was undeniably beautiful, her personality made dealing with her a pain. That said, their fathers wanted them to marry, and as a third son, the spare to the spare, he wasn't in a position to defy his father. Sure, there was some talk about combining the power of destruction with the Phenex regeneration, but that relied on them having children, an unlikely prospect given Rias' hatred of him. He'd never had the desire nor the stupidity to try and force himself on Rias, not when he had a harem of willing and eager girls, and she had a very overprotective older brother who could sneeze and wipe out Riser's entire family.

Frankly, he had a good thing going, and he didn't need a spoiled princess or a siscon satan ruining it, but still, he had a duty to go through with this marriage and a reputation to uphold. He didn't lose, not unless he was actively throwing the match as a favour to someone. Sure, it was mainly because he avoided the higher-level rating games, knowing he couldn't count on his regeneration to beat some of the heavy hitters.

He wouldn't lose to Rias, a spoiled little girl playing human, which meant he needed to act fast because word had already reached him about her newest piece. Rias had, once again, lucked into a truly bullshit piece, and this time, it didn't seem that this Samuel had a fucking tragic backstory stopping him from fully using his powers. 

Boosted Gear, fucking Boosted Gear, and it just dropped into Rias' lap. That wasn't even mentioning the other rumours around the descendant of Morgan le Fay and his alleged weird powers. For once, he might need to be smart about this fight instead of just relying on his regeneration until Rias got tired. Looking at the picture of Morgan, he frowned in thought. 

Author’s Note: Sammy is a cautious man, which makes the difference between him and Kuro all the funnier.

Samuel: ensures he has a powerful mage with him during a simple ritual.

Kuro: ‘I can totally make a fallen angel clone of myself, right- oh fuck, it blew up.’

Written: 20/08/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: The Necromancer Ch07, The Celestial Remnant Ch10, The Supervillain Ch29, The High Roller Ch07

Plat: The Celestial Remnant Ch09, The Celestial Professor Ch04, The Gambler Ch14

Gold: The Illusive Mage Ch08, The Supervillain Ch28

Basic: Guide to Conquest Ch09

Quest: The Celestial Roulette Ch25-26, The Celestial Inquisitor Ch01-03


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

Subscribe star. com (slash) the-dark-wolf-shiro

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn. 

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/DarkWolfShiro

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (DarkWolfShiro), and I’ll invite you myself.

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts
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